Chapter 22

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As soon as I sat foot outside school the cool breath hit me, it was going to be a cold day, I was glad I decided to wear the leggings under the shorts.

"AJ! Wait up" I heard Levi call me from behind me.

"Hey Levi" I turned to him with a smile, it flattered as soon as I saw him in a car with Blake driving.

"Common, we're going home" he said gesturing for me to get it.

"Go on then" I spoke and made a motion of pushing the air his direction with both my hands.

"Hey, Don't be like that, it's gonna be a long walk in this weather" He said getting off the car and walking towards me.

"I'll be fine" I told him, then started to walk the opposite direction of the route to the pack house, Levi caught up with me and then said...

"Am a werewolf and I would get cold walking 30 minutes back to the house."

I stopped and turned back towards him.

"i'll be fine Levi, plus if I freeze to death, am sure no one would blame you" I said.

"I realy hope you know you're going the wrong way!" he said with a smirk, ofcorse I did! Did he think I was a fool? I found my way to school just fine this morning after all. I opened my mouth to say something smart to Levi when I saw Taylor getting into the back seat of the car. And then glared at Blake, who seemed too focused to something in the back of Levi's head, they were mind linking!

"UGH!" I shouted stomping my foot like a 5 year old.

"You can tell Blake to grow a pair and come talk to me himself next time" I said loud enough for Blake to hear. That made Taylor smirk , then she put her claws in Blake's shoulder scooted to the middle of the back seat and whispered something into his ear and gave me a look, What the heck bitch?! Did she think I was gonna be jealous!

"Look AJ, common stop being like this, lets just go home" He glanced back to the car and added "You can take the front seat" I guess even Levi noticed that I hated Taylor even more than I hated Blake.

Just then fate would have it, I spotted Adrian getting his car out of the parking lot.

"I never said I was walking, and am not going back now anyway, see ya later" I winked then jogged towards Adrian's car.

"Adrian!" I shouted and he stopped the car, I realy hope he doesn't turn me away, that would be... embarrassing to say the least I thought as I continued jogging to the car. Adrian looked at me with a confused expression as if he didn't think it was possible for me to be calling out for him. I stopped next to the passenger window and leaned half way inside his car...

"Do you mind giving me a ride?" I whispered, to make sure Blake, Taylor and Levi won't hear, supernatural hearing or not.

"Sure, get in" Adrian replied half smirking half wearing his confused expression.

I got in and closed the door, without looking back, what's the point, am sure Taylor was boiling and that's was what I wanted to achieve. Score: AJ 2, Taylor NADA! I was getting a grasp on this whole highschool thing and I haven't been attending for more than a day, way to go me!

After seconds of awkward silence, Adrian was on the road, I reached my hand and turned on the radio and found a station I liked then readjusted in my seat and turned towards a confused Adrian

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After seconds of awkward silence, Adrian was on the road, I reached my hand and turned on the radio and found a station I liked then readjusted in my seat and turned towards a confused Adrian. Was this an everlasting expression?

"Am AJ" I reached my hand, and he shook it with his right hand. It was at a funny angle and I giggled, which made him chuckle, he was more handsome with a smile, definitely better than a dumb look. What is in the water of this town, Everyone Is beautiful!

"So... you do know my name huh?!" He said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes he was back to his arrogant self already.

"I do, and now that you know mine, let's drop the pet names, shall we?" I spoke with sarcasm.

"No can do suga!" he teased, that earned him a glare.

"Where do you wanna go? we can go eat if you like , or we could go back to my place watch a movie" He spoke again, he thought I was making a move by getting in the car with him? Maybe I wasn't nailing the whole highschool thing as well as I thought I did.

"Umm, maybe next time, if you could just drop me in town" I spoke with an awkward smile. He raised an eye brow at me then shrugged.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked, his focus back on the road.

"I dunno, wanna buy I gift, the mall I guess" I said with a shrug.

"Eiih, how about you wrap a bow around yourself, and just pop out of the birthday cake, in your birthday suit" he teased with a laugh.

"Gee, what a great Idea, I would give my '9 year old brother' a gift he won't forget, a scar for life!" I spoke, sarcasm dripping from my words, that stopped his laughter, he glanced at me with am sorry smile. I waved him off.

We talked about gift ideas for nine year olds and Adrian was actually quite the help, he knew his stuff, from PS games to Action figures, he even insisted to go to the mall and browse with me. It was actually fun. He did however keep reminding that his birthday was in 6 weeks, and he would appreciate the bow tie gift, Better the anything else I could give him.

We had icecream after and then I told him I had to go, he wanted to give me a ride back, but I didn't know the rules about bringing a human home, so he dropped me at the bus stop, I took the bus and walked the rest of the way, in the cold cold night, thinking about today's summery of events...

I didn't buy Nate a gift yet, but I made a friend, or three actually, Jennifer, Steph and Adrian.

I didn't find a job yet, because it was already after sunset when I left the mall with Adrian and I didn't have time to look for a job, but I ... had icecream? Does that count as an accomplishment? Yup, it does in my book, inner me said, I shrugged fine whatever.

I was also supposed to start training today, but I was just too tiered from all the walking... but I still had time to contact Cynthia, I missed her so much! Oh walking! That could be my training for the day.. or not.

Also I may or may not made an enemy, and maybe she had her own army of minions, plus the supernatural ability to turn into a wolf, but hey I did survive my first day of school!

Also I may or may not made an enemy, and maybe she had her own army of minions, plus the supernatural ability to turn into a wolf, but hey I did survive my first day of school!

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter! sorry for the long wait <3

Love xo


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