Chapter 32

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It was Saturday evening a week after Marcos proposed and I was helping Lea pick a dress for her engagement party.

"This one is amazing Lea!" I told her referring to the Blue dress she was wearing.

"Realy? I liked the other one better" She said checking herself out in the mirror.

"Which other one? You tried like 200 dresses already!" I said with a sigh. It was 9 pm and we've been shopping since 2, I can't even begin to fathom how this pregnant almost term lady can handle this!

"am soooo exhausted pleaaaase! Have mercy!" I cried out.

"Fine fine, Am gonna get the purple though, it makes me look... well less pregnant" she said finally deciding after 7 hours and 7 shops.

"Honey, the only thing that's gonna make you 'look' less pregnant is giving birth" I joked with finger quotes. And let me just say, we saw the purple dress she FINALY decided to buy in the second shop, around 4 IN THE AFTERNOON, and nooow its 9 PM!

"We just need to buy jewelry and a shoes now." She said from behind the curtains in the changing room.

"Good God Lea! Why am I doing this again?" I said almost falling to the ground and rolling around.

"Because you're my best friend and you love me, and also I paid for your dress so shut up!"

"That's debatable, that I love you I mean, and Marcos paid for that dress"

"We'll go to the food court first then continue shopping"

"I love you oh great future Luna"

"I bet you do, I swear you remind me too much of Marcos"

"Realy now!" I joked poking my head behind the curtain and raising my eyebrows suggestively, Lea was already dressed, which lead to her not being embarrassed as much... I mean for a werewolf walking around naked is pretty much normal, somehow though Jennifer always got flustered when I tease her while she's changing, she's so adorable sometimes, and NO little person in my head I do not like girls,, just boys, men, I enjoy the training time with half naked Fin, and even Jackson joins sometimes. Ahhhh, I imagined the Robert brothers half naked and sigh.

"What are you smiling at retard?" Lea questioned pulling me out of my thoughts, she was walking past me and out of the shop. Where not one , not two, not even three but FOUR of the White Moon warriors were waiting for us, apparently Marcos thought four warriors was the right amount to take care of his pregnant 'soon to be wife' fiancé.

She had paid and we were headed for the food court. "Forget it, I don't even want to know" she added quickly.

On the bright side Lea and I didn't have to ride with the 'body guards' in the tinted Rover, we rode in Lea's convertible, which Marcos got her the day she finally passed her driving license exam, after three trials none the less, but hey who am I to judge, I was at my fifth trial and still counting.

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