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Shweta Pov

I quickly rushed out of his room, not wanting to tear up in front of him.

I don't want him to know that I'm still the same old shy, coward Shweta whim he changed into a daring and a strong Shweta.

I'm sure he's proud of me today but is not ready to accept it. It's ok. I'll wait for him. My love for him will never fade away with time. In face it grows more.

I went to the head office to attend the meeting after washing my teary eyes.

I saw Avinash sitting across the other 5 doctors and the chief of cammando. I greeted them and took a seat beside one of the doctors. Akshaya already left to take care of Harish.

"Dr. Shweta, we have explained everything but still they have some doubts. Would you like to clear them?" Avinash asked.

"Yea, of course" I re-explained the concept used in the medicine I discovered. They had many queries and I cleared them.

They were all proud of me. They appreciated my unique thinking and wished me good luck.

I couldn't take all these appreciation. The one word 'congratulations' from that one person would really mean a lot to me.

I know he's proud of me but isn't ready to accept it. I wonder what's in his pretty little mind. Whatever it is I won't leave him. He's struck with me forever.

After about 3 hours, the session finally came to an end. I received the official letter from the government to proceed with my treatment. These officers were just checking my level of intelligence and my work experience.

I'm glad that I got the permission. I'll make sure none of the soldiers loose their lives. I'm here to protect them.

Every citizen is fully in debt to each and every soldier who is taking risk with his own life just for their sake. I'm happy to know that I can serve them in some way.

I quickly went to the hospital with my team. I was lead to the special cabinet where all the soldiers who are in critical stage were kept.

I tested each and every one of them personally and gave them the necessary doze of antibiotics. I injected them the medicine. I hope it works.

I checked their heart beat, their pulse rate and their breathing for 24 hours. There was still no improvement in them.

Is it the fault of my medicine?
Or is it their body which is taking time to respond?

I hope they get well soon. I spent the whole day just taking care of the lose soldiers who were on critical situation. But what about the others?
I have to check upon them too.

"Akshaya, can you ask Avinash to get the list of the others who are affected too?" I asked her.

"Shweta, you have been up for such a long time. Take some rest, I'll look after them" she said pointing at the soldiers who are lying on the bed.

"Ok then,. I'm going to my room. I'll get the list from him and you call me whenever there is an improvement" I said and she nodded.

I made my way to Avinash's cabin to find him reading a file.

"Sup?" He raised his head.

"I want the list of all the soldiers who are affected" I said and he nodded.

He walked to the shelf bear his bench and took a huge file and dusted the dirt off it.

Damn! It's going to be long!

"Here you go" he handed it to me.

"All the best. Call me if you want my help beautiful" he winked and I rolled my eyes walking out.

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