Epilogue 3

970 62 8

After 10 years

Ritu Pov

"Darling, are you ready?" Adi shouted from downstairs.

"Just two minutes" I said, as I was putting my phone and wallet from the night stand into my bag. I ran downstairs to see my husband standing in all his glory.

"Let's go" I pulled him while he was instructing the maid to lock the house before she was leaving.

"Fast, I don't wanna be late" I said as we got into the car.

"Chill baby, we'll get there before time" he started driving.

It's my son Sharan's sports day today. He's in his seventh grade and he's all that you can ask for as a blessing. His presence brings happiness to us and the fact that he has my features but his dad's character and behaviour, he's a perfect son. He never lets us down and I'm so proud to be his mother.

"Darling, there seems to be a lot of traffic" Adi said and yes, he's right.

"Please, make it fast" I said.

"We should take the other route I guess"

"Though it's long, I'm sure it won't be filled with traffic" I said and we finally took the long route to his school.

Sharan is very athletic and I'm sure he'll follow his father's footprints one day. Not that I complain but I want the best for him.

After about half an hour, we reached his school. Adi drove to the parking area and we immediately went to the sports ground. It was already filled with children on one side and parents on the other. There were some stalls around and there was a big fuss everywhere.

"That way" Adi pulled me to a side where there were some boys were warming up.

"Dad" I heard Sharan running to us.

"My boy" they shared a father son hug and I smiled.

"Hey son" Sharan hugged me too.

"Thank you mom, I though you won't be able to make it" he said, kissing my cheek.

"Of course I won't skip my son's important match" I hugged back.

"Sharan" We turned to see Rohan calling him.

"Hey Adi and hey Ritu" he greeted us. We asked the kids to call us by our names. In that ways we will be close to each other. As long as they respect and love us, we don't mind anything.

"Hey young man" we greeted him back.

"Is Kiran and Preeti here?"

"No Adi, they couldn't make it. They had to attend a conference meeting at the last moment" he said and a bit of sadness was visible.

"No worries my dear, we will cheer for you"

"Thank you, and Sharan let's go, it's getting late"

They walked to the football field and we settled on a bench under a roof.

"My boy is so going to rock it" Adi said

"Let's see" I challenged him.

"Cool love, let's see" we remained quiet, concentrating on the match. The opposite team already hit 2 goals and my son's team is lagging behind.

"Wanna bet hubby?" I whispered in his ear. He gulped audibly and turned to see me with his mischievous glint.

"Sure baby, what is the bet?"

"If my son takes the last goal, you'll have to treat me with an expensive dinner on Taj and if not, I'll grant anything you wish for. What say husband?" He didn't turn up for dinner last week when I booked a dinner in Taj.

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