Chapter 26

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After the long conversation and agreement. I turned towards Taylor and she stepped back visibly shaking and I could tell she was about to literally run away, what's up with these people and running away from me.

"Taylor..." I spoke softly, reaching my hand, palm up, like you do with a frightened animal. She was still out of reach, I could sense her relax a little when Fin walked and stood beside her.

"Am sorry about yesterday, I didn't want to hurt you...not that bad, but you wouldn't give in... you're realy strong" I said with a small smile.

"Why did you...?" She asked, her voice low.

"I was mad, you kept provoking me in school, and just seeing you and Nate... was the straw the broke the wolf's back" I joked with a stupid smile, and she laughed

"You'd make a terrible comedian, don't quit your day job yet" Taylor teased, somewhat more relaxed.

I laughed, along with Fin and her... and the rest of our audience joined in.

"I meant to ask is, why did you take the pain away?" She asked again.

"I realy didn't want to hurt you" I answered with a small smile and she smiled back. Then it faded, her angry glares were back, she glared at me, like she did first day of school...

Everyone was leaving when Taylor remarked...

"It doesn't mean am gonna let you have Adrian, You won yesterday, but these are two different fights" she said with her Queen Bitch tone. And I snorted

"You're so clueless, he likes your dumb ass, I have no idea why, but he does" I laughed and she squealed like a little girl in a Barbie shop. Or something...

"HE DOES!!!" she said and ran at me and tackled me into the couch, "OH MY GOD! DID HE TELL YOU? DID HE ACTULY SAY IT, LIKE I LIKE TAYLOR OR DID HE...." She screamed into my ear, long gone her fear from me.

"SHUT UP! your piercing my ear drums!" I said trying to calm her down.

"Who's Adrian?" Jackson asked, back to his pissed off mood.

"If I didn't know better I'd think your jealous little brother" Fin teased.

"His Taylor's crush" I answered with a laugh... why was Jackson jealous of Adrian? Did he like Taylor!! OMG

"His my BOYFRIEND!" She corrected.

"And this is why it didn't workout, ladies and gentlemen" I teased Taylor making a hand gesture towards her, and she pushed me off the couch and crossed her arms on her chest and Pouted.

"And she keeps demonstrating the reasons." I joked again.

"Don't be possessive and a drama queen and stop acting like a 2 year old, he does like you, for a pretty girl you sure are insecure" I teased her getting up.

"You think am pretty?" She said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes

"Pretty stupid!" I said and laughed and Taylor jumped me again knocking me back to the ground with a thud, she was on top of me, and she started to tickle me.

"MERCY! Okay okay, you win , i'll wash you clothe and do the dishes and ..." I said breathlessly between giggles and laughs. She stopped and rolled off of me.

"You could've used that technique yesterday" Fin teased.

"Why would you wash her clothe AJ?" Jackson asked confused...

"Isn't it how you play this game, you do whatever your told and they stop tickling?" I asked confused.

"Not realy, but I like your rules, so your washing my clothe huh!" Taylor teased.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ISN'T HOW YOU PLAY THE FRICKING GAME!" I shouted. And the three of them laughed.

"Someone been playing you little wolf" Fin teased.

"Son of a bit..!" I mumbled, cursing Mayron to the deepest depths of all the hells!

"Someone tricked the trickster?" Jackson teased.

"Yup"" I smiled, thinking of Mayron, I do miss him, I do hope I get to see him again. If only to get back at him for making me do his laundry too many times.

After the conversation ended, Nora and Toma came and found me, we had a long conversation about my life, they had more questions and I answered with as much honesty as I could muster.

They didn't ask much about my time with Mayron or my training, but more of the struggle I went through, and the whole Whiskey and painkillers , sleeping pills, Nightmares and pain. And I answered everything with a smile, and joked a little, I realy didn't want pity or to make Nora feel bad.

Toma suddenly hugged Nora and kissed her temple, sent me a smile and walked out.

"You know I wanted to come back for you, but then I heard about the fire, I didn't want to believe it, I went to the police station and dug through the forensic evidence, they showed me picture of the bodies, I still couldn't believe it, I even put up an amber alert, I hired a private investigator to investigate the incident, and track you, if you were alive. And all roads came back to the same conclusion, my baby was dead, and I never realy got to say I was sorry for leaving, I never had a chance to explain , last time I saw her I was packing my things and kissed her for only 2 seconds and ran out the door, she died thinking I never looked back, it was all the things going through my head" Nora choked crying, tears pouring down her cheeks, I got up and sat next to her and hugged her.

"Its okay, am alive" I shushed her.

"Its not okay Angel, don't you see that?! I left because I thought I was keeping you safe, but I got Joseph killed, the rouge was after me" She said sobbing and holding on to my shoulders.

I felt like an electric shock ran through my body, I jumped 10 feet back.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, my voice shaking.

"The Rouge that ... the Rouge was after me, that's why Toma was there, that's why I left, I thought that if the Rouge was after me, and I leave he would follow me, I was gonna come back, I always was going to come back for you..." Nora was speaking, and I couldn't hear her anymore, she lost me when she said the Rouge was after her, and Toma knew!

"You knew we were in danger and you ran away?" I asked in a low voice, the room was vibrating, or was it me shaking? Did she just say that... that dad .... My heart ached so badly, why didn't she stay? She could have protected us, she could have at least warned us.

"MY DAD DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!" I shouted, the emotions were too much to handle and i shut down completely and ran out. Last thing I saw was that Nora covered her face with her hands and started to cry uncontrollably.

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But most importantly ...

Enjoy Lovies



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