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" Sometimes I'm scared to be happy because when I acknowledge it my world turns to upside down."


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I sat on the couch my sketchbook placed on my lap as I sketched mindlessly. I was so lost shading and fixing up my creation that I hadn't noticed Bella and Ness walk back in from outside where Ness was catching snow flakes.
     " Who's that Auntie Anna?" Ness asks from beside me causing me to jump as I'm broken from my trance like state. I look up at her as she points down to my drawing causing me to look back at it and bite back the profanity that tries to slip past my lips.
    " No one.." I whisper flipping the page over to an old painting I had. Placing a hand over the thick paper I think of the person I had been mindlessly drawing. What did it mean? It's not something that just going to pass over like Carlisle thinks Alec Volturi is burned into my mind and I have no idea why.

" Who are they?" My curious niece asks again pointing down to my book with bright eyes

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" Who are they?" My curious niece asks again pointing down to my book with bright eyes. I look down and smile gently at the sketch of my old family. Two portraits fit side by side a male and a female. " This is my cousin and little sister from when I lived without your grandpa.." I trail off lying through my teeth but who could blame me I wasn't going to tell my sweet innocent niece that I had ran away and got into a shit storm of trouble and these two people were the ones to help pull me out.
      " Oh...do you miss them?" She asks tilting her head to the side look up at me with her bright brown eyes. " Sometimes but I look at you and our family and I'm happy where I am" I say kissing the top of her head lightly causing her to giggle. She reaches forward and flips the page again and she looks in awe at the sketch I can't help the wide grin that spreads across my face. " Is that you?!?" She asks in total awestruck

     "Yup but I didn't draw this one another friend of mine back at the academy was the one teaching me how to sketch and draw he's the one who would randomly draw me

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     "Yup but I didn't draw this one another friend of mine back at the academy was the one teaching me how to sketch and draw he's the one who would randomly draw me." I say gently fingering the thick page between my thumb and pointer finger.
     " What was his name?" She asks tracing the small AL initials at the bottom before looking back up at me with curiosity " Apollo" I breath out a crushing sensational reading throughout my chest as I think about my late mentor.
    " Is he back at the academy with your other friends?" She asks and before I can come up with a kid friendly lie my older brother saves the day.
  " Renesmee why don't you leave your aunt alone and come sit down I'll teach you a new song?" He offers causing the little girl  to squeal happily and skip to her father. ' Thank you' I mouth to him before looking down at the sketch again. ' How was I supposed to explain to her that he sacrificed himself so I could live.' I think as I close my eyes and take in shaky breaths trying to calm myself.
    " Tonya convinced Irina to come reconcile us.." Carlisle says breaking me out of my train of thought. Then I remember the task at hand Irina had seen Bella and Ness in a meadow and over reacted when she saw Jacob
I'm guessing.
    That was Irina though she was always jumping to conclusions like on the night of Edward and Bella's wedding she blamed Seth for the death of her mate when he clearly tried to kill Bella. " Well it looks like she must of changed her mind." Edward says and I nod my head in agreement jumping off a cliff just to get away from Bella when all she wanted to do was talk was a little to dramatic for my taste.
     " Seeing Jacob must of been to much.." Esme says a look of pity on her face " I wish I could of just spoken to her.." Bella says guilty
    " She's family she'll come around." Carlisle smiles at Bella reassuringly before leaning back into the couch and wrapping his arm around Esme. The room gets quite but it's more of a peaceful one then a tense one. I turn the page over onto a blank one and start to sketch whatever came to my mind which so happens to be a Victorian style mansion that my old covenant lived in.
    Edward started to play the piano and I feel all my tense muscles relax at the familiar song he's playing. Esme and Carlisle start a game of chess and I can't help but look up at them every once and a while to see who's winning. 
    Jasper sits down across from me with a large book in his hand as Alice walks off to put flowers in a vase that he had bought her randomly. Ness gives the song a try and surprisingly she really good at it. It's  as smooth as when Edward plays and that's saying something

I smile down at my quick sketch with pride as it looks exactly like the old place

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I smile down at my quick sketch with pride as it looks exactly like the old place. My smile however is wiped clean off my face when a loud crash rings through the room.
    We all turn to see Alice her face clouded with shock and fear and at her feet her glass vase in pieces. Jasper's the first to react and speeds over to his mate placing his hand on the small of her back to keep her upright. " What is it Alice?" He asks as she looks at him blinking rapists if doing so would chase off the horrible vision.
     " The volturi....There coming for us" She says fear and surprise laced in her voice . I stand up and latch onto Rose for comfort. She wraps her arm around me and pulls me close as Emmett dose the same to her. " They think we've committed a crime?" I ask calmly even if I'm shaking lightly in anger if it wasn't one thing it was another.
   " No they think we've created one."  Carlisle says gravely looking at Ness my eyes widen in fear

' They think she's an immortal child..'

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя