53.Anything possible

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Priya Pov

No! No! No!

This can't happen!

"Wait, he isn't a part of your group, so our management won't allow it" I protested and he just smiled cutely at me. Ok, I guess something is really wired.

"Oh yea" my friend said and I sighed in relief.

He suddenly came near me and leaned near my ear. My breath became uneven and I couldn't think straight.

"Try me beautiful cause you know I can make anything possible" he whispered huskily in my ear, brushing his lips against my ear lobe. It sent thousand of sparks down my spine.

This man will surely be my death.

I saw him going to his boat and I sighed heavily.

The rest of the day was very much thrilling and exciting. We did paragliding, boating, swimming and of course eating a lot. What worried me was I saw Tarun sticking to our group all the time. He was ready to sponsor our stay in Goa and obviously the greedy cats aka the trip managers opened their mouths to catch their prey.

God! Where will this lead to?

But not to forget, we had lots and lots of fun. He mingled with our groups within no time. All the girls of our group were drooling over him like they were ready to eat a high quality meal after a year or so. Arghhhh! Why does is affect me so much?

But what surprised me was he was trying to stick to me all the time. He was holding my hand even though I protested a lot. Whenever I glared at him or smacked him, he left his hold on me but never went out of sight. I felt my anger suppressing seeing him laugh and just enjoy.

His smile is so contiguous that I didn't realize I smile too whenever he smiles. Everytime he smiles at me I think I can do anything just to see that smile last longer. God! What is wrong with me?

He was never like this before. He always used to stalk me around and even spy on me. I hate, absolutely hate anyone who invades my privacy. I never like to me dominated or being under someone's control. I love to live my life by my own. I love to take risks and I don't crib about anything in future because whatever decision I made it was directly from my heart and not under someone's pressure. This is how I am.

Earlier he used to stick to me like a leech and I felt very suffocated whenever he's with me. He always wanted to know about me and thus indirectly invades my privacy. I loathe him for that. But now, it's different.

He seems to understand what I feel, what I like. His hold never showed domination, it only shows affection and care. Whenever I glare at him, he understands my feelings and leaves me alone. I hope this is for good. But I don't want to fall in love.

I have always been afraid of love. Love is nothing but distraction. It distracts you from your goal, from your destination. I have seen so many friends of mine who were heart broken after breakup. Boys are heartless. They use girls for time pass and leave them hanging after their job is done. Just like Yash. I hate him so much for what he did to Kavya. After that happened, I vowed myself not to be dependent on anyone especially any boys for anything. I vowed not to fall in love. All I cherish is my friends and just want them to be happy.

We headed towards our hotel after a long day. My eyes were so heavy that I could barely concentrate on the games that my colleague were playing in the ride back. I slept on Kriti's shoulder. I can't hold it anymore.

I slowly opened my eyes to see myself floating in air. What?

I jerked up to see a warm smile in a handsome face with sharp nose, perfect jawline with thin beard, messy hair. What?

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