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"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaa".

That is when an attender barged into my cabin. I saw a person opening the door from behind.

Wait I know this person.....!!!


How is she here?
Where was she all this while?
Is she alright?
Where does she stay?
Why did she hide herself from me for all these years?
Is she in any trouble?

So many questions arouse in my mind at just a glance of her face.

Her eyes were perfect, reflecting courage as usual but her eyes also conveyed some pain which was new and I never saw that in her eyes.

She hid all this with just a smile on her face. Looking at her after years automatically brought smile to my lips.

I stood up from my chair, went to her and hugged her.

I realised how much I missed her in these 7 years. We were so inseparable. Everyone used to be jealous of us.

At the first instance, I got some negative vibes from her. For almost 1 week I used to avoid her though we were in the same class and moreover shared the same room in the hostel.

But slowly I started understanding her and soon we became best friends. We shared everything. There were no secrets between us. We had many opinions which were common​ and this built our friendship stronger.

Everything was going good for 3 years. But one day suddenly she disappeared.

I woke up in the morning and looked for her. She was not there in the hostel.

I searched for her the whole day but I couldn't even get a single clue about her.

Finally the next day, I went up to the management and enquired about her. They said that she took TC and left d college. I was shocked.

How could she just leave like that knowing that her studies will be affected?

Why did she leave without even informing me??

I tried calling her but her phone was switched off. I even went to her house as I had her address but it was locked. I wasn't able to find anything about her. Slowly months passed and I gave up on trying to find her.

But now finally she is here in front of me. I broke free from the hug and slapped her.

I was really angry at her. She knew how close she was to me. But still she left without informing me. She didn't even contact me all these years.

I looked at her and a tear dropping down from corner of her eye.

Shut!! I wiped her tear and she hugged me again. I patted on her shoulder.

I can understand from her eyes that she is suffering cause of something.

After she left the college, I even tried contacting her parents but I got to know that her parents died of plane crash.

I remembered her talking about her mom the whole day when we were roommates. She used to speak about her mother's love, care, affection. She said that her mom is her first friend.

She never hides anything from her mom, be it her marks or her first crush, she used to tell her everything.

She even introduced me to her mom and made me speak to her on phone, a couple of times. She was very open and understanding.

She even adviced me a couple of times when I used to get stressed cause of studies. She never showed any partiality between us. She used to treat me as her own daughter.

Turn of LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