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" Love doesn't hurt...

     It's the person you chose to love that hurts."


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     HANDS ran through my  soft caramel curls tugging and pinning it into a perfect masterpiece. My head felt heavy and out of balance from all the hair that sat atop it. Lucinda softly hummed a little tune to help me relax but it was seldom successful. " Aren't you excited mistress you're announcing your marriage today" she claps her hands with joy placing the finishing touches on my hair. I stressed on a tight fake smile and nodded truly trying to make her happy.
" I am overjoyed" she places her hands on my shoulder and looks into the mirror. Her bright chocolate iris bore into my dull pale green ones almost as if she was trying to look into my soul. " Your just as beautiful as your mother.....she and your brother would have been very proud," she says gently fixing a piece of hair that was out of place. Swallowing the large lump that held place in the middle of throat I shakily smiled at her.
"Do you think  they would have been happy with my decision?" I whisper raising my hand to touch my locket softly that held both of my loved one's pictures in. " I do believe so mistress if not overjoyed" I smile and feel my eyes stinging with tears. Not for the reason she thought. These silent tears weren't for the joy of my future in fact they were from the fear of the inevitable.
" Come now mistress let's get you into your shoes and mask your guest are waiting for you." I stand and flatten my yellow dress down with my hands and take a deep breath. " Lucinda....'I don't want to marry that pig Dominic' I will miss you greatly" I have to bite my tongue and shut off the world from my true emotions, because a English women never showed any emotion besides gratefulness to her husband and father. 
      Anger,fear,hate,disgust,and sometimes love we're all forbidden fruits to women. Lucinda smiles at me with tears in her eyes from happiness of course. She can't see past the thick walls I have up and I can't help hold a grudge against her naïve personality.
I want to scream in frustration but a lady keeps her opinions and comments to herself unless asked for them which is rare in this household . She gently pats my cheek and gives me a watery smile " I will miss you as well mistress" she grabs my hands and traces my knuckles which if she looked deeply were bone white.
" May God guide you to a happy life darling," she says kissing them lightly before handing me my mask for the party tonight. " wish me luck" I joke slightly as I feel my stomach knot and twist a sick beast waiting to swallow me whole. She laughs lightly before escorting me to the ballroom doors. " Have fun mistress." She says pulling me into a hug before walking swiftly down the hall to attend to her duties.
" Are you ready My lady?" A voice asks from behind sending shivers of disgust down my spine. " of course Dominic" I replied with no emotion and place my hand in his outstretched arm. As the doors open we walk down the grand stairs each step physically causing me pain.
    " Presenting lady Anastasia Knight and Lord Dominic Hunter." the announcer yells out in the silent ballroom all eyes are on us and I can feel the narcissism radiating off of Dominic as he basks in the spotlight. We make it down the stairs and into the center of the ballroom where people parted for us like the Red Sea. The Orchestra started to play the first waltz and Dominic takes a firm grasp of my hip and hand. His palm is searing hot almost to the point of tears rising in my eyes.
We dance gracefully looking like a perfect couple but if you look closely enough you'll see it's just an illustration. Almost like a thin veil hiding the twisted monsters and demons. Dominic isn't smiling at me,his fiancé, but at the many women in the ballroom and his grip on my hip is too tight to where there will be bruises later tonight.
As the song ends I shove myself out of his grasp and curtsied pulling the same fake smile on my face. He bows to me but them makes up an excuse of having to go and talk to his business partners and I was much too young to understand it. Dominic is the most successful businessman even at his young age of 21 and who other to marry then the 15-year-old daughter of the second most successful businessman.
He sees me as nothing more than a prize or another stepping stone to his ultimate goal of running the trading industry. I walk around as many people come up to me and wish me a happy marriage and many healthy children. I have to hold back a grimace at the mention of children I would love to have maybe one or two but Dominic expects me to have four or five to keep his family name going.
I walk over to my father who is talking to a business partner of his " Ah there she is my beautiful Annie!!" my father hiccups and my eyes widen slightly as I can tell he is intoxicated. " Father maybe its time to retire to your chamber. " I suggest lightly touching his arm but he bats it away
" nonsense you silly girl the ball has only begun" looking over to his business partner I see he is also intoxicated. I sigh and walk away from the pair deciding I need a breath of fresh air I walk out the back doors and into my mothers garden.
It's a winter wonderland tonight from the fresh snow on the ground to the chill in the air. I'm walking through the dead rose bushes when I hear rustling from behind me causing my head to whip back.
" Hello is anyone there?" I call out gently taking cautious steps forward. I go to move some bushes out of the way when somebody grabs me from behind and pins me to their chest. " you look sinful tonight love.." Dominic growls in my ear his hands placed tightly on my hips.
" Unhand me!!" I growl throwing his hands off of me and taking steps back. " you don't get to tell me what to do love.." he spat reaching for me but I stepped back bumping into a Rosebush the thorns piercing my hand and blood falling onto the freshly fallen snow.
" Don't touch me you pig " I growl clutching my hand to my chest as I try to get away from him. He grabs my arms tightly sure enough to leave bruises and pulls his hand back slapping me across the face. " You are mine!!" He spats looking down at me.
    " I was and will never be yours!!" I yell struggling against his grip but he only holds on tighter. He pulls his arm back and punches me across the face. " You are mine!! You.are.mine!!" He continues to punch me in his drunken state I start to see stars and dark spots but he doesn't stop even when I go limp in his arms.
He drops me to the floor after he's done I can feel the cold snow on my cheek as I lay in my own blood. I try to open my swollen eyes but it comes out blurry and all I see is his feet stumbling into the ballroom. My head hurts and I can feel my breathing becoming shorter and shallower
' Is this what dying feels like?' I hear footstep returning and I start to panic as I think it is Dominic returning. " It's going to be alright I've got you..." a soothing voice whispers reaching down to pick me up I whine in protest as my whole body hurts
" I'm going to help you ok now what's your name?" The mystery man asks gently as I feel a breeze pass by us.
" A-anas-tasia" I try to speak but blood flows up onto my lips. " Anastasia you need to stay with me my name is Carlisle Cullen.." I try to pay attention to his voice but my eyes were getting heavier and heavier.
"Please, I need you to stay awake we are almost to a Doctor." But no matter how hard I try to stay awake I can't " I'm sorry." I whisper numbly the darkness taking over me. I can feel my grip on life slowly slipping away and as I'm about to let go and plummet to the unknown a hell hot fire rages through my body.

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now