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      "She has been through hell
          So believe me when I say,
                              Fear her
                  when she looks into a fire
                                     and smiles."


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    AFTER the ceremony Aro dismiss the whole guard leaving only Alec Jane and myself along with the other two kings  in the throne room. When the large oak doors slam shut behind the last of the guards I can't help feel lighter without the 100 pairs of eyes on me.
     " Anastasia now that we are alone I would like to discuss the recent....attacks." Aro looks for a word that would describe the past few incidents. " I for one believe this is a call for war against the Volturi." Caius growls lightly causing Aro to look thoughtful at the suggestion " Yesterday when I was attacked I kept one alive long enough to see if I could get something out of him..." I say slowly and all the kings eyes are on me including Alec's who I knew for a fact didn't know about this incident.
     " He was the creator  of one of the vampires who originally attacked me and he said some very interesting things." I explain and Aro nods his head for me to continue " He said that they are kidnapping these unique vampires for a master but he did not say for what. I. Asked who was giving the order and he said that they weren't allowed to see them only fallow orders. I also believe this plan to overthrow you has been in motion for over two hundred years." I finish and the kings look at me gravely before caius looks at me in confusion.
    " What evidence do you have to back up that theory?" He leans forward slightly and I look into his eyes. " This man said that they have been after me for years seeing as they wanted me before I was even turned and before you took notice of my gift and the box of pictures that where sent to me had a picture of me when I still lived in London." I avoid eye contact with Alec scared to see his reaction at the news of me having a stocker for all of my immortal and human life.
     " Child this information is very much appreciated and we thank you for telling us ." Marcus says lightly and I bow slightly to show my thanks." We will continue to investigate this crime towards us personally begin that they are now targeting a high guard." Aro says and his brothers nod in agreement.
     " You are dismissed. Jane will show you to your new room and she and Alec will help you adjust to this new environment. Welcome to the family Anastasia." Aro smiles and Caius smirks which is the closest thing I'll probably get to a smile and Marcus nods to me in respects. I crusty slightly and give them a small smile showing my thanks at the open arms welcome.
     " Jane be sure t-" before Aro can finish a guard comes running into the room and from the look on his face it must be important for him to interrupt a personal meeting. " The prisoner sir he wishes to speak to the kings." Aro small smile stretches into a creepy smile as he steps down the stairs.
     " Bring him in." The guard nods before taking off " Anastasia dear if it becomes to much or he says something that....is disagreeable just excuse yourself and there is a room behind you that you can wait in." Aro says lightly and I'm surprised that he would care so much for my comfortably " Thank you master." I nod and the kings all sit up straight looking towards the door with straight faces. A hand wraps around my elbow pulling me up to stand behind the thrones and from how the hand automatically wraps around my waist protectively I can guess it's a certain overprotective dark haired boy.
     ' Don't do anything drastic his motive is to get under our skin.' I mentally tell the Jane and She looks at me from the corner of her eye and smirks ' Well then let's see how this plays out.' She teases and I smirk slightly before looking up at Alec from the corner of my eye to see he's looking blankly at the door but his grip on my waist is tight and protective as if I would disappear at any second.
     ' Penny for your thoughts?' I ask lightly as I hear the foot steps of the guards nearing the throne room ' Later love.' He says rubbing his thumb in slow circles on my hip causing me to melt internally. ' If he says anything threatening towards you I want you behind me.' Alec mentally tells me and I lay my hand on his hand gently squeezing it ' I'll be fine I've kicked his ass before Id gladly do it again.' He smirks and looks down at me without moving his head.
    ' Not if I get to him first .' He growls lightly and as fast as a human blinks his lips are on mine but are off just as fast. ' No fair.' I grumble mentally to him and glare playfully up at him. However in less then a millisecond My face snaps back to glaring coldly at the door as I hear foot steps right outside.
    Six guards walk in with Lucas who has a clamp around his mouth to stop him from speaking and using his gift however his head is held up high and he looks at Aro coldly. " You wished to speak with us?" Aro asks amused at the sight of the man on his knees and I must agree with him it is a small pleasure seeing him on his knees in front of us.
