Epilogue 2

729 57 7

After 7 years

Preeti Pov

"Boys, calm down" I tried to calm my kids but they are too hyper. We are currently about to land in Seattle.

"Mom I can't wait to surprise dad" my elder son Rohan squealed.

"We'll get there soon boy, now take your seat. We are going to land" I put him on his seat and put his seat belt.

"Mom, this is not happening" my second son Mahir cried.

"Wait" I walked to his seat and help him with the seat belt too.

"Loser" Rohan teased his brother.

"Rohan, don't be mean" I said and Mahir stick his tongue out.

We are currently in our private jet, going to Seattle to surprise my husband. He's here since a week due to some business work. He was about to come home yesterday but couldn't because his work isn't over yet. Tomorrow is his birthday and he was sad he couldn't spend it with us. So I decided to surprise him with our visit in Seattle.

I planned a party with the help of his PA Lana. She's a very efficient girl and a very good friend of mine. She secretly invited all his business partners and his friends to the party I planned in Seattle. I personally made sure everything is good through Skype with Lana. I owe her a lot.

Now we are almost in Seattle. Our plane just landed and I helped my boys to get into the car.

"Mom, dad doesn't know about it right?" Mahir asked.

"Yes son, he doesn't"

"Mom, we'll surprise him sharp at 12 and not before that" Rohan said.

"Yes, I already booked another suite for us in the same hotel as your dad is staying" I said and Rohan smiled.

"You're the best" he is too excited I guess.

"But mom, I want to meet dad now" Mahir whined. He's daddy's boy. Kiran spoils them a lot and my boys live him so much.

"We'll meet him soon" I said and he nodded. The driver drove us to the hotel and we checked in to our suite. We are in the same floor as my husband's. It's already 10 and Called Lana to thank her.

"Your welcome Mrs. Dixit" she said politely and I smiled.

"Mom, can I get an ice-cream?" Rohan asked.

"Me too, I want a black current"

"Strawberry" Mahir said and I ordered their ice-cream. They won't sleep now cause they slept all the way in our jet.

"Mom, here is my gift to dad, let's go. It's already 11.50" Mahir pulled me.

"Yea, just a minute" I quickly grabbed my gift and we walked out of our room.

I already got a spare key of my husband's room from Lana. I asked my sons to be quite and they put their forefinger on their mouth. They are so cute!

I opened the door and walked in quitely with my son's behind me. I saw Kiran sleeping soundly in his suite. He was sleeping in an awkward position and I guess he's tired. He must be so stressed that he didn't take a shower and went off to sleep. Suddenly I felt bad for waking him up.

"Daddy" my kids jumped on the bed, squealing loudly. Kiran's eyes shot open in shock and was soon replaced with a wide smile seeing us.

"Happy birthday daddy" Mahir wished him first as he hugged him.

"Thank you little boy" he hugged him back and kissed on top of his head.

"My turn. Happy birthday dad" Rohan jumped on him, resulting him to fall back on the bed again. I chuckled loudly and he smiled.

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