60.The meet

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Shweta Pov

"Hello! Hello!" I waved my hand dramatically before sitting across my hot headed friends.

"Wow! Finally someone got to know the route of this place" Adi clapped his hands and the rest just glared at me.

"Ok fine, I'm sorry. I was caught up in something" I held my ears between my hands, with puppy eyes.

We, as in, Priya, Tarun, Aditya, Ritu and I are currently in a private room in breeze café. I was half an hour late cause of my little bug Pranav. He wasn't letting me go so I had to put him to sleep before coming here.

"It's ok, we forgive you" Priya said and I smiled at her.

"Now come to the point" Tarun said, holding Priya's hand. Tarun and Priya were sitting in a couch and Ritu and Adi are in one. I miss my partner.

Tarun kept calling me to ask about Priya's whereabouts and I know he's very serious about her. So I helped him and I'm glad that Priya realised her feelings. Coming to Adi and Ritu, they are perfect for eachother. I'll help them to settle down together.

Just then Akshaya and Avinash entered. I smiled at them and the rest looked confused.

"Guys, you all might know Akshaya, she works with me in hospital. She's kinda my junior and this is is Avinash, my Dean's son and also the future Dean and owner of St. Mary's hospital. Let's welcome them in our gang" I introduced them and everyone shook hands with them. They both settled down in a couch.

"Did Yash do something again? I swear I'll rip his skin alive and feed him to vulture if he again hurts Kavya" Ritu roared and Adi patted her back to calm her down.

"No" I simply replied.

"So what is the matter you idiot? You're making us so curious. Just spill it already" Priya said.

"No, wait till our love birds come" I said and they all looked at me like I have grown two heads.

"Didn't you get the news?" Tarun asked and I shook my head. What's the news?

"Here" he forwarded me his tab and my blood boiled looking at it.

All I want to do is kill a person...

And that is KIRAN!

How dare he?

"What the hell?" I screamed.

"I don't know what's with him? I'm sure Preeti is very angry at him" Ritu said and at the same time the door flung open revealing Preeti. I looked behind to expect Kiran but he wasn't there. She looked very sad and her face was pale. She didn't say anything but sat near me.

"All okay?" I patted her back and she shook her head.

"Let's talk about it later. Now tell me what's up?" She asked trying to be normal but failed miserably. Just then Kiran entered. He sat on the couch near Preeti, not taking his eyes off her.

I could see Priya fisting her palm but Tarun held her hand, releasing her fist. I sighed. I thought they are the couple without any problems but I'm wrong.

"Lets begin" Preeti said.

"Ok, listen carefully" I told them everything about Yash and his relation with Harish. I told them about his parents, about Harish's parents, how they both came to know that they are cousins. I spoke about Yash's dad and his mom. He truly loved Kavya and he taught that by claiming for Pranav, she'll get back with him.

I also told them about his plan to act as a traitor to extract information about terrorist attack and how he stopped it without anyone knowing it. He continued to act so that he can reveal the politicians and main higher officers who help the terrorists. I told them that he even got all the information and was about to proceed to the court when he was put behind the bars by Harish and Kavya's brother Dhanush.

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