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" My life will never be more important than your safety."


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     I need to find a way to make sure this beast never toured a soul again, but I wasn't thinking straight and I couldn't come up with anything. I pull myself off from my desk where all my lore books sat scattered around. I start to pace my family had come and gone all trying to cheer me up or help me come up with a plan but they all failed.
     " Your going to burn a circle into the carpet if you keep doing that." I lift up my gun and point it at the source a hiss rips itself out of my throat.
    "You!!?" I stare at the man who had broken into my room the night prior and he just chuckled. " Really kid I tell you not to die and you go and make a deal with a damn hellhound." Keeping my gun pointed at him a shrugs a shoulder sarcastically.
       " I'm rebellious what can you do?" I replied bitterly. " Now if you'd kindly leave that would be great." I growl using my gift to raise my knives up in the air ready to strike. " Now let's put a leash on Huntress. Wouldn't you like to know how to kill your little problem?" He taunts holding up a ancient looking book with a Latina title. 'Canis inferorum' I shuck in a breath and glare at him.
     " What is it?" I ask tensing as he steps out of his corner. " Did you know that only a certain blade can kill a hellhound when wielded by its chosen mate?" My eyes widen as he snaps he wrists and long black claws inch out.
    " Oh if you could see your face boy it would be a laugh." He stocks towards me and I launch three knives at him but then he disappears. I gasp in surprise as two hands wrap around my arms pulling me into a hard chest.
    " Now let's go on a little history adventure? Shall we?" Before I can answer the door is slammed open. " Get your hands off her!!" Alec and my brother Emmett run in but it's to late.
" This may sting." He whispers into my ear before I feel the sharp tip of his nails at the back of my neck.
    " NO!!" I hear Alec yell as a scream rips out of my throat the razor sharp nail stabbing past my unbreakable skin and into my neck. " ANNA!!" Emmett yells.
   " There it is..." I hear the visitor whisper and with a twist of his black claws where both pulled into a black hole.
     I jump awake and look around to see I'm in my old estates tea room. " What a lovely house..." I turn sharply and glare at the man who had plunged me into my past it seems.
   " Why are we here?" I growl looking around the painfully familiar room. " You know that little stunt you pulled with the knives...it was tacky you can do so much with your gift if you tried." He sighs placing his cup of tea on the table in front of him.
   " You hide behind your guns and knives saying your out of the hunting game but yet you still rely on the stupid human invention. My question is why not use your gifts? " He leans back into the chair and crosses his legs lazily.
  " I-I" I'm speechless as how to answer " Since the day you where turned you've been afraid." I snap my head to him and glare.
   " Afraid of your gifts and potential...please do tell me if I'm mistaken." He smirks at my pissed off expression " You're afraid of hurting yourself  your friends and most of all your mate and family. " I feel my guard start to drop as I relies he's right. My whole immortal life I've hidden behind my gun and arrows not using my gifts unless I had to which was rarely.
    I was terrified of them and what they would do to me if I accepted them." You want to kill that hellhound you've got to accept yourself..." he waves his hand over to his right a women steps out in a black fitting dress her heels clicking on the ground is the only sound in the room.
   She stops right in front of me not yet lifting her head up. " These are your gifts." He whispers as if speaking normally would somehow be disrespectful. The girl raises her head and I gasp as it's like staring into a mirror.
    " This is how you see yourself with gifts...chained to the back of the darkest part of your mind. A monster locked away for everyone else's well being. But what about yours?" He whispers again as the girl raises her hand to touch my cheek but a black chain comes out of nowhere and clasps around her wrist stopping her from touching me she looks at it with hatred and sadness.
    " No.." I whisper as I reach for her but another chain wraps around her waist and pulls her back away from me. "Stop!" I yell but the man grabs me and places his thin claw nail to my neck " You need to free her when the time is right to wield your blade." He whispers before plunging his claw into my skin again causing a scream to rip out of my throat.
    I gasp and stumble back almost landing on my ass if it wasn't for the strong arms that wrapped around me in less then three seconds. " Anastasia? Can you hear me?!" Alec holds me to his chest looking at me with concern and fury all wrapped in one. "
    I-I'm fine" I struggle to get out but my whole body is shaking saying otherwise. " What the hell was that?where the hell did you go?!" Emmett reaches forward and moves my hair away from my neck and I reach behind my neck wincing as I touch the area the man had punctuated.
    " I-i don't know...." I whisper trying to stop the images that are coursing through my head. " what time is it?!?" I yell looking out from my window to see the sun is starting to set.
    " You were gone for three hours..." Alec whispers and I feel my whole stomach jump at the news of me only having an hour left. " I'll go tell the others she's back.." Emmett stands up throwing me a small smile before closing the door behind him.
    " Anastasia...." cutting Alec off I slam my lips onto his.

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now