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" True friends won't grow apart even if they don't talk everyday."


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     " RENESMEE  is nothing like these children she was born not bitten she grows every single day!!" Bella exclaimed as she finished reading through the book Carlisle had given her. " can't we just explain that to the volturi?" Jacob asks " they have all the evidence they need with Irina's thoughts." I clench my teeth together at the mere thought of the bitch who started this all.
" We can't fight them we need to get help show the volturi Reneesme means no harm.." Carlisle says looking at us " we need witnesses..." I say finally speaking up as everyone turns to look at me.
" Anastasia right we need people to believe us and the volturi will let it be." Esme says I look over at Alice and jasper and watch as they make silent eye contact.
  " we leave tomorrow" Carlisle informs us " no one goes anywhere alone..." Esme says looking at me with a slight frown " I'll ask Seth see if he'll take a trip to Pennsylvania with me." I say easing her fear a little " I wanna go with Auntie Anna..." Ness says looking up at her dad with a smile. " you can't Nessie I'm sorry it's too dangerous..." Bella says looking down at her daughter and flinching as tears gather in her eyes. " Hey no don't cry I'll be back before you know it I'll probably even have some of my old family for you to meet they'll love you." I knee down in front of her and brush a lone tear that fell from her eye.
She immediately perks  up and smiles at me " you think they'll like me?!?" She asks excitedly. " who wouldn't?" I smile at her and pull her into a tight hug.

" So explain to me again who were picking up?" Seth asks as I drive down a dirt road in our rental car.
  " When I left Carlisle I came to another covenant that ended up begin a hell hole so I escaped with the help of five people Malia,Hope,Jason, Dylan and
A-Apollo"  I stutter on the last person. " ok and  how are we going to convince them to help us?"  He sighs and throwing his phone into his bag ' No cell service must be close' I tighten my grip on the wheel
" Because we saw each other as family once. Apollo was the head of the family and me the second hand I took Malia under my wing and see her as my little sister. Dylan's like that annoying older brother that would lay down his life to protect me and the rest are like cousins not quite as close. They also owe me for saving there asses more then once" I sigh as I pull my sunglasses over my green eyes Esme had insisted I wear contacts when I leave the state.
" Ok so are they Human eating Vampires or veggie vampires...??" He trails off when lightning strikes across they sky. " Yes...They hunt and kill humans so I need you to stay close to me at all times no wondering off ok." I look over at him a watch as he nods grimly.
The car goes silent as large heavy raindrops hit against the window it would be hard to see for someone normal but I have no problem. " D-did you...you know ever...hunt with them?" Seth fiddles with his seatbelt nervously my gloved hand shot forward and gently move his hands away
  " No that was one thing I put my foot down on. No luring humans into the house and they would never eat in front of me or Malia who also took after me and hunted animals instead of humans. She was always annoying me but you got to love her." He seems to visibly relax before tensing up again "Is that it?" I look back onto the road and watch as the mansion comes into view
" yeah...." I breath and slow down as we pull up to the gate I roll down the window and get slapped with the wild wind and heavy rain. " Jesus!!" Seth groans as he gets wet as well. " What the hell do you want?" A voice grumbles from the buzzer box  causing my temper to flare. "Open the Fucking gate Jason or so help me I will throw you into the pits of hell myself." I growl not wanting to deal with the grumpy guard. 
" Anastasia?" He asks confused and before I can rip him a new one the gate opens with a loud Squeak. Rolling up the window fast I growl under my breath as my hair has flattened slightly from the small down pour in the car.
" Stay next to me ok no walking around I haven't seen them in 60 years I have no idea how they've changed ok." I tell Seth as I grab a umbrella from the backseat and hand it to him. " got it so they could be psychopaths but we don't know right." I nod my head and step out into the down pour I  speed over to the front door without getting wet.
Seth on the other hand rushes to catch up with me. When he gets to the front steps I watch in amusement as the umbrella is ripped from his hands and flys away into the night. " oops..." he looks at me with his puppy dog eyes " hurry up dork" I laugh as he rushes up to stand next to me.
I step forward and knock three times on the door waiting for someone to answer. I hear a crash from the other side of the door and immediately push Seth behind me to protect him from anything that comes out of the house.
"ANNIE!!" A loud high pitch noise is the last thing I hear as a blur of pink and blonde tackles me in a hug. " Nice to see you too Hope" I say lightly patting her back awkwardly. " come in come on!!" She squeals dragging me inside. Seth follows behind us his hands stuffed in is hoodie pocket and is hair flat stuck to his forehead.
We make it into the grand entrance two stairs case loop to the second floor in front of us and to our left is a tea room our right leads us to the living room which Hope is currently leading us to.
" Oh I see our guest has bought dinner." A voice hisses and I hear a small yelp from Seth causing me to whip around to see a female with her teeth to close to his neck for comfort. I push her off sending her flying into the wall behind her
  " Don't.touch.him!" I hiss at the new person pushing Seth behind me " I do whatever I want Bambi drinker" she growls flashing her red eyes at me before charging at me with a smirk. " Lauren that's not a good.." Hope doesn't get to finish telling the new comer.
As I simply stand and wait for her to get to me. She goes to tackle me when I easily punching her across the face sending her flying into a door to my left breaking it into splinters. " idea..." Hope finishes with a sigh of disappointment that the bitch hadn't listened to her.
" not even here 3 minutes and already breaking the house huh Anna?" A familiar Boston accent voice says from the top of the stair case " You know I was always the wild one." I grit out my accent dripping in as well as I look up at Dylan who smirking down at me. " it's good to see you again pipsqueak ." He says speeding down the stairs and ruffling my hair causing me to swipe his hand away with a annoyed huff. " but Jason isn't going to like that you hurt his oh so precious mate.." he scoffs rolling his eyes as heavy footsteps are heard running down the stairs.
The next thing I know I'm pinned on a wall by a very angry Jason " What the hell is your problem Anastasia!!" He hisses at me as he tightens his hand on my throat. A small crack echoes through the room but I don't even flinch looking at him straight in the eyes with a smirk. A low growl is heard as Seth takes a step forward ready to intervene if necessary " You come into my house hurt my mate and on top of that you bought a wet dog. After what happened to Apollo I thought you'd be smarter then to hang out with his kind!!" He growls at me thinking he's all badass.
It's silent for a minute before I throw my head back slightly and laugh loudly starling him." Your house oh please you know damn well this isn't your house. Your bitch of a mate attack my friend so I defended him be happy I didn't kill her." I chuckle humorlessly and grab his wrist with my other hand squeezing it until he's on his knees in pain a large crack trailing up his arm.
" Don't get on your high horse when I'm around Jason because so help me I will drag you off it. Do we have to take a trip down memory lane where I kicked your ass too many times to count? No? That's what I thought; so listen closely. First off this is Apollos house he may be gone but he left this house to me. I could kick you and your weak mate out into the rain but I'm not....because I know when to show mercy and when to be ruthless." I growl into his ear before letting go of his wrist and walking over to Seth.
He looks over at me shocked at the surprising turn of events and I give him a small smile of reassurance believe it or not this is all perfectly normal in the House of the Sun and Moon.

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now