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" Sometimes it's not the butterflies that tell you you're in love.

It's the pain you feel."


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    MY stomach was doing backflips and leaps as we walked on the freshly sticking snow. This was it. The last stand between the Volturi and the Cullen's. My nerves where sharper then  knives as I allowed half myself to slip into Huntress mode. Dylan held onto my hand tightly pulling me to his side when we stopped.
    " The red coats are coming the red coats are coming" Garrett said as hooded figures emerge out of the other side of the woods. I would have laughed if the situation wasn't so life or death.
    I wrapped a arm around Dylan's side and held on tightly. Fear pumped through my body as all the different scenarios running through my head crashed down onto me.
    Grabbing onto Malia I hold her to my front not liking that my little sister was in the line of fire but she was a trained hunter. I look around at my new friends and my family if I where to die today I will die saving these people.
   " Edward as the child clings to your newborn mate I'm sure you have something to do with this?" Aro says after talking to Carlisle. I take a step forward not wanting my brother anywhere near them but Dylan squeezes my shoulder stopping me from moving.
    I instead grip onto Lia as we watch my brother walk forward. On instincts I move forward away from Dylan but he quickly wraps a arm around my waist stopping me. ' Don't.' I read his mind and immediately step back against him. Edward places his hand in Aros and holds back a sneer as Aro gets a far away look.
    " I'd like to meet her" he tells Edward.
' HELL NO!!' I tense not wanting Ness anywhere near those monsters.Bella and Jacob step forward Renesmee in tow Dylan has to physically hold onto my arms so I don't do anything stupid .
    They stop half way and Bella looks at me then Emmett giving us a pleading look. I nod and leave Dylan's grasp replacing myself with Lia walking to my new sister and niece.
     Renesmee grabs onto my hand as well as Bella's trying to get some comfort from us. Each step we took her heart beat would spike a little.  When we reach the guards I push Renesmee back a little just in case they get any ideas.  Edward looks at his wife in pure fear for her and their child.
   " Young Bella..." Aro talks to Bella but I'm not paying attention as something has caught my attention which so happens to be Alec Volturi. His red eyes are captivating and I feel as if I'm falling into them my eyes widen as relies what's happening ' No!! He can't be my..'

    I'm pulled away from our staring contest gold against blood red by Aro speaking to me

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    I'm pulled away from our staring contest gold against blood red by Aro speaking to me.    " And Anastasia what a lovely surprise...I see you're as well are protective of the child may I?" Aro holds out his hand and I can't help think he's up to something everyone here is protective of Ness but I place my hand in his my crest ring feeling heavier in his hand then normal.
    " Oh my what happy coincidence!!" He cheers looking back at Alec as I slip my hand out of his a step back in front of Ness. " it seems our dear Alec has found his mate." Aro turns and smiles at me but it drops when he see my deep frown.
    " Master there must be a mistake I could never be mated to a Cullen and a ex hunter at the most." Alec steps forward glaring harshly at me before Aro can scold him I step forward and glare back at him. " I couldn't agree more I would never be mated to a Witch twin.." I growl Jane steps forward and glares at me " pain" she mumbles but I put up wall and block her.
    Janes  powers have to do with your mind and mine so happens to be the strongest besides Bella's she looks taken aback but then her hard glare is set back. " I see it can not be helped now may I speak to the child?" I tense up and move closer to Ness as she steps forward to us I feel Emmett step forward and stands behind me in comfort.
    He's the only one who can see how broken I am about Alec and what he said. ' It's ok I'm fine' I tell him through his mind but he doesn't move knowing full well I am not ok. " Hello Aro..." Ness says as she raised her hand and touches her cheek many of the guards tense up and take a threatening step forward causing me and Emmett to glare and take one too.
    " Manifico...." Aro says in Italian as Ness talks to him through her powers he stand up abruptly and turns to his guards " Half mortal Half immortal conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still human..." Bella pulls Ness back and holds her close
   " Impossible!" Caius says stepping forward "You think they've fooled me brother." Aro growls. Emmett pulls me away as we walk back to our side Jacob stays back and growls loudly at the leaders I see Aro tense slightly as well as many guards.
  " Bring the informer forward " Caius growls embarrassed at being scolded by his brother in front of their army. Everyone moves as three guards bring forward Irina.
   " Is that the child you saw?" Caius points to us and I can see Irina's torn of protecting herself or us.." I'm not sure" Irina says looking down " Jane.." he taunts her.
    " She's different this child is bigger." I pull Ness closer to me and glare at her. " Then your allegations were false.." Caius says almost broadly.
    " The Cullen's are innocent I take full responsibility for my mistake" I tense up and pull Ness into my side shielding her from seeing what is to come.
   " I'm sorry" she whispers to us and I pull  Ness tighter to me as Bella and Edward watch in horror. " Caius NO!!" Edward yells not wanting anyone to die or take the blame of a simple mistake that got out of hand.
    " IRINA!!" Kate and her sister Tonya scream in sadness and horror as they watch their sister die. Bella picks up Renesmee and places her on Jacob as Edward and I help stop the sister from causing a war.
   " Anna stop their movements!!" Edward screams at me I throw my hands out and try to pin their limbs to there slides but Kate gets past me slightly before I can get her. I place my hands on her shoulders trying to push her back but she places her hands on my forearm causing me to scream out in pain as she shocks me full power.
    I fall to my knees slightly twitching as her electric burst still go through me. It might of been my imagination  but I could of sworn I saw Alec begin held back by his sister as he struggled to get to our side. " BLIND THEM!!" Edward tells Zafrina as I  groan quietly trying to stand up but slipping on the ice slightly every time. I hear a growl from behind me and Seth steps forward nudging me to help me stand up.
    I nod in thanks as he helps me by letting me lean on him slightly. ' You ok?' He asks and I can only give him a nod as I step forward Edward and I walk back to Bella but not before Aro decides to push us harder " pain" Jane says as she looks at my brother I watch in horror as he falls to the ground with a grunt I glare at her knowing I can't do anything without us dying.

    Bella grunts as she tries to get the shield wrapped around us and fast

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    Bella grunts as she tries to get the shield wrapped around us and fast. I smirk slightly as I watch Edward stand up and walk to Bella " it's working" Jane looks around frantically trying to find someone to hurt when nothing happens she takes a step forward causing Alec to hold her back and all of us to take a step forward. Aro gasps and gets a look of joy on his face "Alice" Edward mumbles my eyes widen and a small gasps leaves my lips.

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now