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Priya Pov

"Fast Shweta. You are taking hours for doing this simple thing!" Aunt shouted at Shweta and we all laughed at her.

"Devils! Come and help me" she complained like a kid.

We burst out laughing. She's a great doctor but she doesn't know anything when it comes to house hold chores.

Aunt ordered her to pack her bag for her journey and clean her room within tonight since she's leaving to Kashmir in tomorrow afternoon's flight.

And here, she's struggling with her clothes which are to be folded neatly and arranged in the cupboard.

She's packing her clothes and whatever she doesn't want, she has to fold it and arrange it in her shelf. And the funniest part is she's currently sitting on the bed, in the centre surrounded by clothes all around her.

She doesn't know how to fold her clothes. Though she managed to fold some of them, our hero Pranav helped her a lot.

He, being in the best of his strength and naughtiness, took all the clothes she folded and threw it on the floor. We can clearly see Shweta frustrated, but she never said anything to Pranav though this is happening since an hour as aunt said.

"I'm so done with this. I can't handle it anymore" she raised her hand to surrender. She quickly hopped out of the bed with Pranav in her arms.

"My boy, let's go and get ice cream. What do you say?" She asked Pranav and he nodded readily as if he was waiting eagerly for this.

She kissed his cheek and started walking towards the door when Kiran shouted.

"Mom, she's escaping from her work" he shouted to aunt.

And soon a pillow hit his head as he stumbled on his feet. I, Preeti and Kavya burst laughing again.

"Idiot!" Shweta shouted, with a glare on her face. Her eyes fuming, her eyebrows narrowed.

"Iiioot" Pranav imitated Shweta, with similar face expressions as Shweta.

"That's like my cutie pie" Shweta hugged Pranav and he smiled. Shweta is definitely going to spoil him way too much.

"Shweta, complete your work" Aunt's voice came from the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm folding all my clothes but this idiot Kiran is throwing them out of the shelf" she complained and this time Kiran's eyes were fuming.

These crazy idiots!

"Liar!! Stop lying you woman!" Kiran shouted back.

"You both are behaving like 10. Grow up guys!" Kavya calmed them down while Priya and I were watching the comic with tears filling our eyes.

"Then help me" Shweta said and finally after an argument of 10 minutes, we all agreed to help her.

Within half an hour, the world's biggest mess that is, her room is crystal clean.

Many of us are under the impression that girls are always neat and tidy in everything they do. But Shweta is a living exception to it. I should say she's only neat in her profession, nothing else.

This girl!
I wonder how her husband is going to bear her!

"Snacks is ready" Aunt's voice came as a relief to us. We all rushed downstairs and attacked the dining table like beggers who haven't seen food for years.

After an hour, we settled down on the coach watching TV.

Obviously, it was accompanied by stupid talks and silly fights of Shweta and Kiran.

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