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" They broke the wrong part of me.
They broke my wings and
Forgot I had claws."


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IT'S as if someone had taken a sledgehammer and rammed it into my chest knocking any air out of my body as the words leave her mouth. Alec clutches me to his chest and Janes glare turns icy as she hears the name. Aro slams his book shut and stands up.
" Demetri escort them in please." Aro says plainly as I try to control my flying emotions luckily I've had five years of practice.
" You are dismissed." He tells the secretary who gladly runs out of the room and the masters all look to me. " Anastasia." Caius stands up and looks at me in concern but I don't acknowledge it and take in a deep breath.
" Let them see me. Let them try. It will just be a waste of a trip and their time." I say lowly interlocking my fingers with Alec's finding comfort in the way his hand fits mine perfectly. " Are you sure dear one?" Marcus asks looking at me with slight worry.
" They need to understand that I'm not their innocent little Annie it's been five years I'm a high guard of the Volturi and I'm happy where I am if they don't understand that then I'll make them. " My sentence trials off in a harsh whisper as I glare coldly at the door.
" I couldn't agree more." Caius smirks grinning evilly. The masters glide over to their thrones us not far behind. Jane stands on Aro's right while Alec on his left. I stand on Caius right finger lengths from Alec.
' Do tell me if you get uncomfortable child.' Caius mentally thinks and I nod slightly knowing he could see it. The sound of foot steps approaching has me standing up straight my eyes glaring wholes into the door.
Alec's hand brushes against mine lightly but it's enough to relax me a bit. Then the door is thrown open Demetri begin the over dramatic person he is almost broke the 30000 year old door last time he did this.
" Carlisle my old friend welcome!!!" I clutch my hands into fists as I glare at one spot on the wall above their heads not looking at any of them. " Aro..." I flinch internally as I hear Carlisle voice. " To what do we owe the pleasure of all of the Olympian covent in our presents this day?" Master Caius sighs in annoyance.
" Aro I am not here to fight you but in fact acknowledge the tension in the room. May I speak to my daughter." My glare hardens and I grind my teeth together. " I'm sorry dear friend but I do believe all your daughters are behind you." Master Aro says causally.
" I'm done playing games." I hear Emmetts voice growl and I look down at them now in worry for my masters safety. He's marching up to me and Caius and on instincts I step down on the stairs to stand in front of master Caius to protect him. " I wouldn't do that." I hear Master Caius chuckle from behind me as I glare down Emmett not liking how close he is to me or my masters.
" Annie drop the act and talk to us." He growls and when I don't answer him he glares harshly down at me which I return. " Anna enough is enough it's been five years let us explain ourselves." Rose steps forward as I raise my hands up and to be more imitating I cause my hair to swirl up a bit.
  " Move back." I hiss causing their eyes to widen " She's not acting dear Rose you see Anastasia has a strong loyalty for the Volturi therefore she is protective for all Volturi members. I would move back." Master Aro hums with a cheerful tone in his voice.
" Anna don't do this." Alice steps forward and I glare at her pointing one hand at her as well. " Aro please take her off duty." Carlisle pleads begin that he to was apart of the Volturi he probably knew how we acted differently when off duty. " If that is what you wish dear friend. Anastasia you are dismissed." I drop my arms and turn to the masters curtsying.
  'Do as you please dear one' he smirks at me and I turn feeling a rough hand clamp down on my forearm. I round on Emmett sending my fist colliding with his jaw. " Anastasia?!?" Rose screams in horror stepping towards me anger radiating off her causing Alec and Jane to step down a stair ready to intervene if necessary.
    " Hands off." I snarl watching as their faces contort to shock. With the sound of wind Jasper's arms wrap around upper body locking my arms to my chest. A wave of calm washes over me but it only pisses me off. I head butt him in the nose and elbow him in the ribs turning around I see he's bent over slightly in pain. Grabbing onto his neck I slam him into the ground not hard enough to crack his body however.
  " Enough!" Carlisle screams stopping his kids from attacking me even more " Anastasia return to duty." Aro says just to get on the nerves of the Cullen's by treating me as if I was just a robot. I crusty once again and climb up the stairs to stand behind Caius.
" Aro please I beg of you reconsider my letter." Carlisle begs and I snap my head to master Aro wondering what letter he's speaking of. " We did not show Anastasia for a reason Carlisle look what happened today I do not wish for something to happen to my daughter." Master Caius growls and I see the boys all tense and hiss lowly at him calling me his daughter but that's what I was to the kings their daughter just like Jane is and Alec their son.
" Send as many guards with her as you'd like please Aro I do not wish to take her away but to mend a bridge that has been shattered. She can monitor Reneesme growth so it wont be a waste of travel. " My face is emotionless but my internal emotions are jumbled up. " I will have to discuss this with my brothers and Anastasia herself begin that she is a high guard she can not just drop everything and leave my old friend she has duties to attend to." Master Aro sighs.
