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Shweta Pov

"Congratulations Shweta. We are so proud of you. You did it" My Dean said as soon as I entered my cabin in the morning.

He was there in my cabin surrounded by my other colleagues. As soon as I entered, they all blast a paper bomb with a signature smile on their face. What's with them?

I was totally blank when some of my friends came forward and hugged me tightly. Soon all my other friends joined, having a group hug while I was squeezed like an orange.

"Guys, hold on. What's going on?" I asked struggling to get out of the hug.

"Omg Shweta! We thought you are clever that you got it, but you are seriously so dumb!" My best friend said. I glared at her.


"What are you all talking about?" I asked when they are released me from their tight hug.

They all stayed quite.

"Dean please enlighten me what's up with these idiots?" I asked my Dean pointing at my colleagues. Now it's their turn to glare at me.

They all glared at me and I just shrugged off my shoulders.

"Your project is a complete success Shweta. Your discovery of the cure for that poisonous drug is approved. Congratulations!" He screamed in a happiness.


I stood in excitement while my feet were rooted in the ground.

Thank you God! I can't be more happy!

"D...Dean, is it real?" I asked him again to confirm.

"Yes you dumb head" one of my friend hit my head playfully.

I turned to her and hugged her tightly. She chuckled and hugged me back immediately.

This is really a great success in my career. I'm so happy that I'm going to save and serve the Indian Army. I can't express my happiness in words.

I hugged her tightly, closing my eyes. Happy tears flowed down from the corner of my eyes.

"Shweta, don't cry girl" Dean said and I released her from my arms.

"I'm so happy Dean. Finally my so many month's hard work has paid off" I said still not being able to digest my happiness.

"Congrats Shweta" I heard a voice at the door.

I saw Priya, Preeti, Kiran, Kavya with Pranav and my whole family there.

They all knew about it?!

Everyone barged into my cabin and once again I was pulled into a group hug.

"We are so proud of you princess" my dad said.

I smiled and my mom kissed my forehead. My brother pulled me down and kissed my cheeks.

"Way to go girl" Kiran patted my shoulder and hugged me briefly.

Priya, Preeti and Kavya also hugged the hell out of me.

"So Shweta, you'll be accompanied by Akshaya to the army camp in Kashmir" Dean said and handed me a letter.

It's a letter stating about the approval of my medicine and asking me to join as an army doctor to treat the soldiers. I am accompanied by Akshaya, my best friend, who has just completed her graduation.

I was beyond happy.

"I will definitely do my best Dean" I promised him and he smiled widely.

After few hours...

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