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" One lie is enough to question all truths...."


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     I paced my bedroom my nerves slowly eating at me as I watched the sun rise. I had tried to keep myself busy by changing out of my dress and into something more comfortable not bothering putting my hair up seeing as I'd probably ruin it due to the amount of times I almost pull my hair out.
     Every little squeak and creak has me on alert ready to defend myself and my family. I would catch glimpses of the guard stationed outside but after a while I stopped seeing him and I imagined he was patrolling around my house and woods but staying off the wolf radar.
     When I heard Carlisle and Esme walk out of their room I knew I couldn't stay quite anymore I need to tell them. Grabbing my bag I had packet with stuff I would need seeing as I didn't know how long I was going to be gone or if I was every coming back.
    Quietly I walk down the hall and come to a stop at the stairs taking a shaky breath I climb down them only to drop my bag in shock. " So happy you could join us Anastasia." A older looking fellow with a English accent and a red beard smiled evilly at me as he had my mother in a head lock and my father sitting in a chair looking at his mate worriedly.
    " Let them go...they have nothing to with this." I raise my hands up slowly already hearing the cracking of my mothers neck.           " Take a seat Anastasia." He shoves a chair towards me with his biker boot. " I'm the one you want not them please let her go..." I whisper again terrified that if I try to crush him I could hurt my mother.
    " Oh darling your right we want you but I know for a fact you won't go willingly." He sneers at me and I glare at him ready to attack him when one sound freezes me.
   " LET HER GO!!" I hear Emmett scream from upstairs and wince as I watch Rose begin dragged down the stairs by a more a younger buffer man as Emmett is held down by another. " JASPER ITS OK!!" I hear Alice yell as she's dragged down after.
    A girl the same size as her has her hand wrapped around Alice's neck tugging her to stand next to rose . Then jasper comes down struggling and hissing trying to get out of a much bigger women grip who seems Irish by the way her accent sounds as she yells at him to shut up.
    " If you hurt them I'll kill you ...." I growl only for a kick to be sent to my stomach and I'm bought down to my knees. " I said take a seat you wench." He growls " Don't fucking touch my sister or my wife!!" Emmett growls at the man and I shake my head trying to get him to shut up. This morning just turned into a bullet train that was about to hurdle off the rails.
    "What do you want..." I pant looking up and the man who smirks and throws Esme to the man holding Rose before staking towards me and bending eye level with me. " A little pay back for killing my daughter ." He hisses before sending a kick to my face and grabbing my arm twisting it behind my back causing me to scream in pain.
     " This is nothing compared to what I'm going to make you feel later...but you took my family now I'm going to take yours." He stands my up and holds a hand to my neck making me watch as the men and women start pull at my family head.
      " NO!!" I scream closing my eyes and imagine the men bursting into prices not caring what my family saw only caring for their safety. The man holding Rose and Esme crushes into flasks of ashes causing them both fall to the ground gasping for breath. " What the fu-" then the man holding Emmett bursts into,dust causing the British man to drop me to the ground in shock.
     I keep my head down and start to chuckle humorlessly as I stand up and raise my hand pining the British man to the wall. Looking over my shoulder I raise my other hand to freeze the two women as they try to charge at me. Lifting the women up in the air in front of us I turn back to the man and glare darkly at him. " I warned your daughter and her friends. If you come after my family or mate I will send you to hell myself." I growl and with a snap of my fist the two women are turned into dust with a small pitiful scream.
     " You Bitch!!! I'll kill you!!! I don't give a dam if your important!! I'll kill you !!!" I raise my other hand to snap it close when a softer hand is placed on my wrist. " Anastasia don't." Esme whispers and I pant harshly keeping him pinned to the wall.
     " Yes listen to your mommy little girl...." he chuckles then gasps as I glare at him putting some pressure on him making him scream.
     " Who sent you!!" I hiss and he throws his head back and laughs " As if I would tell-" I cut him off by placing more pressure on him. " I don't know!!! We aren't allowed to see them the loyalist call them masters we just take orders!!" He screams and I let up a little but not enough for him to relax.
