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Figures dancing gracefully,
Across my memory.

Figures dancing gracefully, Across my memory

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    I slowly walked back inside taking note how quite it is . ' Their probably hunting..' I sigh and raise a hand to run over my face in mental exhaustion. ' What to do. What to do..' Tapping a finger against my lips slightly I scan the room for anything that would entertain me. ' Bingo!' I take long strides towards Edward's grand piano that sat right by the windows.
     Taking a seat on the bench I raise my hands to the keys and press down gently when a soft ping echoes off the instrument I smile to myself. I closes my eyes and begin to play the first song that comes to my mind. I laugh quietly as it's the theme song for Anastasia the movie Jane adores so much.
    My fingers glide effortlessly across the white keys feeling the music flow through me as I imagine myself dancing and twirling to the music as if I was a toddler learning to dance.
     " Once upon a December..."I sing the Lullaby softly under my breath a sense of peace washing over me as I continue to press down on the keys. My hair shifts slightly as a light breeze swirls into the room. This causes my eyes to snap open and my body to tense. Jamming my fingers down onto the keys ,causing the piano to make a ugly dark noise, I stand up and turn to face my attackers. Three men dressed in a black uniform similar to the guards but without the accents of red and gold.
     " What do you want.." my nerves are buzzing as my instincts are sensing danger. My mind is weak and not at its full strength and I have no idea what these men's desires are.
    " He has been kind." The one on the right says his voice deep and gravely but I can't see his face as it's covered with a black cloak. " He has been patient.." The left one sighs out with effort a black clock masking his face as well. " Now He will be ruthless..." The middle one growls and lifts his head up slightly to where I can see his black eyes.
    ' No...' I back up slightly as I relies if I hurt or kill these men I kill innocent people. " Stop." I hold my hand out as they take a threading step forward. " Come with us princess of ashes this is your last chance to come voluntarily..." the men gaggle together and it makes my skin crawl.
     ' Alec...Jane.' I try to reach out to the twins.  ' Anastasia?..' Jane's voice raddled in my mind and I breath deeply glaring harshly at the men ' Jane how far out are you..'
    " Why do you want me...why not just kill me?" I ask boldly taking a step back to put some distance between the four of us. ' 30 minutes why?' My stomach clenches in fear as I relies they won't make it back in time if they try anything. ' We have a big problem...three men all under mind manipulation..'.
    " You are worth more to him alive then dead....however do not be mistaken if you cause any trouble you will be delt with after he takes his kingdom back."  Chills run up my spine and I raise my hands up in a defensive stance. ' We're on our way!!' Jane's frantic voice rips into my mind  and I clench my eyes shut.
    ' Anastasia run!' It's Alec's voice this time and I bite my lip opening my eyes. ' ....I love you..' I pull the shelves off of the wall and slam them down onto the trio. They scatter away and I use the distraction to rush towards the back door. My hand wraps around the nod the same time a hand wraps around my hair and yanks me back.
    My body slams into wall glass shattering around me as I fall to the ground. " Anastasia Harper Cullen....We have given you many chances to come to us willing...it seems force is now the only way." The middle one hisses and I clench my fists.
    " As you can probably tell I don't take orders very well.." I hiss lifting my head up slightly before my hand shoots out and I use my gift to send the grand piano flying towards them. ' 10 Miles.' Jane's voice is frantic and frazzled as she and Alec rush towards us. Getting onto my feet I stop the fist that's sailing towards my face. Picking up my left leg I slam my foot into the mans gut. He stumbles back and the third man leaps into the fight. A large rock slams into the window and comes hurtling towards me. I raise my arms up and use my gift to slow the rock down but my mind struggles to pull the energy to stop it fully. Rolling to the side I let the bolder crash into the wall behind me.
    ' One more push...then run.' I tell myself getting back onto my feet and turn to face the figures who stand back in their original order like robots. " Sorry." I smirk at them before raising my hands and sucking up all my energy for this one last push. Pulling my hands back before slamming them forward the motion sends the three men flying away from me. Without looking to see if they were truly down I race out the back door my feet touching down onto the back yard grass before racing into the woods.
    Looking slightly behind me I exhale when I see no one fallowing me. Just when my lips begin to form a smile I slam full force into a large body. Large hands wrap around my upper arms holding onto me tightly." Get off me!!" I scream trying to push the attacker off of me.
    " Anastasia! Anastasia's it's me!" I stop struggling and sigh in relief when I see Andrew towering over me. " Andrew..." he looks down at me before looking over my head. " We need to get you out of here." He grabs my arm and races forward I fallow my mind foggy with exhaustion and a headache.
    My feet pound on the trial the path seeming familiar.Then it hits me we're making a circle and back to the house. " Stop." I growl coming to a halt by a large pine tree the humid air whipping around me with the smell of a storm on its way.
    " Anastasia we need to keep moving before they catch up." Andrew turns to me and I take notice of his attire the same from earlier today...damp from the drizzle that started after Jane and Alec left. Which couldn't be right he would have been in La Push already by the time I saw them off unless...he never left.
    " I thought you went back with Leah?" I hiss quietly my brain coming to a conclusion my heart didn't want to believe. " Anastasia we don't-" I can feel my heart clenching as I take a step back away from the one person who was suppose to have my back. " Andrew what did you do..." I growl lowly my senses heightening the more I stare at him.
    " I-I..." the crack of thunder didn't even phase me as I stare into my brothers eyes seeing the new darkness and secrets that dwelled deep in his corrupted soul. " You sold me out.." I whisper softly and by the way he tenses I know I couldn't be more right. My heart shatters completely my brother my own damn blood brother sold me out to the people that had destroyed my life.
    " Anastasia please lis-.." " NO!" I shout at him another crack of thunder rumbling the earth. " How could you?!?" I take a threatening step forward but he keeps silent. ' I'll find out myself then!' His eyes widen and he stumbles back as I pry his head open and watch the memories flow out into mine. The images of him meeting with these people to plan an attack crushes my soul. My own goddamn brother did this. I watch a recent memory of him standing outside the house watching me play the piano before signaling the men to move into the house.
    " YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" I scream the rain pouring down on us now. " I'm so sorry.." he whispers hanging his head slightly and I go to attack him when a arm wraps around my neck. " Sleep tight princess." I scream loudly as the person starts to rip my head off my body. The pain was excruciating as I felt every crack until it was gone and I was floating between death and undead. ' Alec...'

Raise your hand if you saw that coming? Her own brother has been working for the unknown enemy!! *gasp* so I know the story started to drag slightly and I'm soooooorrrrryyyy.
But since Anastasia is kinda of in a limbo you know with her head kinda...gone? That does not mean she is dead I repeat that dose not mean she is dead! Just out of commission for a bit.
I'm going to have some flashbacks incorporated into the next few chapters. We get to learn more about her mysteries hunting past and hopefully the five years without the Cullen's!! You'll just have to wait and see. I hope your enjoying the story. As always leave a comment on anything you wish to tell me!
Bye loves!!
~ Luna 🌕

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