    ' If you'd take off this blasted thing I might be able to.' He glares harshly at Aro. " Anastasia?" Aro turns to me with a small smile looking pleased that he has the advantage of a mind reader" He wishes for the mouth piece to be removed." I lightly say and Aro chuckles.
    " Ah dear one you forget we are aware of your gifts and the way you can use it." Aro says in amusement but the boys eyes are now fixed on me. Alec's grip tightens and he's stock straight ready to pounce at any moment.
    'What are you doing here bitch?!?' He struggles against his chains and two guards shove him down back onto his knees. " He wants to know what I'm doing here;and that is not a word to call a lady." I chide amused as his face contorts to rage. " Anastasia is now a high guard Lucas and deserves your respect you will do well to remember that. Jane" Aro smirks as Jane causes the man pain and I watch blankly. " Now what is it you would like to discuss with us?" Aro asks after the man is heaved up to his knees again after Jane tortured him.
     ' Not with the fucking bitch that can read minds in the room I'll only say it when you remove my mouth trap!' A glare is set on my face as I read his thought. I let it slide the first time but not a second time. He throws his head back in pain as a crack shoots up his cheek and I watch the fear cloud his eyes as he thought about the girl and Two men I had killed in front of him. " I will not stand here and let you disrespect me. He wishes for me to leave and take off the mouth trap." I growl the first sentence at him and tell Aro the rest with lightness in my voice. " I did warn you Lucas next time I'll let Anastasia finish what she started." Aro smirks and I watch with pride as fear strikes across his eyes. " As for your request Anastasia is to stay where she is however you have five minutes without the trap." Aro waves his hand dismissively and looks to me with a knowing look causing me to nod knowing what he wants me to do.
    ' Jane if he tries anything I'll clamp his mouth shut and stop his movements can you distract with him with your gift?'
    I don't look at her as I mentally link her up with me ' It would be a pleasure' I hear the smirk in her thoughts as I continue to look at the man below us. I'm pulled out of my slight statue state as Alec pulls me behind him but I don't protest as it would bring to much attention.
    " Now do tell us what all this is all about." Caius says boredom clear in his voice. " Well your royal highness..." Jane and me step forward with matching icy cold glares at the disrespect he's showing but Alec's arm holds me back  and one look from him towards Jane and she stays put as well.
    " I'm here to share with you a little secret this fine evening...A storm is coming and you can't run from him he always gets what he wants and right now he wants your precious little Princess of Ashes but most importantly he wants to see your whole kingdom crumble with you on your knees as he kills everything you've worked so hard to create. " He throws his head back and laughs causing Alec to pull me farther behind him.
    " Be wary Princess of Ashes not even your witch mate can protect you. No one can save you. You were meant to fight with us or die by your own hands." He laughs and stares straight at me.
     " Let me go!!" He yells at the guards and I watch in anger as the three guards holding him let go their eyes glazed over with a blue hue. He opens his mouth to give another command when I raise my hand and with a swipe of my fingers his mouth is clamped shut and arms are forced to his side. Not a second later his head is thrown back as he screams in pain but its muffled as I keep his lips sealed.
    " Jane..." Aro says placing his hand out towards her slowly causing her to let go immediately but I keep my hold on his mouth and limbs. " I do applaud your honesty Lucas however as you can tell Anastasia can take care of herself perfectly fine and with Alec and the Volturi protecting her just as much I know she will protect them it seems very impossible for your so called master to touch her. Now to answer your second part I have no intention to run in fact I wish to face this traitor either on his knees as you are or on the battle field as he watches his kingdom fall apart. Anastasia dear I think it's time to show us just how much your gift has grown." Aro looks to me with a small smile and I smirk.
    ' No!! Let me go!!' He tries to mentally use his gifts and I again push back on him like I did at the mall. ' I thought you knew that little trick didn't work on me Lucas.' I raise my hand and slowly start to clench my hand shut prolonging the pain as cracks split across his body slowly.
      " Now I do thank you Lucas for the little information you've given us. farewell." Aro smirks and I snap my hand into a fists watching as he screams in pain before bursting into a pile of dust like ash. 'Princess of Ashes...' I smirk at how fitting that name is.

