Chapter 7

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"Thank you for welcoming us into your home Alpha" with a sweet but calm voice, I smirked a little at the expressions around the room.

Varying from disbelief and shock, Jackson looked a little impressed, I guess he like how Marcos looked. I see why some people love drama, this was definitely entertaining. after few seconds the shock blow over, which was too fast for my liking because I was enjoying myself. They recovered fast but that's just wolf training for you.

Marcos sat down in the opposite couch directly infront of me, and gestured for as to do as well, with Jackson in the chair to his left, Moor sat Next to Marcos and Cameron Stood in the corner behind Marocs, Giving him a perfect view for everyone and closest access to the door... wolfs and their caution.

Yolanda put the glasses of water in the table and left, but not before offering me a smile which I returned.

As soon the door was closed behind Yolanda, Marcos spoke with a formal tone and neutral look...

"How have you been Jackson, its been a long time"

"We've been good, Alpha" Jackson replied referring to himself and his pack I suppose,, I sensed tension... the two packs seem to have a history, but still it seemed like they were allies, why would Marcos help otherwise?!

Marcos turned to me then and smiled. and the stupid me being awkward and all I blushed ,why was he gorgeous?!!

"Do you like it?" Marcos asked, his smile growing.

"I do" I answered having absolutely no idea what he was referring to, but whatever, if it made him smile then I like it.

"I bought it in trip to Venice, have you ever been there?" he said

"Ve.. Venice, oh no.. no.. I mean I never left the country" I answered stuttering, my blush was just kept growing if that's even possible.

"Its beautiful, you should if you get the chance" he added, I could feel he was looking at me.

I only nodded,, what happened to the confidence that made the Alpha freeze just minutes ago, Dog got my tongue pun intended, I joked to the little person in my head, yeah I still have humor, only I can't seem to be able to share it with a responding audience.

"I bought it from a street painter" Marcos added taking his eyes off of me and looking at the painting in the wall... oh so he meant that... am glad he made it clear or this could have turned into an awkward conversation.

"Its beautiful" I said and meant it... I always liked Art, I used to draw, sketch and paint all the time but stopped after Suski.. I just didn't have time and I think even if I did, I wouldn't have it in me anymore...

I was still admiring the painting, After a minute of silence Cameron spoke from his corner

"So you know about werewolves?"

"I do" I replied knowing he was speaking to me, it was clear he didn't ask one of the other wolfs in the room.

"Her mother is one" Jackson informed, I guess he was making sure I wouldn't be killed on the spot...see it was forbidden to tell humans about wolfs, and since I looked and 'smelled' human I wasn't supposed to know.

"I see" Cameron said looking at me.

"But you're not one?" Moor asked next, knowing if I wasn't a werewolf, just waiting for me to confirm it.

"Nop" I poped the P "I don't turn into a wolf" I answered him... I knew these questions were bound to come up at some point so I already prepared the answers.

"So you know about me being Alpha, yet you enter and stay at my territory without permission?" Marcos asked, he sounded intrigued rather than mad.

"Well yeaaah, you're famous" I said in a duuh voice then blushed but continued to answer the rest of his question "am technically not a wolf, so I don't need permission.." paused " I do not mean any disrespect Alpha" I added bowing my head a little.

Before Marcos answered the Door 'slid' open and Mr. Sullivan entered, how do I know his Sullivan, Marcos's dad... RESEARCH please keep up this is getting frustrating!!just kidding this me trying to be funny, talking to you little voice in my head.

As soon as Mr. Sullivan was inside the room everyone stood up . Jackson stepped towards him, head bowed a little and extended his hand for greeting, Mr. Sullivan shook it and proceeded to do the same with Bright. Jackson thanked him for welcoming us into his home same as he did with Marcos.

When it was turn I did the same. But added "Alpha" that earned me a disapproving look from Jackson but a smile from Marcos, I guess am not good at pissing off the Alpha after all

I was just trying to see what would wipe the smile of Marcos's face.. I mean its beautiful don't get me wrong, but it is so distracting ad I just needed a minute to think without it making me blush.

"Little human, you should know better than to address me as Alpha, I am not in charge anymore" Mr. Sullivan said in a friendly way.

"I think she does know better, but decided to do other wise non the less" Marcos said offering me yet another distracting smile.

Mr. Sullivan motioned for us to sit then took his place next to Marcos and Moor moved to the chair to his left.

"Tell me about you're self, little human" Mr. Sullivan asked

"I don't know what to tell you" I answered vaguely.. This specific question I didn't prepare for, I mean who asks that! Its not like this is a job interview not that I ever had one.

"How and what do you know about our Alphas and territory, and while you're at it please do tell why you were in jail" Marcos asked this time in a realy amused voice. Alphas huh.. being funny suits him well. Jokes on me I guess.

Am going to be telling this story anyway.. so why not.. here it goes

"I moved into town eight months ago..."


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