73.Almost there

549 66 19

Aditya Pov

"I want you all to separate into five teams and follow each number secretly. Keep as much as security with you. I want Harish back safely. The government need him to get rid of the terrorist group and completely shut them off. Do you get me?" I asked the battalion of police infront of me.

The commissioner of Mumbai and Kashmir had a talk and agreed to my demands of police and army force. They understood it's not for  personal use and We really want all information from him to shut off the terrorists.

"Yes sir" they said in unison and I dispersed them.

I walked to Preeti and collected the locations of all five numbers and gave it to the five teams. I asked them to stay in contact with us all the time. We even inserted a minute tracker in their uniforms and guns. This will help us. Yash really has a good brain for coming up with this idea.

I went in and changed to my uniform and saw Yash already in his army suit, with a gun in his hand and the other one hidden in his suit. He threw me my gun and I smriked as I caught it. We walked outside as I saw all our friends there.

I saw Ritu, scared to shit. I know all this is really too much for her but she has to understand that this is my life. She has to adjust to this and believe in destiny and god for our long life. I went close to her to comfort her but her words made me love her more.

"All the best for your mission. I know whatever may happen, it'll be us who will win. Don't worry about me, I'll be waiting for you"

Though she shows her childish side the most and it's not that I'm complaining but this side of her where she's acting all matured, understanding the situation just made me love her more. I'll confess my love after all this mess settles. I promise Ritu, you'll be mine soon.

I turned to see Yash and Kavya hugging eachother like there's no tomorrow. I smiled at the sight. As much as I wanted to leave them alone but we have something very much important to do.

As I neared them, I heard Kavya saying.

"Please come back soon. I and Pranav will be waiting for you" she rubbed her nose against his shirt and she buried her face in his chest. I smiled and all of us left from there knowing that Kavya is mentally weak and she needs his support.

After about 3 minutes, Yash came with a worried yet smiling Kavya beside him. He kissed her forehead for one last time and we got into our car.

We drove off to the initial destination where the five numbers were earlier there. All thanks to Preeti for her hacking skills.

It was a half an hour ride where we discussed some crucial methods to find Harish's location and some clue about them. Listening to all the information that Yash collected against the politicians and big shots of our country, I have a gut feeling that this is done by them to hide their illegal works and to save their post and reputation. But what's the point when you she already committed the mistake? Doing another mistake to hide the previous one is the most stupidiest thing to do. I'm sure in all this hurry, they would have let something or someone clue behind and that's what is needed by us now.

We reached the place only to find it a deserted building in the middle of nowhere. This is definitely a set up. Ignoring all our irrational thoughts, we started searching for clues. We went in different directions accompanied by some soldiers and some police.

I was walking into a place which seemed like a room. It had a window attached to it and what caught my eyes was it wasn't a normal one. It has an unique style and something about it made it look all outstanding from the others and catchy. I ordered the police to look into it and they couldn't find anything.

I decided to examine it all by myself once again for my satisfaction. I examined the edges of it and that's when the tilted shape of the whole window frame came to my notice. A screw was loose at the end of the windows and that's why the window is titled.

I was surprised to see the screw replaced by a small camera. Definitely must have been Harish. That smart head of his! I'm sure he would have something else hidden too.

I carefully examined once again when Yash's shouting brought my attention back to him.

"I got a secret camera" he pointed at a small camera, just like the one I got.

I showed him that and he smirked. I know heat exactly he's thinking. We walked to other rooms and found a hidden camera in all of them, hidden in one corner or the other. This is definitely enough for getting those blood sucking animals to tear their masks in front of the society. Let god save their soul!

I opened my phone and sent the video clipping to Preeti asap. Yash too sent whatever he got. We patiently saw all the recordings to get the exact location where they kept Harish. The clipping got almost all their illegal deeds recorded. The most valuable catch was one of their men got a call from Mr. Yuvraj Rhambia, the health minister's brother and his PA. They were talking about some illegal supply to done by tonight and that they'll receive the cash for their work by tomorrow, promising to transfer the account to thier boss' account.

I don't know if we are extremely lucky but the phone call had their boss' account number. It was like a burning sun's warmthness amongst this shivering snow. We smirked and immediately ordered our team to find the owner of the account and every single details related to him.

We are almost there but where is Harish?

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