  Once everything settles and Lucas's ashes are burned for extra measurements Jane tries to pry me away from Alec.
   ' One of us has to stay!' She argues in the small link I made between the three of us. ' She's my mate.' Alec growls back his arm tightening around my waist once again.
    ' Yeah and your not the one who designed her room!' My eyes widen slightly but I quickly shove my surprise down.
   ' Woah what do you mean designed my room?!' Jane goes quite before I can practically feel her smirk in the link.
    ' I'll show her.' Alec tenses up immediately anger and embarrassment vibrates off of his side of the link. ' You wouldn't.' Deciding it was best to let them hash out this stupid argument I stayed quite.
    ' I would. Now Anastasia shall we?' I sigh slightly shaking my head before allowing Jane to rip me away from my mates iron grip.
    ' We'll see you at sunset brother.' Jane practicality drags me away from the throne room. As we walk past the secretary she smiles brightly at us and I can't help mentally roll my eyes at her naiveness.
    The elevator is empty except for me and Jane who quietly looks straight ahead. I look at the glowing yellow lights that indicate what level were on. '8...9..10...11...12...13...14...15...16.' A sharp ding and the grinding of gears makes me nervous to see what's on the other side of the door.
    " Now. The fun begins." Jane struts out of the elevator with me trailing behind her. Three hallways filled with paintings spilt up in the center. One going left and another going right while the last goes straight. Jane walks straight leading us down the hall a single black door. My eyes land on a large portrait painting and I smile softly stoping at admiring it. 'The royal family' is the tile and it has the three kings seated on their thrones with the twins stationed behind Aro.
    " We'll have to call in another artist to update the portrait. This time with you in it." Jane comes to stand beside me and I hum before turning to look at her.
     " Now! We're off duty. This is were the tour begins!" She walks up the midnight black door and jams a key into the keyhole. " The 16th floor is all the higher guard as the rest of the guard are above or below us." She turns to me and hands me a golden key. " That's to get into the front door and your room."
   " This is ours." She opens the door and walks in as I stand still in shock.

     " This is our library

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     " This is our library. A combination of mine and Alec's personal collections. And soon to be mixed in with yours." I'm slightly terrified of this Jane. She's not ruthless or calculating but kind and confident.
    " Now come along there's so much to show you." I fallow quickly looking in awe of the architecture of the rooms. It's modern but with a twist of the castles past.
    "This is my room. That Alec's he's most likely going to make you stay in his. But! You coming here gave me an excuse to remodel this old office area we never use." She motions for me to open the blood red door that stood out against the black wallpaper.
    Stepping forward I unlock the door and gently push it open. My eyes widen and my body freezes.
    " When I was first changed I found comfort in making my living places almost the same as how my past was. Alec hated it. He use to tell me it brought back the past we were suppose to forget. But I had a feeling you would like this." Jane stands beside me and I feel tears stinging my eyes.

" Jane stands beside me and I feel tears stinging my eyes

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   The Victoria themed bedroom is breathtaking. Closing my eyes a image of my old room makes me smile as it's almost identical to the one in front of me.
    " Thank you Jane." I whisper softly smiling at her and she nods Pride radiating off her. " Now lets see what how well your book taste is!" She claps her hands gently and walks off towards the library. But I pause before fallowing smiling at the beautiful room in front of me. 
                                I felt complete.

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now