
978 79 20

Shweta Pov

I woke up with a jolt hearing my phone ringing.

Oh shoot!
I slept for an hour!

I saw my phone ringing in the side table. I reached my phone but before that I can see my right hand held tightly by the sleeping beauty.

I smiled unknowingly. Harish was holding my hand tight against his chest, snuggling to it.

How I wish I can wake up everyday like this!

My body tensed as I realized the fact that he's holding me so close to him. I felt butterflies in my tummy. There was a sparkle which ran all over my body.

I mean, we were friends before. But at that time I wasn't clear about my feelings. It was kinda weird. I wasn't able to clear it out.

But now it's not like that. I know what I want exactly. I'm more understanding and mature, I guess. I came to know that my feelings for him are more that just a friend.

When he indirectly proposed me, I was very angry or should I say shocked. I didn't know how to react. I acted in the most childish way back then. He understood my tension and asked me to relax. He didn't bring up that topic again. And I was so grateful for that.

He always understood me more than all other friends of mine. I was dependent on him for anything and everything. We used to support each other and encourage each other.

We even fight sometimes. It may be because of a valid reason or a childish one, it never lasted for more than a day. I call him up or sneak into his hostel to apologize and even he does the same.

All my friends and batch mates got the hint that we are more than just best friends. We denied it as usual. But I didn't know that he wasn't true in saying so.

He told me that wherever he denied it, he was going insane. He wanted to shout out his love for me. He said that he loves me so much that he beat the boys whoever proposed me, black and blue.

I was shocked to hear that. Only then I came to know that he's the reason why none of the boys who proposed me crossed my path after that. I was so blessed to have him in my life.

But stupid me, I didn't realize it at that time and I regret it so much!

I wish I was at least this mature back then!

Reluctantly, I tired to loosen my hand from his grip but he held my hand tighter.

I don't think he's gonna leave my hand. The very thought itself is enough to make me jump around.

Keeping my thoughts aside, I managed to take my phone in my left hand and saw the call was from Akshaya.

"Hello" I attended the call.

"Hello, you have gotta come here" she said.

"What? Why?" I asked, not wanting to go away from my love. He needs me now.

"The doctors here have some doubt regarding the medicine part. I and Avinash tried to explain them but they aren't able to get it. So you'll have to make it up here, fast" she said it all in a go.

But I don't want to go.
How can I leave him here alone?

"Akshu, Harish is still sleeping. How can I leave him here alone?" I asked her.

"Who's Harish?" She asked.

"The patient here" I said, knowing the fact that she does know anything about him or us.

"Oh, but I think by now he should be awake" she said.

"Yea he should be but I think he's tired" I said and at the same time I felt someone's intense gaze at me.

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