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" Friendship is about trusting each other, Helping each other, Loving each other and begin crazy with each other."


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ONCE everything had calmed down Hope continued to lead us into the seating area of the living room. " So what brings you here?" Dylan asks taking the seat across from me as Seth and I take the love seat.
   Before I can answer someone walks into the room " We're having a meeting and no one told us?" A young voice huffs in announce from behind me. A large smile creeps onto my face and Dylan chuckles lightly to himself. " Why dose it smell like wet dog?" The voice asks again.
   I turn and smile as I see  the youngest out of us Malia walk in. " Anna?" She gasp and rushes to me wrapping her pale arms around my waist. " it's great to see you hermanita ." I smile at her as she step back and smiles up at me but  it slowly fades away and a look of concern crosses over her face.
    " What's wrong?" she says as she sits down next me " I hate to do this but...I need your help" I sigh and look down at my hands in embarrassment. " Of course who's arse we kicking?" Dylan asks and I give him a small smile in thanks. " The Volturi think my coven has created a immortal child.." All there faces darken at the mention of the Volturi which in fact we use to butt heads a lot and after Apollo we worked with them but that was a long story. " It's a law Anna we can't change that...You should be glad we weren't sent to deal with it." Jason growls sitting forward. Anger bubbles in me and I lean forward glaring harshly at him.
    " My Niece isn't an immortal child her mother was human when she gave birth and her father is my brother Edward I was there through the pregnancy and when Bella gave birth." I growl back at Jason who hesitatingly sits back not keen on facing my furry once again. " She's telling the truth" Malia says glaring at Jason for accusing me but also using her gift to check.
   " Look I'm not asking you to fight I'm only asking you to help us convince them we have not committed a crime and that Ness is no harm to our secret...please I've never asked for anything in return for saving your asses now I need you to save mine please" I plead with them almost on my knees which is a large blow to my pride. But for my family I would stoop as low as I had to.
      Dylan stood up and walked over to me pulling me into a hug. " I'm always on your side Anna", He pulls back and smiles down at me " count us in" Hope and Malia nod at each other. Making my heart swell with gratitude but hen I look over at Jason and his mate Laura.
     " No," They both answer causing Dylan to make a sound of outrage but I quickly cut him off, wanting to listen to his reason. " I'm not going to go against the volturi," he says looking down at the coffee table like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
    " I understand" I whisper even though it breaks my heart we may fight but me and Jason were really close when I use to live here. " We leave tomorrow" I say looking at my friends in thanks as me and Seth stand up and make our way to the door.
     After a long travel from across the country Seth was exhausted so I dropped him off at his house " Thank you again" I say as I walk him up his doorsteps " What are best friends for?" He asks pulling me into a hug.
   " Promise me you'll be ok?" He whispers as his arms tighten around me " I promise" I whisper back holding onto my best friend even if we had only meet 6 months ago it was like we had know each other forever.
(Outfit at top)
     I sat on the coach with Dylan as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder squeezing it when ever he noticed the tension rising in my body. Malia sat between my legs drumming her fingers on the oak wood floor. Hope stood behind the coach lightly running her fingers through my hair to calm me as well. We all stare straight at Carlisle as he explains what was happening. I wasn't paying attention as I was to busy looking off into space. Dylan squeezes my shoulders suddenly making me pay attention.
    " There goal isn't punishment it's power it's acquisition Carlisle might not ask you to fight but I will for the sake of my family but also for yours and for the way you wanna live." Edward speech snaps me out of my daze and I can't help a twinge of anger that bubbles in me. This wasn't suppose to be a army. I didn't bring my hunting family to fight.
    " The packs will fight we've never been afraid of vampires" I tense up as I think of Seth and what could happen. Nothing. Because I won't let it.
    " Count us in," My eyes widen as Dylan stands up with the girls " This won't be the first time I've fought a kings rule" Garrett says as he steps forward. " We will join you" Benjamin says. " We will stand with you" " So will we" as more families join in I get a sick feeling in my stomach this was becoming a rebellion.
      " Lets hope it doesn't come to that," Edward says not wanting to fight the Volturi unless we absolutely have to. After everyone breaks away I stand up and pull my friends into a hug.
     " Thank you" I whisper truly grateful for them. " Like you said Anna you've saved us more then I can count the least we can do is try to save you this one time. " Hope says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear almost like a mother would.
    I smile at them " Now lets meet this amazing niece of yours." Dylan says as he grabs my hand and pulls me away.

    The next few days are a whirlwind as everyone gets ready to confront the Volturi. " You got slow!" I laugh as Dylan shots out a ball of electricity towards me and thunder rumbles above .
   " You just got faster!!" He yells frustrated as I dodge the ball before it can hit me. " Ok let's take a break " I say as I walk over to him but I'm slammed into a nearby tree causing it to bend slightly .
    " Rule one: you don't take breaks on the battle field!!" He quotes me from when I first taught him how to fight. I roll my eyes and huff as I dust myself off. " Shut up" I grumble fixing my hair before walking over to Bella and Edward as Kate helps her use her shield.

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now