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The longest and the most awaited one!

Harish Pov

"What?" Shweta asked, with her eyes widened.

"Yes Shweta, he is my cousin" I told her and saw her still in a shocked state. Even I was the same when I realised it for the first time.

"My dad had a younger sister. She was his only sibling. They were a small happy family until Yash's mom fell in love with Yash's dad" I said.

"Oh" she said. I know she doesn't know how to react to it. I simply nodded, continuing.

"But my grandparents were against her love. Even my dad didn't approve it. He secretly enquired on Yash's dad and came to know that he's involved in drugs and drinks" I said, seeing the shocked face of my love in front of me.

I simply pulled her close and hugged her. I caressed her cheeks and she stayed in my embrace without any complaint.

"Dad tried to tell his sister about it, but she was so blinded by love that she didn't heed any of their words. She was locked in the room and wasn't allowed to get out of the house.

She was basically imprisoned in her home. My grand father arranged for her wedding with a rich and well educated man. She was constantly opposing their decision, but they all turned a deaf ear to her. My dad tried a lot to convince his sister, but she was very much in love. And that pushed her to take a drastic step.

She eloped on the night before her wedding with Yash's dad. My whole family faced humiliation in front of the whole village. My grand father was a very reputated person in our village and his daughter's ellopement was unbearable for him.

Dad tried a lot to find her but she wasn't found anywhere. After many days, situations became better when my whole family abandoned her. They disowned her legally and shifted to the city, leaving behind their life in the village.

My grandparents were very depressed by it. They loved their daughter very much since her birth and her decision of leaving them behind for her love, made them mentally very weak. Though they shifted to a new surrounding, their mind was always revolving around the same thoughts.

My dad started working hard to get back to their normal life. He started his own business by taking loans and after few years he became one of the most successful businessmen. My grand parents were very happy for my dad, though they always had their sorrow inside their heart. But my dad failed to notice it. He thought they were completely out of that incident.

They searched for a match for my dad and he happily married my mom with my grand parents blessings. For a year, they were living happily. But one day my grand parents met with an accident where a truck hit their car when they were on the way back from Pazhani (a sacred place for Hindus). Later dad came to know that it was planned by his enemies in business.

He was broken. My mom was always there for him. She accompanied him everywhere and was sticking to his side every minute. Slowly dad came back to normal only to receive a happy news from mom. She was pregnant with me.

My dad smiled after a long time, since his sister elloped. He took utmost care of mom, leaving all his work behind. He stayed back at home since first trimester of my mom's pregnancy and pampered her like a little child. His days were filled with them talking to me when I was in my mom's womb and taking care of mom.

My mom was very happy to see dad this cheerful and peaceful. She took extra care about dad and me. She vowed herself to give birth to me at any cost just to see my dad's smile. She was so much on love with dad that she was ready to do anything for him.

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