Chapter 23

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As soon as I stepped foot into the house I realized something was up, everyone seemed so tense you could taste it in the air.

"Whats going on?" I spoke curious.

"AJ is missing?" Nina said without turning back.

"No am not" I chuckled.

That gained everyone's attention, Nora ran and hugged and Nate joined the hug, I hugged them back, then people where pilling into the living room.

"Whats going on?" I spoke again not breaking away from the hug.

"You were late! That's what going on!" Jackson spoke, apparently pissed, he was half naked, almost every other male in the pack who was above 9, they were in wolf form and just shifted, and put shorts on I realized.

Fin. Blake, Toma, Levi, Joseph Even the Alpha, This pack had way too many 6 packs for me to handle (Pun intended) , if I couldn't count them then I shouldn't be seeing them! I blushed deeply, no one paid attention , I think they thought I was just ashamed I made them concerned, I guess i kinda was, but it wasn't realy that late, a little after 9 pm.

 Blake, Toma, Levi, Joseph Even the Alpha, This pack had way too many 6 packs for me to handle (Pun intended) , if I couldn't count them then I shouldn't be seeing them! I blushed deeply, no one paid attention , I think they thought I was just ash...

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"I was in town, with a friend" I spoke , I didn't want to say I was looking for Nate's gift with him standing two feet away. No one spoke, some glared though. Apparently after the sun went down and I wasn't back yet, search parties were sent after me, and they couldn't pick up my scent, so they just followed Adrian's which lead them to the mall then his house. And I wasn't there.

"I went looking for a job" I spoke again, not a total lie, I did go to look for one, so whatever!

"Why couldn't they pick up your scent then?" Taylor accused.

"Why couldn't you pick it up just now when I walked in?" I shot back at her.

Then added "Am sorry I didn't mean to worry you" This was directed towards everyone, except Taylor who received a glare , not that she would worry anyway.

"It's okay honey" Nora said and pulled me into another hug.

"You were looking for a job, so you're staying?" Nate asked, I looked down at him, his eyes were glossy. They thought I was running away?

"I am Nate, wouldn't miss your birthday for the world little guy" I said patting his head. When I looked up I saw everyone was leaving, except for Toma, Nora and Alpha Logan, we all sat down, with Nora next to me.

"Am realy sorry, I didn't think, I should've called or something..." I trailed, I didn't realy know anyone's number.

"You can't be out after dark alone" Nora spoke softly.

"You can't be out after dark, period!" Toma said pissed.

I nodded and stayed quite, I didn't feel like arguing with Toma infront of Nate or Logan, and I was just too tired.

"Why couldn't we pick up your scent AJ?" Alpha Logan asked.

"You cant" I spoke looking at the three of them.

"I keep it covered up, it's just a defense mechanism, unless am right infront of you, you want be able to smell me, or sense me" I paused, breathed then added "Suski trained me to do it so much, it's as natural as breathing, its subconscious" I explained looking to Nora saying the last part. I always seem to look for her reaction when I mention Suski.

"We believe you" Logan said with a single nod, then he added "I was just curious, thought maybe we were getting rusty" he joked.

"What else can you do?" Toma asked with a calm voice and a neutral face. I just shrugged. I wasn't about to spell all my secrets, not that I had many, I can take pain away, and I have all advantages werewolves have while in human form. But still I wasn't about to tell them that either.

There was a knock on the door, and then Nate entered with Jackson...

"Wanna come watch me train JJ?" Nate asked excitedly, he was training for his first shift, which was in 5 days.

"Sorry Nate, I think am gonna go sleep" I said getting up and patting his head , then wished him luck, said goodnight to everyone and went upstairs. Showered and went to sleep. Without taking my pills or contacting Cynthia.

Next morning I woke up startled from the nightmare, thank goodness I didn't scream, I went to the bathroom, after I made sure Blake was nowhere close, came back , got dressed and walked to the kitchen, just like the day before I ended up making 3 dozens on pancakes , Even Levi joined in today. Then I sneaked out and walked to school without anyone stopping me this time, I did however tell Nora I would be late, but i'd be back before sunset, progress!

School was the same, I joked with Adrian and his friends, ignored Blake, occasionally smiled at Levi, and joseph was nowhere to be seen as usual and ofcorse glared at Taylor and her minions.

I spent gym class with Jennifer and Stephanie. On the positive side I spent lunch break and my free period catching up with homework in the school's library, I even emailed Cynthia, Told her I was okay and hoped she was too.

After school Adrian gave a ride to town and I walked around looking for a job and a gift for Nate, with no luck finding either, Then I decided it was time to head back.

I got back before sunset true to my word. Showered, went to my room and started to work on homework, I was slowly catching up, but it was so much work. Nora called me for dinner later on she also told me Lea called and I should call her back, after I finished I excused myself for the night and went back to work on my homework.

Nate came and asked if I wanted to watch him train, when I declined politely, saying homework as an excuse, he was a little upset but didn't say anything, I realy don't know how much long I can keep avoiding this, he is a werewolf , he is my brother... I just wish he .. I don't know. I wish things were less complicated.

That was basically how the rest of the week went.

I didn't call Lea back because I kept forgetting, I didn't finish the pile of homework, I didn't find a job or a gift for Nate nor I heard back from Cynthia and Rory.

Round came the weekend, the Friday night Pack dinner was postponed till after Nate's 'birthday' which was in 2 days. Around 8 pm I heard ruckus from outside, but my window was facing the woods and not the clearing, so I walked outside to see what was going on. In the clearing I saw a crowd, walking closer to see what was going on, I saw Nate in the ground crawling away from Taylor while clutching his arm.

In a second I was between them, I held a crying Nate to my side and glared at Taylor. The bitch went too far, it was time she learned her place, for good.

 The bitch went too far, it was time she learned her place, for good

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 LOTS OF LOVE ! xoxo

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