20. Game

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Kavya Pov

"Slow, slowly. All good? You are fine right?" Shweta asked me as I settled on the bed.

"I'm telling this for the hundredth time I'm fine" I said in my cold tone. This is so annoying. For god's sake, the accident occurred 2 weeks ago and now I'm completely fine. Yet these idiots are treating me like a pregnant woman!

"Geez, chill. I'll get you something to eat now" she said and placed Pranav on the bed beside me. She left the room closing the door behind her.

I'm in Shweta's house. Her mom and dad came to visit me with Pranav. I learnt that Pranav was with them these days. They really took good care of him.

Aunt and uncle requested me or more like ordered me to stay at their home. I told them that I'm fine staying at my home and I'll be able to manage but I couldn't oppose their decision.

Shweta was so adamant in bringing me here that she literally dragged me directly from the hospital after my discharge.

I have to come here anyways because of uncle and aunt. So it's not that I'm cribbing.

Uncle and aunt are so sweet. They are treating me like their own daughter. I guess they know about me. Shweta must have told them and yet they are so kind and caring.

I wonder how they are this generous. The people I have met in my past are all narrow minded and usually blamed me for falling in love with him.

Everyone blamed me for getting pregnant without getting married. They treated it as a sin and me as an untouchable. I was so depressed. I didn't know what to do then. But I had to live for my child.

If I am not here for him, he would me tortured more by this society. He will not have anyone to defend him.

I sighed and looked at my son. He sat at the corner of the bed smiling at me.

Whenever I'm sad or whatever be the issue which brings my mood down, just one smile of his will bring smile on my lips. His smile is so contiguous.

I smiled back at him and he raised his arms indicating me to lift him. I smiled widely and opened my arms. He slowly crawled on the bed towards me and jumped into my arms.

"My baby" I lifted human and kissed on his cheeks. I placed him on my lap.

"How are my baby? Were you a good boy when mamma wasn't here?" I asked him and he smiled again.

How cute!

He is a blessing!

I started playing with him and hours passed like seconds. I'm finally alright now.

"Baby, I hope you stay with me till the last. I don't want to lose you to that criminal. You have to stay with me only. Will you?" I asked with tears brimming in my eyes.

"Kavya, you are alright?" Aunt came with a soup in her hand.

I quickly wiped my tears and hugged my son.

"Yes aunt. I'm fine" I said smiling.

"Dear, I'm just like your mom. You don't have to call me aunt. Call me mom if you want" she said sitting on the bed.

She patted my head and caressed my son's cheeks.

"Yes m-mom" I stammered.

There are no word to explain how happy I am to call someone mom after such a long time.

I have been longing for my mom and since the last 20 years I never had anyone to call mom. Finally, I got a person who is equal to my mom.
Thank you god!

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