    " I will have a answer for you tomorrow dear friend. Now Demetri will escort you to rooms we have prepared for your unexpected visit. " Carlisle smiles in thanks and turns ushering his family out all eyes on me. Some glare coldly at my mate while others stare at me in sadness. Esme steps around Carlisle and walks up to Aro with a deep frown set on her face.
" Please Aro one minute is all I ask to have Anastasia in my arms." She pleads and I feel myself soften as she was the first mother figure I had after my mother pasted even if she betrayed and lied to me I could never seem to stay mad at Esme. " My dear Esme if Anastasia is willing then I see no problem. If she choose to that is ." I stare at Esme in the eyes here gold ones begging me and I sigh through my nose stepping down the marble steps my heels clicking softly as I walk up to her. I stand in front of her my glare set in place but that doesn't seem to stop her from dry sobbing with a smile on her face. She shakily reaches her hand up and cups my cheek gently.
" It's so good to see you...my sweet little girl." She sobs and pulls me into a hug I tense up but don't push her away. " Come Esme." Carlisle tries to grab her off of me but she clutches onto me tighter " I still have 30 seconds." She whispers and it brakes my heart slightly as she seems to count down the seconds until she has to let me go. After exactly 30 seconds she lets go of me and kisses my cheek lightly letting Carlisle drag her away. As soon as the oak wood door shut i turn to the kings then to Caius.
" May I visit Athenodora after my duties." I say deadly calm and he looks at me in worry standing up and placing his hand on my shoulder. " You may visit her now dear one,you are dismissed." I curtsy shakily and turn walking out of the throne room and to the towers where they kept the queens in. Athenodora was my mother at the Volturi just like Aros wife was the twins. Me and Jane would often visit them when we where off duty talking for ages until we had to leave again for our duties.
When I made  it to the towers the guards at the door nod at me letting me in immediately. " Anastasia?" Athenodora looks up placing the book on the table looking at me in worry. Her navy blue dress swaying slightly as she stands up.
" I-i" my voice cracks as I can't seem to get my words out and her dark red eyes widen slightly rushing to me and pulling me into a hug. It takes everything in my not to break down in her arms " I heard that the Cullen's had dropped by for a visit but never would I imagine..." she whispers after I tell her the whole story as she hold me close and strokes my hair softly. Like a mother comforting a scared child.
  " I don't know what to do. I want to forgive them truly I do but I have so much anger and hurt in me it's hard just to see over the lies that have been feed to me for 200 years." I choke out as she clutches me closer. " If your mind is ready but not your heart do not force yourself into doing it. Time heals wounds dear one it's only been five years." She tells me then the chamber doors are open but I don't move knowing the only people who have access to see her are Caius and myself. " Alec is worried." A hand is placed on my cheek as Caius bends down to get eye level with me. " He is in fact pacing at the bottom of the tower stairs as we speak." He smirks and I let out a small laugh at my overprotective mate.
" Athenodora is right Anastasia we will not force you into anything Carlisles letter was simply asking Aro to allow you to visit for a few days for Edward and Bella's child's birthday that decision is up to you to make child." He tells me pushing back my hair and smiling gently at me. These moments are why I protect my Volturi family so much they truly are my family. Caius was like a father to me on duty and off Athenodora was like my mother someone I could come to when ever something happened or I need to talk to someone. Aro and Marcus where also like fathers to me but I saw them more like very close uncles. Jane was a sister to me sometimes the humans would mistake us for twins and if Alec was with us they would get confused even more it was quite amusing to watch.
  " Now come dear one we will talk more tomorrow when you feel better." Caius helps me stand and Athenodora stands up with me kissing my forehead and clutching me tightly. " Jane has informed me you haven't picked your wedding dress?" I smile and shake my head that tattle tale was going to get it " I've scheduled for the semester to come tomorrow after your duties the wedding is only 10 months from now dear." I sigh and nod knowing it was pointless arguing with her or Jane.
" Ah and we still need to send the invitations." Caius smiles and I groan. " 10 months is still a really long time." I try to reason but a motherly glare from Athenodora has me shutting up. " Now go before that poor boy rips my door off its hinges." She users me out and I giggle lightly kissing both of their cheeks before walking out and down the stairs to see that in fact Alec was pacing a circle at that the bottom of the stairs.
  " Darling..." I whisper and his head snaps up a look of relief and anger in his eyes. He rushes up to me and pulls me into a hug before letting go and looking at me in concern. " I'm fine." I whisper but I know by the look he gives me he isn't convinced. " We can talk in our room." I say with a sigh and he nods slowly not saying a word as he wraps his arm around my waist and holds me tightly as we walk to the elevator.
Hi!! Loves I hope you are enjoying the book. I'm sorry my updates have been kinda slow with all the testing I've had its kinda hard to leave room for creativity juices to flow when I'm trying to remember when the battle of York town was. Forgive me! Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter more to come!!
~ love Luna🌕

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