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    " The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't do."


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  The Cullen's had supposedly been exploring the village begin that it was surprisingly a gloomy day which was very rare in Volterra. Not a ray of sun was peaking out of the dark clouds that coated the sky like a blanket. My duties unfortunately where away from Alec and Jane which was a rare sight as well. My heels clicked softly as I lead four other guards down to the basement where the dungeons were located.
The lower guards that stood watch at the huge metal door stood up straighter as I walked past and with a wave of my hand the guards unlock the door. We walk down the twist turns of cobblestone passing by cells some empty some occupied. Some prisoners bowed slightly as I walked by some out of respect and some out of mockery. It was very rare that the Volturi took prisoners it was either we saw your innocence or you were killed on the spot for treason.
When we rounded our last corner I growled in annoyance as I saw Tiana with one of her guards holding up the prisoner against the wall as she tried to get answers out of him. " Tiana." I snarled and she looked at me with anger for interrupting her session. " Anastasia." She curtsied and I growled

     " Aro did not approve of this

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" Aro did not approve of this." She looks up innocently batting her eyelashes which would work on any other male guard but not me or Jane. " It's my duty as t-" I raise my hand stopping her.
  " Do not forget your place this is a high guard matter take your guards you are dismissed." She sneers at me but nods and turns on her heels walking away her lower guards fallowing after her. I truly meant it when I said the Volturi were like a family she just so happened to be the bitch cousin that no one liked but her little minions.
I honestly had no problem with her my first year living here. That is until she started to flirt with my mate and tried to belittle me that's when we started to have disagreements. I turn to the cell that held the brother that attacked me and the twins in London. He sat slouched in the corner with his head in his hands as he tried to heal himself from his injuries that Tiana had inflected upon him.
' To what do I owe the pleasure of the princess of ashes protecting me from my abusers?' He looks up at me his mouth still clamp shut and I glare at him. " I did not save you for your own benefit. The Volturi hoped that you'd answer some of our questions but begin that there was little success they sent me. " I pull my hood down and step into the cell many of the guards tensing up and ready to intervene if he tries anything.
  ' And how are you going to do that? Crush me? Like you did to my baby brother? My mouth is shut.' He glares up at me and I hold his eye contact.
" My gifts are far more advanced then what you think dear Henry." I smirk holding my hand up and making him stand up and pinning him to the wall. " Where our the people you've kidnapped begin held?" I ask lowly and he rolls his eyes " Wouldn't you like to know.' I grind my teeth slightly but keep my face neutral.
" I'm not going to ask again Henry. Where are they?" I add a little bit pressure making him grunt. ' Go to hell." He snarls and I smirk.
  " I have been there and what a lovely place it is. I'm sure your brother is enjoying his eternal stay." This hit a cord and he starts to struggle against my hold a new fire in his eyes. ' You bitch!! John was innocent you killed a innocent man!' He screams at me and my eyes harden as I try to peak into his mind but just like the other we've captured there's a wall holding it all back.
" You let them mind control your own brother." I ask calmly adding more pressure thinking back to the fight and remembering something was off about him. " Ugh!!! John didn't like the way they where having it play out he didn't agree with having to go after you as if you were some god dam goddess we had to have! So they persuaded him." He throws his head back in pain.
  " Your brother died for nothing he was right why should you have to chase after me? But yet here you are still protecting the people who truly killed your brother. If you wouldn't have came after me your brother may have very well been alive right now." I turn on my heels not dropping my hold on him until the cell door is shut. He slides down the wall his head bowed and I flick up my hood turning to two of my most trusted guards
" Stay and watch him if anything happens send someone to inform me." They nod and slowly I walk away from the cell the rest of the guards fallowing me. When we reach the floor above the basement I'm slightly surprised to see Felix and Holland waiting for me at the end of the hall. I nod at them and continue down the hall towards the throne room.
Pushing the door open I don't bat a eye as I see the Cullen's in the room once again and I pull down my hood walking up to the thrones and curtsying. " Anastasia!! It seems you finished early. " Aro smirks and holds his hand out for me to take. I place my hand gently in his and he frowns sighing softly.
" It seems your going to have to let him stew." I nod " It seems so master." I feel all the Cullen's eyes on me and it was more uncomfortable then when I was first let into the guard and more  then a 100 eyes where on me. " Let him stew what?" Bella steps forward asking and I walk over to stand by Caius who smirks at me which was a fatherly smile on duty. " My dear Bella don't concern yourself with it." Aro waves her away and she looks to me but when I glare slightly she backs off.
" Oh my god Anastasia." Edward mumbles looking up at me his eyes wide and his mouth a gap and I know for a fact he looked into Aros mind to see what we were talking about. "You're torturing him!" He yells at me not looking at the masters but straight at me. " Anastasia, if I must repeat myself, is a high guard therefore one of her responsibilities is to take care of higher treasons. The man that you are referring to attacked her on a mission and is in line with the movement against us." Cauis growls however Edward holds eye contact with me and I glare harshly.
  ' Back off.' I tell him mentally and it overwhelms me that this the first time I've communicated with him like this after five years. ' This is twisted Anastasia this isn't you.' He tells me and my glare seems to intensify by the way he backs away slightly. ' It has been for the past five years.' Cutting off the communication I turn and listen to Aro talking to Carlisle.
" If Anastasia has agreed I see no problem in it however she will not be going alone. Alec and Jane will accompany her along with Felix. This may seem like a lot to you Carlisle but with recent attacks towards Anastasia I'm sure my brothers will agree. We will take no chances." Aro says calmly and Caius sneers not looking happy that I will be leaving; Marcus seems indifferent to the decision.
  " She will not leave with you tomorrow begin that she has her duties to attend to however she will be there the day before the celebration.  And Heed my warnings Carlisle if your family tries anything or harms Anastasia in anyway I will personally see to your destruction. " Aro leans back into his throne a long silence slides over the group.
" Thank you Aro." Carlisle smiles and I glare reminding myself I was doing this for my niece that I so dearly loved even after five years I would have guards check up on her once in awhile to make sure she was happy and healthy.
Last night I had agreed to go to back to forks after discussing it with Alec. When the family leaves a guard walks in and rushes up to Caius whispering in his ear slightly. " It seems that the semester is here." He turns to me and smirks causing me to scrunch up my eyebrow a look of slight disgust on my face.
" Jane please escort Anastasia to the towers and make sure she actually stands still." Aro jokes and I cringe internally as I see the smirk on Janes face. I look to Alec for support but he raises his hands up slightly in surrender ' Sorry love.' Then I'm attacked by Jane and dragged up to the towers to start this tortures practice.

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now