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Kavya Pov

I sighed looking at him constantly staring at me. It's very creepy. He kept looking at me like I'm the only one present here and now it's annoying like hell now. I gotta end this right now. I don't know how he got a bail again but this is the worst situation in my life. He proved to the court that he has no connection with his father since a long time and specially when he died. So he had no idea about his illegal drug affairs and he's out now. I must admit I missed him but now im

I moved to the other side of the beach where it was very lonely and calm. Knowing that he'll follow me, I stood at the coast letting the water wet my feet.

I saw him standing few feets away from me with am amusing expression on his face. I turned to him and glared at him, placing my hands on my hips.

"You look so hot baby girl" he said it out of nowhere and that made me more angry. I was asking him why as he literally following me everywhere and all he is saying is I look hot?

"Do you even realise what are you saying?" I snapped at him.

"You're so kissable right now. Don't blame me if I loose control" he said, coming near me. For every step he takes, I took a step back.

"Enough" I screamed and that made him stop.

"I love you baby girl" he said.

"Let's be frank. What do you want now?" I asked him.

"You, Pranav, us. I want us to be a family" he said.

"That will never happen in a million years" I said in my cold tone, turning to the other side.

"I'll make that happen" he said.

"I don't want to lose anything more now. I already lost everything, my family, my brother, my love and almost my life too. All I have now is my baby. Please spare atleast him for god's sake" I busted at him at the end.

"I know that you're mind is speaking all this but you're heart still has my name imprinted. Please let your heart out, I'll hear it" he said.


"Stop all your sweet talks. I'm not going to fall for it again. Please leave me and my son. I don't want anything from you anymore. You have given me enough for my whole life. Let me go and let me live peacefully" I shouted in rage and he stood still, with a facial expression stating to continue my scream.

"Let it out" he said.

"Let it all out. I know I'm the one who caused this and I'll mend it anyhow. You were mine, you are mine and you'll always be mine. I'll never give up on you, on us. Take how much ever time you want, if you want to hit me, slap me, go ahead. I don't care cause it's me who's the reason behind it. I'll do anything that makes you accept me, for you to return to me. I'll do anything Kavya and I mean it" he said and walked away.

I stood still, trying to process his words in my mind. What does he mean he'll never let me go?

And he said that he'll do anything for us? Is there even an us left?

I don't want anymore mess in my life. All I ever wanted since my childhood is a peaceful life. A simple life with all my loved ones near me. Someone to love me, for me to love, care and cherish but I guess I'm I'll fated. All I have at the end is broken heart and betrayal.

Unknowingly my eyes started tearing up and I sat on the sand, looking at the sea and the sun setting. It somehow gave me inner peace but still the reality was stuck somewhere behind my head, making my tears run down continuously.

"Here" I turned to see Priya offering me a bottle of water. I took it and gulped down some water. She sat beside me and we both are silent.

"Wanna talk?" She asked.

"I'm tired. I don't want this anymore. I just need some rest, this is all too much for me" I said honestly, still looking at the calm sea and the sun which almost down the horizon. The orange ray filled the sky and it was beautiful.

"Then take a break" she said and that made me turn to her.

"Take a break for a while. You want to make modelling as your career right? Go to New And chase you're dreams for a while. I'm sure if you get it there, you'll be famous here. You'll get many adds and many more projects for you to work as a model. Go there and give yourself some time. After you're ready, come back" she said and I found it a good idea.

"But Pranav?" I asked her. I don't want my child near that jerk anywhere.

"I'll take care of him or obviously aunty will be taking care" she's right. Shweta's mom loves Pranav like her grandchild and she's the one who takes care of him all the time.

"What if Yash...." She cut me off.

"Do you even know what you're doing? You're separating a son and a father. Though he might be a criminal in your eyes, he has all rights over Pranav. You just can't stop him from showing his lover to Pranav. I'm not forcing you to be with him or get back with him but let the poor child see his father's love. You very well know what it is to live without a dad. I too experienced it and it's horrible, please don't let Pranav face the same. Our fathers are no more but he has his father in front of him. Think twice Kavya. You're a strong girl and whatever it is, I'll always be by your side" she hugged me and I cried on her shoulder.

It's true that living without our father is the worst thing in the world. You always feel insecure and sacred. I don't want Pranav to face the same. I may hate Yash but I don't have any rights to interfere between the father and son.

"I trust you with Pranav. Let him meet Yash but his intension shouldn't be bad. I don't want any of his criminal activities near my son. Also I'm doing this only for my baby and not for anyone else" I said and she suddenly pulled back from the hug. Her face was shining with happiness and I smiled too. Don't blame me cause her smile is contiguous.

"Don't worry, I'll take complete care of that little boy" she promised.

After sometime, I broke the silence.

"Should I accept the offer of the perfume and go to UK?" I asked her opinion.

"It'll be great. I forgot about it. It's a two months project right? You can go for it. New city and new place will clear your mind and it'll bring you close to your career since it's an international product" she said and I nodded.

I decided that I'll go to UK for two months. I hope I'll be able to get back to normal.

I desperately need a break!


Hey lovelies!
Thanks a ton for all your love and support. You're right, I must complete the book for you guys.

I love you all alot. Thanks for being my constant pillar. You guys made my day. I'll try and give you updates as soon as possible.

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