38.Deadly virus

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After 3 months

Shweta Pov

Sipping my coffee, sitting at the balcony railing is one of the best things to do at midnight. Watching the snow covering up the ground, the cold breeze blowing hard in Kashmir just makes you feel heaven.

But still that didn't make me smile. It has been three months....three months, two days, seven hours, twelve minutes and thirty seconds since he started avoiding me like a deadly virus.

After that night, when he told that I was faking my concern, I just couldn't take it. I shouted back at him and I was quite sure that I'll regret it, but I had no idea I'll regret it so freaking much.

He completely ignored me and my presence. As a doctor, I checked him a couple of times, which he rarely allowed me to. He always asked Akshaya or his so called buddy Avinash to treat him. And his buddy would never let him down.

Why is he doing so?
What is his problem?

There, two more seconds! Urghh!
Can this be any more frustrating?

I worked on many other plans to get him on track and confess the truth, but he turns deaf ear to all of those.

I tried many times to come near to him but he's totally not interested in it. Many times he made me think to give up on him.

So many times I cried because of him. I went so insane that I couldn't concentrate on my job.

Sometimes I think that why can't we switch places? So that he can see how much I'm in pain.

Definitely he had to taste him own medicine. I'll make him so that.

Yet, I don't know why he supports Yash. Maybe because he's innocent.

I don't completely agree to that fact that he's a traitor. I haven't seen him once in person. Trust me when I say girls have that special talent to assess boys just in their first meet.

I should have at least talked to him but Kavya's condition forced me to take such a drastic decision.

If Harish is supporting him means he must have known something about him.

But my question is how come Harish is so sure that he's innocent? He must have known something more than us about Yash. I want to know that.

I'm going so insane these days and the only credit goes to my arrogant The great Harish, cheif commander of army batch 502.

Thankfully other than him, everything else is normal and in its proper place.

The soldiers, who were in critical stage, are almost cured and the ones in initial stage are diagnosed completely. I couldn't be more happy though the fact that he's still the reason for my frown.

Everyone congratulated me and I was in cloud nine. But, can't he just say one word or even nod positively?

It hurts... It hurts so much to know that the person is ignoring you, whose attention means the world to you. Unknowingly a tear drop dropped down and I wiped it off.

I brushed off my thoughts on hearing the door bell ringing. I quickly tightened my jacket around me, feeling it's warmth. I reached the door and opened it to see Akshaya grinning like an idiot.

And I know the reason behind her grinning.

She squealed in happiness. The stupid smile on her face made me smile too.

"Happy birthday angel" she screamed her lungs out, pulling me for a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you dear" I said and hugged her back. She smacked my arms. She doesn't believe in sorry and thank you between friends.

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