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" Older siblings the only people who can pick on you for their entertainment and beat up anyone else who tries."


Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


     I walk down the stairs turning  into the living room my car keys in one hand and my Credit card from Carlisle in the other. " Where are you going?" Emmett calls out from the couch as he flips through the TV channels jasper sitting next to him reading a book about the civil war. " Out" I state simply grabbing my floating rain coat that hovered in front of me.
    " Out where?" He continues to push " Oh I don't know maybe I'll visit my secret boyfriend then we'll ride off into the sunset but don't worry I'll be home before midnight." I open the grudge door and walk over to my car unlocking it and hop in.
    " So where to?" I jump in surprise and turn to my back seat to see jasper and Emmett squeezing in. " Really?" I arch a eyebrow in question but they only send me innocent smiles back.
    " Whatever but I don't want to hear complaints jasper you can move to the front if you want. " I turn back around starting her up as jasper quickly gets into the passenger seat. " How come he gets to sit up front!!" Emmett whines I turn back around and point my finger at him
   " I'm older and I said so also because he won't touch my air conditioner or change my station" he huffs and sits back his arms crossed in front of his chest like a five year old denied a cookie. " but seriously where are we going?" Jasper asks as he pulls his book out  and starts to read again. " I gotta get a new laptop and some clothes so first the mall then I was going to go and get some art supplies I'm running low and then go back home I think unless you two dorks wanna do something
   ." They groan at the mall part but then perk up when I mention we can do whatever they want. " How much did Carlisle pay you this mouth?" Emmett chuckles " He put 500 this past month but I haven't bought anything in long time so I have a bout 32,000 " I say holding up my plastic money. " Cool so after your shopping can we stop at the floral shop I wanna pick up something for Rose." Emmett pleads and I can't help but smile
   " Sure thing bro and heads up she's been into Sunflowers lately." I send a wink to him through the review mirror. " Your a life saver sis." I look over at jasper and smirk at his face " Alice has been ogling at this new necklace they have at a store in the mall but she's been putting it off." He looks up at me and smiles " we can stop there on the way to get my laptop all I ask in repayment is no complaints when looking for clothes okay?"They both nod in agreement as we pull into Settles mall. " Okay boys don't run off and stay in eyesight" I mockingly point my finger at them with a fake stern face on. " Yes ma'am" they joke back as we enter the large sliding doors.
    " Okay so first let's go and get my laptop I ordered it like three weeks ago it should be in by now." And Off we were running around the mall thankfully the boys true to their words kept their comments to themselves. " Okay the floral shops right there and the jewelry stores across from it I'll wait down stairs by the entrance we came in . " I say patting the boys shoulders before walking away to wait in the food court area.
    I order a soda to not look suspicious taking a seat in the back I pull out my phone and check up on my emails and text messages. " Is this seat taken?" A thick Russian accent breaks my train of thought causing me to look up to see a woman dressed in business wear sunglasses on her face and a folder in her hand. " No not at all in fact I was just leaving" I give her a fake smile and go to stand up but she slams the yellow folder onto the table
   " I'd have a seat Anastasia," she growls pulling her glasses down so I can see her red eyes pecking over. " I'm sorry but I'm very busy at the moment maybe if you made an appointment we can meet somewhere else here's my business card" I growl back throwing my card onto the table along with 20 bucks " also you might want to buy some perfume on your way out I could smell your stench from the second I walked in. "
    I turn and begin to walk away when she grabs my wrist and tries to yank me back to which I just firmly plant my feet down. " I'm not done talking" she growls squeezing my hand to which I raise my other one and make a flicking motion with my fingers causing her to go a few feet back.  " Don't.touch.me" I hiss lowly to not attach attention she looks taken aback and retracts her hand.
   " Now your going to tell whoever you work for my answer is no and it will forever be no I'm not a weapon and I'm sure as hell not something you can just buy or steal" I say darkly before turning and storming off my head held high and my shopping bags held tightly in my hands.
    When I get outside I sigh in annoyance before walking over to my car where a young man is leaning against it. He's dressed in a suit and has sunglasses on as well the context clues lead to him working with the girl from inside. " Please move" I say nicely with a small smile on my face. " No" he says stockily and I feel my eye twitch in annoyance.
    " Look buddy I've had a long day and I already told your partner my answer now if you'd please move so I can pick up my idiot brothers that would make my day. " I try to reason with him but all he does is to continue to stare off into space not saying anything. Then suddenly he takes off his glasses and his blood red eyes stare into my green contacts with pure hate he takes a hold of my arm pulling me forward until we're toe to toe
   " You will come with us," he says and his eyes turn a darker shade of red. I growl when I feel the tug in my brain as he tries to us his powers on me. " Not happening, " I push back at his mind with my powers and his eyes widen in pain as I push onto him harder but then he's thrown into the wall across from us. " Stay the hell away from my sister" Emmett hisses glaring daggers at the young boy. 
   " Get in the car," I order unlocking it as I open the driver seat but before I can get in I'm slammed into the light pole next to us by the same girl from inside. " Fucking bitch," I growl in annoyance as I look up at the girl who looks smug about catching me off guard.
   " Your going to regret that," A voice growls from my left and Jasper's is just a blur as he attacks the girl. I look around and my eyes widen slightly the whole parking lot is empty and not a soul is in sight. I see Emmett is struggling with the boys mind control so I shoot my hand out causing the boy to go flying across the parking lot.
    I turn to jasper and do the same to the girl raising my hand in the up I let her dangle in the air for a couple of seconds before slamming her into the boy who had made a recovery only to be sent down by his own comrade.  The boys get into the car I start her up before hauling ass out of there
    " Who the hell where those two!!" Emmett asks as we get onto the highway far away from the mall "Buyers" I growl clenching my hands tightly around the stirring wheel holding back my real strength to not break my car. " What the hell they stop coming around 20 years ago when Carlisle set them straight," Jasper growls looking at me with concern
    " I know" I hiss glaring at the road making quick turns and trying to stay in the speed limit. " Anna you need to calm down," Jasper says trying to use his powers to calm me down but I put up a wall again " I'm perfectly calm" I hiss clutching the wheel tighter " No your not " Emmett warns as he moves a floating pin away from his face and I look to see many things where floating around the car  this usually happens when I'm upset or nervous.
   " Sorry" I mumble as I put the wall I built down letting Jasper's gift work it's magic on my emotions. When we got back to the house rose shoved a phone into my hands and mumbled it was Bella. " Hello?" I ask lowly as a raging headache took over my begin. " Annie I need your help."

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