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Shweta Pov

"I love you Harish" I confessed with all the love I had for him in my heart.

I could feel his eyes boring into mine, looking at my soul. No one ever stood so close to me. He had his arms around my waist and my arms circling around his neck.

He suddenly pulled me close to him by my waist and planted a feather kiss on my forehead. That one kiss is enough to show me how much I mean to him.

"I love you too Shweta, I love you more than anything else in the world" he said making my soul happy. But why do I feel some uncomfort in him? Is he fine?

"Harish...." He cut me off by placing his forefinger on my lips. I stopped speaking.

"Let's get you to bed" he said and lifted me in his arms without any warning. I squealed out loud and he chuckled.

"By the way, why did you run woman? You sure will give me heart attack one day!" He said and I giggled.

"I.....umm... I" I stammered.

"You could have confessed I'm the room only idiot" he smirked and I hide my face in his chest. He snuggled close to me, still carrying me downstairs.

"I always wanted to scream my love for you. I wanted my voice to echo in the whole place but still only you should be able to listen to it" I said, still embarrassed.

"Can you be any more cute sweetheart?" He asked and kissed my cheek.

I giggled and he laughed out loud. His laughter is like a medicine to my wound, a cure to my soul. I just love him so much.

We reached my room and he opened it when I gave him the key. He took me to bed and placed me gently on it.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"Get some sleep sweetheart" he whispered and I nodded.

I felt my eyes getting heavy and I closed it, escaping to my dream land.

"Love you dear" I heard him and soon drifted into sleep.

Sunlight hit my eyes through the window, making me groan. I tried to open my eyes, but felt it sealed with something. Damn!

I struggled for few seconds and finally opened my eyes to find myself in my room. I sat upright, leaning on my bed post and shoot! My head is hurting so much!

It's like someone is hitting inside my head with a stammer. Oh god, this is unbearable. Yesterday was the first time I drank and I'm cursing myself so much for drinking. I swear I'll never drink in my life again. This hangover is too much to handle.

I held my head in my palms and rested my back on the bed post. Damn this headache!

I laid back on my bed, putting my pillow on my head, trying to control my headache and thankful it's a bit relieving.

I heard the door opening and sensed someone entering the room but I'm least bothered to see who's it.

"Good morning sweetheart. Have this, it'll help you get the the hangover" I peeped my head out of the pillow to see Harish sitting there on his uniform, smiling widely. Indeed, it's a good morning to see his face first this in the morning. I smiled at my own thought.

"I can sense what you are thinking. But have this, come on, quick" he smirked and I hide my face again in the pillow.

He suddenly removed my pillow by withdrawing it too quick for me to snatch it back.

He forwarded me a glass of juice and some pills. He pointed to the water kept in my night stand. I quickly gulped down the juice and took the pills like a good girl.

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