29.Treating him

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Shweta Pov

"When do we start our actual job?" Akshaya asked me for the seventy fifth time.

"For god's sake Akshaya, even I don't know. Let's just wait" I replied to her.

She's really such an impatient person!

"I'm so bored" she winked like a kid.

"Are you done with your work?" I asked her in an authoritive tone.

It sounded like a mother scolding her child for not doing her homework.

"No, it's so boring. I can't do this" she said, throwing the file on her hand on the table.

I sighed. What to do with this girl!

"Look Akshu, whatever it is, you have to know every minute detail about the medicine before treating a single patient. So you have to read this lest I won't let you treat anyone" I ordered, pointing at the file she threw.

We are in our cabin, waiting for the medical crew incharge of this camp. We can treat the soldiers only when we receive the order from Avinash as he is the head.

I guess even he has to get some sort of permission letter from the government before we start off our work.

He's gone to call his team members. Once they all are here, I'll have to explain them everything today.

So as soon as we all are ready and we get the letter officially, we are set for your work.

I just hope it is done as soon as possible. This girl is already eating my head.

Avinash! Where are you?

"I don't understand this part" I was brought back from my thoughts by Akshaya's voice.

She looked at me, pointing at the file. I asked her to come close to me and took the file from her.

I read it once and started explaining her about. It's about the antigens of the virus and the antibodies working against them.

I explained everything to her and she seems to understand it quite fast. Though she's not patient, she's quite good at absorbing things.

She read the remaining while I was going through the list of the soldiers who are affected by the virus.

It's quite a big list. Some are in critical stage while others are at medium stage. We should start off quickly.

I was going through the name list when I heard my name being shouted by someone.

I rushed outside my cabin accompanied by Akshaya.

I went to the ground to see a crowd gathered in the centre of the ground.

We ran there to see someone injured badly. I excused myself and squeezed in-between the crowd to see Harish holding his knee, lying in the pool of bed.

For a minute, I wasn't able to comprehend whats going on. Only then I got to know that was hit with the weights on his knee.

He was bleeding very much. He was sitting, rolled like a ball holding his knee close to chest.

His face was pale. Looking at his face I can say that he was fighting back his tears. His teammates were helping him to stand up but he couldn't even move a bit since the weight hit him right in his knee.

He looked up at me and shock was evident on his face. He averted his eyes from my gaze and tried to act cool.

Harish! I know you better than yourself!

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