Chapter 13 (Part 2)

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.... "No he is not!"

"Is too"

"Is not!!!"

"is toooooo"

We were basically shouting in a playful way, when Jackson busted in with a frown.

Me and Nate looked guilty like were caught stealing cookies.

"Acting like siblings already" Jackson said , a smile breaking his façade, he was trying to give us a scare, we all laughed..

"Dinner is an hour" Jackson spoke, "The whole pack we'll be there" his way of telling me what to expect. No one spoke, he continued " Give us a second buddy, wanna talk to your big sister" Jackson spoke, looking at Nate. Nate excused himself and hugged me, his head reaching my shoulders already, in spite the seven year difference between us, then he and left, polite and sweet. I was in love with this kid already.

Jackson closed the door behind Nate, and sat on a chair. And I sat in the other one.

"Did you speak with her yet?" Jackson asked, referring to Nora.

"Not yet" I answered truthfully

"Do you like it?" he asked, looking around the room.

"Yes, I love the colour" I answered, truthfully.

"She had it decorated you know, Nora" paused and smiled at me. When I didn't speak he continued "Me and Bright were in an assignment in the town over, from where you were held. Imagine my surprise when Toma called me, told me to go get Nora's dead daughter out of jail "his voice playful,

So... people knew Nora had a daughter, but she told them I was dead.

He was looking at me, straight into my eyes, like he wanted to see into my soul...

"I was still in shock when I first met you, the whole situation was well.. unsettling, and every second from the point on you change my idea about you, and I don't think i'll ever figure you out Angel, you keep surprising me." Jackson spoke softly , his gaze broke from mine.

Did he call me Angel??... I was still processing what he said ,when he spoke again, looking around the room...

"Nora had this room redecorated for you, she had everyone running around, trying to get it ready." He spoke, his eyes were on the picture on the night stand, everything else looked untouched, except the closet and picture, and well.. he couldn't see through the closed wardrobe doors, he was no superman, ha.

"Who do you think is faster? the Flash" I said Flash in a bored voice, "OR SUPERMAN!" I added with more enthusiasm. Jackson laughed and pulled me up.

"Go get ready, Diner time" he told me, it felt nice to be able to speak openly with Jackson. I liked him , I trusted him. The guilt surfaced with that thought...

"Am sorry" I spoke, looking at the ground, he understood I was sorry about going behind his back with the whole coin and Alphas thing.

"Look at me" he told and I did. "I understand, you don't have a reason to trust me" he added

"I do. I trust you" I spoke honesty evident in my voice, and he just smiled at me, a big teeth showing smile.

"Good, i'll do my best to keep your trust Angel" he spoke , his voice as truthful as mine was. Then turned and walked out of the door, before he closed it, he spoke again.

"Talk to Nora, wear something nice for diner, everyone will be there" He said, then added just before he closed the door "oh and wash your face, you look like a panda". He teased sticking his tongue out , and then I heard his steps walking away fast.

I had the wrong idea about this Jackson, he was more than a handsome face on a confident wolf... I could see us becoming better friends, he was also a child, who liked teasing people. I thought remembering earlier when we were taunting Bright. And he did call me Angel, Twice... and I didn't mind one bit.

Walking to the closet to get a change of clothe, I passed the dresser, and so a hideous face looking back at me, well not hideous , I was a beautiful girl and I knew it. But that moment I looked like a I was hit by a truck, my hair was a mess, and my mascara was smudged, when I wokeup I had rubbed my eyes, no wonder Jackson said I looked like a panda.... OH MY GOD! I looked like this the whole time I was speaking with Jackson, And poor Nate, he must think his sister is a Psycho after all.

I looked around the room, trying to find a tissue or towel to wipe my eyes, there wasn't an in suite bathroom, so washing my face wasn't an option, and I wasn't about go out and search for a bathroom with 'Halloween makeup went wrong' look I had.

I opened the bottom drawer of the dresser, thinking maybe there's a towel there. Imagine my shock when I found a brand new makeup wipes box, and a stack of small stack of mini towels , I opened the rest of the drawers and they were all filled with makeup and beauty supplies, couple perfumes and a body spray, body lotion, shampoo and hair conditioner and an expensive looking hair straightener and a comb and a hair brush, hair serum and everything. it was still in its box, everything was brand new. I closed it and went to open the night stand drawers, they were empty, then I walked to the closet and opened it, there was nothing there except my stuff, Thank goodness! This was too much already. I took out my one and only summer dress, it was a simple off shoulder peach dress, that reached mid-thigh. I changed into it and walked back to the dresser, wiped my make, and brushed my hair, then applied lipstick.. no more mascara for me.

Looked myself over in the mirror, spun around, then decided i looked good enough. Took a deep breath..

It was time to go have a long overdue conversation with Nora.

It was time to go have a long overdue conversation with Nora

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Grant Gustin <3 <3 'SWOOOON'




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