     " Why me..." I growl and he stares at me in shock. " You took down a mind reader, and three super strength vampires all by yourself with your mind and your asking why?" He laughs and I add more pressure.
    " Why stock me since the beginning I'm pretty sure I wasn't blowing people up with my mind back then. " The man seems to be done answering questions but I'm not done asking so I add more pressure " They knew you would be a great asset to have and trained as a loyalist but Carlisle had you on a tight leash even lied about the buyers to keep you scared and inside away from us did you honestly believe there were people out their willing to buy you for protection when we could have easily stolen what was rightfully ours. We were the reason you stayed alive for so long all those kidnapping and assassination attempts all fooled by us.Just like the famous witch twins you have Wicca blood in you. We protected you until you where the right age to turn but then  Carlisle got to you before we could. We've been after you for a 200 years Anastasia Cullen. Your whole family knew this and yet here we are not a single clue about what's going on " he starts to laugh crazily and I feel Esme's hand leave me as she backs away.
    I clench my teeth together snarling at him as a tear slowly rolls down my cheek. " Say hello to your daughter for me. " I hiss slowly clenching my fists prolonging the pain as more tears of betrayal roll down my cheek. " The saddest part about betrayal is it never comes from your enemies..." he chuckles sadly before bursting into dust his remains piling up on Esme's kitchen floor .
    I slowly lower my hand to my side and clench them into fists beside me my head lowered as the new information process in my brain. "Anastasia-" I turn away from my so called family and feel my insides burn in hate and sadness .
    " Why..." I choke out as more drops of venom fall from my eyes. " We thought that if you didn't know we would live a happy normal life and we did..." Esme says lightly reaching up to touch me but I pull away harshly.
    " So now I'm begin chased down like I'm some kind of prized animal and having to kill these maniacs because you wanted to be a happy family!!" I scream turning sharply to stare at my family in rage. " Anastasia let us explain.." Carlisle tries to reason with me but a sob racks my body.
      " No!!" I scream and back away from them. " If you had just told me this wouldn't be happening!! I wouldn't be so clueless and scared out of my mind!! I'm only alive because those people wanted me as a weapon!! I thought you were my family." I swallow harshly and look down.
    " Carlisle we built this covenant based on trust and love for each other . Our code was to stay together and always have each other's back and to comfort...NOT to scare the other person into staying inside for 70 years." I snap feeling more tears start to flow down my cheeks as no one moves to correct me or state that the man may have been lying to get under my skin.
    " Anna.." Rose tries to step towards me but I flick my wrist and the dining table comes sliding between us stopping her from coming any closer. " I'm glad Ness and Bella are gone with Charlie right now. They don't need to see how broken their family really is." I whisper picking up my bag from the bottom of the stairs and walking out the back door.
    " Anna where are you going?!" Alice calls after me but I slam the door shut using my gift to slide the patio couch to jam it shut.
   " Anastasia open the door. Sweetheart don't do this !!" Esme calls out banging on the door as I step out into the pouring rain the remains of the guard that was suppose to be watching me was littered all over the patio but I didn't pay it any mind as I climbed down the stairs my heeled boots sinking into the mud slightly.
     " Annie!! Unlock the door!! Or I'm going to break it!!" I hear Emmett yell and it breaks my heart to hear how broken they sound but this only cause my heart to harden even more.
     ' The saddest part about betrayal is it never comes from your enemies...' the mans last words ring in my ear and I can't help agree with him. My wet hair is thrown into my face as two Volturi guards come to stand in front of me stone faced and silent.
     " Lead the way..." I rasp as the one on my left takes my bag from me before nodding and taking off running the other stays behind and waits for me but I slowly turn to see my whole family running out around the house as they got out through the front door. I tilt my head and press my lips together to hold back a sob as I take off running catching the scent of the other guard and fallowing.

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now