Questions and Answers

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Hey lovelies!

I'm glad and sad at the same time.
Glad because I have successfully completed my first story and sad cause I'll miss them as main characters. Of course, they'll be there in their children's books but still.

So here we come to the QA section!

Please answer these questions and make me the happiest author!
Comment beside the questions!

#1) Who's your most favourite character of this book?

#2) Who's your most favourite male character of this book?

#3) Who's the most favourite female character of this book?

#4) Which couple is the cutest and you adore the most?

#5) Which couple's story do you like the most?

#6) Describe your favourite role's most adored trait.

#7) Who's proposal did you like the most?

#8) Rate this book out of 10.
I don't mind even if I get 1, but please be honest.

#9) Are you excited for TOL SERIES?

#10) Any personal or professional tips for my future books?

#11) Your thoughts about this book?

Please answer them and also tag your friends to let them know about this book.

A few days ago, I was really disappointed to see only few reads of this book. If you really think this book is worth reading and spending time on, tag your friends and recommend it.

Tons of thanks and gratitude for all your support. I can't express how happy I am in words!

Menaka ❤

Turn of LifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora