Chapter 24

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In the clearing I saw a crowd, walking closer to see what was going on, I saw Nate in the ground crawling away from Taylor while clutching his arm, In a second I was between them, I held a crying Nate to my side and glared at Taylor. The bitch went too far, it was time she learned her place, for good.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" I shouted looking around, the crowd consisted of kids and teenagers, including Joseph and Blake, I also spotted Bright standing not too far away.

"Chill AJ, They're just training" Joseph said, with such a calm demeanor it pissed me off more. I glared at him, then felt Nate tugging at me, I looked down at him and he nodded his head, confirming Joseph's words. I realized he must be in pain, tears were streaming down his cheeks, although he tried not to let it show.

I called on his pain, feeling it seep through the hand that was around his shoulder, till it found its way through my veins, Nate gasped and started moving his arm around and then looked at me with a startled expression. I just smiled at him.

"Common Nate lets go" I said taking Nate's hand and turning to walk away.

"Who do you think you are to stop my pack's training?" Joseph said and took a step towards me, he was conjuring all his Alpha power, it showed in his voice and his stance not to mention his aura.

I let go of Nate, pushing him slightly behind me and stepped towards Joseph.

"Training? This is not training!" I said motioning between Taylor and Nate I added "That's plain torture"

"How could you stand there and let her do this?" I spoke again still looking at joseph. Then looked at Blake and added "Would you have just stood there if it was Bella?" I questioned Blake, then looked straight in Bright's eyes and said "Would you?!" Bright seemed startled a bit by my words, it didn't take a genius to know Bella was his mate, I did doubt it at first, but then as I spent time with them, it became more clear, I still couldn't wrap my head around it completely.

"Back off human, Before I make you!" Taylor said and stepped to stand between me and Joseph, standing up for her alpha.

"Calm down AJ" Blake said softly, oh now he wanted to talk to me?! I glared at him and looked back at Joseph ignoring Taylor who was standing between us.

"Everyone calm down" Jackson said coming into view. No one moved or broke eye contact. Joseph was about to shift, his eyes started to turn , I could sense the power radiating off of him, but it didn't faze me one bit, Bright didn't look like he was about to interfere, he stood there his arms crossed. and I could take all three of the adult wolf's around, and the rest were only pups.

"You heard Jackson, stand down." Alpha Logan said, and instantly Joseph eyes turned back and I could feel his body relax. They all looked down, Huh they broke eye contact first, good thing I was not a part of the pack, Alpha's words don't have the same pull on me as it does them. I still looked down though, If only out of respect.

The crowd parted like the red sea and allowed the Alpha to come stand in the middle, everyone took couple of steps back, including me, with Nate still slightly behind me.

"What is going on?" Alpha Logan asked.

"The human was questioning our training Alpha" Taylor said. Glaring at me and I smiled at her a big smile that made her pretty face scroll in an ugly shocked one.

"I was only pointing out that she sucks" I said pointing at her with my smile still on.

"Taylor is one of my best students AJ, She'll make a great warrior one day" Fin spoke, looking at a proud Taylor, she was blushing? Taylor queen bitch was blushing, what a sight! I snorted, and that earned me more than one glare, When did Fin get here anyway?

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