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"Numbing the pain for awhile will make it worst when you finally feel it." ~ Albus Dumbledore

" ~ Albus Dumbledore

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WHEN we get back into the house I go and take a long bath even though I know I don't need to but it's like a comfort. I wait for the water to rise before dropping the towel that was wrapped around me and stepping in. As I sit down my head rolls back as the warm water warms my cold skin. I scrub my strawberry shampoo into my hair closing my eyes and just think about what happened only a few minutes ago.
    Bella was turning into one of us slowly but surly it took three days for all the venom to spread. Renesmee was a happy baby always giggling and hyper but she was growing fast and it worried me and Carlisle. I dip my head under water to rinse the soap out and the pain in my head throbs.
    Sighing I start to wash my body and face by the time I was done its dawn outside. Standing up I wrap the towel around my body and hair bending down I pull the plug watching as the water drains away. Walking into my room I throw my undergarments on and pull a rob around me. I pull my vainly chair out and sit down grabbing my hair brush I start to detangle my mop of a hair.
     It's too quite in my room so I reach over and grab my phone going through my classical playlist I click shuffle and set it down humming lightly to the tunes as I stand up and grab my outfit for the day. Lacing up my boots I stand and grab my phone and headphones walking out my room.
    " aren't you the sweetest thing" I hear Rose giggle from the living room and I smile knowing how much she always wanted a kid even though she had me I was 16 when I was turned not really a baby. " Anna you ok?" I look up to see Esme looking at me from the kitchen counter
    " yeah I'm just going to get some tea." I say as I bend down to get the kettle out I fill it half way with water then I go to the fridge and grab a packet of bear blood from the back. I know it may seem disgusting but it's my comfort drink it kind of mixes my self now with my past self.  Setting the packet down on the counter top I put kettle on the stove waiting for it to heat up.    Carlisle walks into the kitchen kissing Esme on the cheek before looking up at me
   " Anna can you do me a favor and look at these when you have a chance see if I missed anything ?" He slides over two huge ancient books ones in Greek and the other in Latin " sure I'll get back to you later ok?" I say flipping through both books one about demon children born  from a demon father and human mother. The other is about immortal children... I look at Carlisle with a raised eyebrow " Renesmee not an immortal child we would have seen the signs" I say slamming the book closed " I just want to cover all our bases" I sigh and nod grabbing my phone and plugging my headphones in listening to Mozart and Beethoven.
    When the kettle starts to whistle lightly I stand up ready to pull it off when I freeze. My head throbs painfully almost sending me to my knees " Anna?" Esme asks speeding towards me and gripping my elbow to help me stand up straight. " I'm fine I almost tripped" I lied smiling at her reassuring " maybe you should sit down?" She pulls out a chair for me which I gladly sit down on but not even a second later a piercing whistle sounds through the room. I go over to the stove and pick up the kettle to move it to the table when another painful wave flys through me this one much worse.
      It all happens in slow motion I feel the kettle handle slip from my hands and watch as it crashes to the ground around me the hot water spatters across the floor glass mixed in. I watch as the floor gets  closer and closer to me and I relies I'm falling. " Anna!!" Esme catches me before I can hit the ground . Carlisle rushes to my side and picks me up bridal style
    " i-t...hurts" I grit out as I grind my teeth together." I know hang in there Anna" he's says running up to his office. He opens the door and sets me down on a couch. " Anna stay with me!!" Carlisle yells as I feel my brain crashing and my powers swirling out of control " I...m trying...." I try to say but it comes out in a whisper as my sight goes white.

My whole body hurts as I sit up and look around my surroundings. I'm sitting in a dirt road people move around going along there day they don't seem to notice me a young girl in jeans and a jumper in the middle of there life. I look around and notice it's day time and not a cloud in sight. I immediately stand up and start to panic but then I notice I'm not sparkling in fact my hands are transparent like ghost. " what the?" I try to touch my arm but my hand passes through it with ease " this is wired" I whisper looking around at the the men and women walking around it looks like a depressed little town until I hear giggling and a young girl runs out  no older then 16 " Jane wait up!!" A young boy runs out the same age as the other girl. Then it seems it clicks in my head and a small gasp leaves my lips. These aren't my memories " keep up Alec!" The young girl yelled over her shoulder. These are Jane and Alec Volturi's memories the famous Witch twins. ' why am I here..' I wonder as I continue to watch the pair run around and laugh at each other. They seem so happy I can't help smile at their  joy but it's all crushed as they walk through the village square. The men glare and spit on the ground they walk on women hold there children closer to them whispering among themselves. The twins hold onto each other walking slowly with there heads cast down. I reach forward to touch one of there shoulders and comfort them when I'm pulled back into another day.Its dark and I can smell a fire burning. " No not my babies!!!" A women screams as the village men hold her down to the ground. I look up and see the twins on a stack of wood tied down. " no..." I whisper when I realize what there going to do. " Mother!!" Alec screams as a man hits her over the head with a rock I can smell the blood from where I'm standing her heartbeat slowing down until I can't hear anything. " NO!!!!" I scream as the priest throws a stick of fire into the large mound. " STOP IT!!" I scream louder as I try to run to them but something grabs me around the waist pulling me away. " STOP!!!" I scream as sobs shake me to the core watching as the twins start to burn. " ANASTASIA WAKE UP!!" I hear a voice scream at me but I continue to fight against the pull trying to get Alec and Jane to save them. "ITS NOT REAL!!!" The voice screams again.
My eyes snap open and I look around as a loud scream pierces the air . " Anna!!" Esme grabs my hand causing me to relies I'm the one screaming. " Shhh it's ok your ok" she whispers as she pulls me into a hug rubbing my back as I dry sob into my hand. " I forgot..." I whisper through my hand shakily as I look up at her " how curl humans can be when they don't understand" I let lose a sob as the image of Alec's face of pure horror and sadness when he saw his mother die in front of him. She nods pulling me into a tight hug as she continues to rub my back soothingly.

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now