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Harish Pov

"Harish, I want answers now!" Shweta demanded.

I nodded my head.

I can't hide it from her anymore. She's the one getting hurt all the time, more than me.

I thought that if I ignore her, she'll eventually get used to it and will leave me and our memories will soon fade away. But I was totally wrong.

I got to know how much she missed me, how much she got hurt because of me. I'm responsible for all of this message. I must clear if before she does anything stupid.

Regreting things after committing mistake is utter rubbish. So why not take preventive measures?

I'm gonna explain everything to her properly and she will herself get aside from it. If she doesn't, then I'll make her do so.

I was in my thoughts when I felt her holding my hand. She pulled me to the bed and made me sit beside her.

"One minute" she excused herself.

She rose and went to the washroom and I heard water running sound. I guess she's washing her face.

She came back and took a towel lying on the table and washed her face with it.

I guess she's sober now.

She sighed big time and sat next to me.

I saw her hesitating to ask me.

"Shweta, ask me anything. I'm liable to answer to you. So don't hesitate. I'll answer all your questions honestly" I held her hand, patting it.

She nodded and spoke.

"How are you?"

Her question startled me. I thought she'll ask me why I avoided her or why I'm supporting Yash but this was really unexpected.

I was in my thoughts when I heard her saying.

"I'll ask them later. But first you tell me, how are you? Is your injury cured? How's your health? Are you eating properly?" Are you....."

She reads me like an open book!

I cut her off with a huge smile plastered on my face. Her worried eyes turned glistening looking at my smiling face.

Do I really affect her that much?

"I'm absolutely fine. Yes, my injury is cured. I'm eating properly and my health is very good" I said and a genuine smile played on her lips.

I'm lucky! But am I really that lucky to have her in my life?

"Thank god!" She sighed in relief.

"So how's your training going on? All good?" She posted her second question.

She's so caring!

"I'm all good Shweta. My training is going good" I said and she nodded.

"Now, coming to the crucial part. Why did you avoid me?" She asked in a high tone.

She's really angry.

"It's because I don't want people to label you too as dishonest" I spoke out finally.

"What?" She asked with her eyes narrowed.

She's really worried about me.

"Yes Shweta. I'm labelled as dishonest and being balmed for many things in here. If I stick with you, you'll also be named as one. And that's the last thing I want" I said it in a go.

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