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Siblings are suppose to be there for you from cradle to grave. The love a sister has is unshakable and the protectiveness of a brother is unbreakable.

 The love a sister has is unshakable and the protectiveness of a brother is unbreakable

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The cool breeze hit my cheek softly and the smell of rain still hung heavy in the air. Andrew walked to the rail and leaned forward onto it looking deep in thought. ' This is pointless you should be resting.' Alec's grip tightens around me and I reach up resting a hand on his chest in comfort. ' I'll be fine love.' I try to reassure him.
  " Do you remember our old town house?" I flinch slightly as Andrew speaks breaking the silence with a harsh memory. " Yes." I try to steady myself and prepare for the worst with this conversation. " Whatever happed to it?" His voice is distant and brittle making me narrow my eyes in concern. " I-I don't remember." I lie through my teeth not wanting to remember what happed to the once beautiful house we called home.
" Bullshit." He growls lightly and Alec tenses stepping slightly forward. ' Don't.' My arms wrap tighter around Alec. " Why do want to know?" I spit back barely having the strength to stay upright let alone stop a vampire and wolf fight. " I-I looked for you there first...I went back to London. It was gone.... the last part of our life...our regular life was gone and I want to know why." I sigh in exhaustion moving forward and out of Alec's iron grasp.
  " Father burned it." I start and Andrew turns to me giving me his full attention his eyes wide and mouth agape. Raising a hand I run it through my lose curls choosing the next words carefully. " He spent every penny on private investors, Detectives and anything that would give him hope in finding..me." I lean against the rail looking out into the forest with tired eyes and a heavy heart as I replayed the memories in my head. 
" I was a newborn still and didn't have enough control over myself. I couldn't just go up and say ' Hi dad. I'm alive but you'll never see me again.' I would put myself and him in danger." My head starts to pound more viscously but I shove it aside and continue to tell the heart braking story.
" What did you do." His voice is soft and uncertain terrified for what I'm about to say next. " I staged my death." I whispered closing my eyes at the memories of the horrid event. " The detectives found my body at the harbor and presumed me dead from hyperthermia being that my skin was ice cold." I chuckle humorlessly shaking my head sadly.
" Carlisle got the rights to do the autopsy and through the two week 'exam' I prepared myself." Venom rises in my eyes and I clench them shut. Alec's arm wraps around my waist and I relax taking a shaky breath and looking up to Andrew. " I prepared myself to pull off my last act. To lay in a casket as father screamed out for it not to be true. " His eyes widen slightly and Alec's grip on me tightens as this was a new story for him.
" Lucinda, The man from the dress shop I liked to go to, My old play mate Gabby, Our butler Johnathan they all cried even that fucking asshole Dominic had the balls to show up and give father his condolence. But father didn't cry he just sat there." I paused sucking in a breath and turning slightly so I leaned more into Alec I continued. " After everybody left he still sat in the exact spot not taking his eyes off me. I remember hearing the creak of the pew and every muscle in my body tensing up." Andrew stares at me as if he was a child his eyes glossing over . " He grabbed my hand in his and held on tightly before he broke. He started to scream at the sky cursing god for leaving him alone in this world. First his wife then his son and finally his daughter. I had to lay there and hear him scream at the walls anger growing in me as I wanted to murder Dominic I wanted him to feel pain for what he was doing to my father." I spit the last sentence out and clench my teeth tightly. " He finally stopped and the room got really quite. He broke it with a crazy laugh bending down and kissing my forehead before stumbling out." My head is lowered and my brown curls shields my face from the world.
Andrew steps forward and roughly grasps my forearms causing Alec to slam a hand onto his shoulder pushing him back. The two stare each other down for a second Andrews blinding grief and guilt fueling his anger.
Alec wouldn't think twice about snapping my brother's neck. If he posed any threat to me like he did in that woods my brother was a dead man. Already a threatening aura surrounded my mate and clear fog was ready to creep out at any second.
" What did he do.." I don't answer and look down at the wet wood patio the tears building up but none would fall. I wouldn't let them. " I-I...I tried to stop him god I tried.  as soon as he left I raced out towards the mansion but I was too late I was always too late." I dryly chuckle looking up at him steal clashing with red.
" He set our home ablaze with our servants trapped inside before shooting himself." The sentence leaves my lips in a whisper but it was like a sonic boom to my brother. Our father had gone crazy and murdered himself along with our staff because of our 'deaths'.
" H-He..." the tears that were held dormant in Andrew seemed to spill over. " W-Why didn't you stop it!!" He screams at me and I step back slightly. A broken man was someone to truly fear and pity. And as I watched my brother scream at me I couldn't bring myself to feel either all that ran through my vain's was numbness.
My mate however didn't share the same sympathy as he lunged forward ready to tear my brother's throat out. ' Don't .' I whisper softly but Alec hisses lowly clearly pissed off at my brother.
." Y-You could have showed him you were fine!!" I watch with my veil firmly in place as he slides down onto the wood floor holding his head in his hands sobs shaking his body. " This is all my fault.." he whispers lowly and I sigh clenching a fistful of Alec's shirt before letting go and stumbling forward. Alec moves to get me back in his arms but I drop to the floor in front of my brother and gently reach a hand up to his face.
My finger tips brush back his hair and then cup his cheek wiping the tears away slowly. My cold hands a big contrast to his hot skin. " It was out of our control. We couldn't have stopped it even if we wanted to..." I whisper gently and he cries out reaching forward  quickly and pulling me to his chest. I tense not likening the physical contact but I suck it up and place a comforting hand on his back rubbing it soothingly.
' I'm fine.' I reassure Alec and Felix who both move to rip him off me. " I'm sorry I'm so sorry." Andrew mumbles and I sigh softly cradling his head in my arms. " It's ok." I whisper softly running my fingers through his hair something our mother would do to both of us whenever we were sad or angry. Tears gather in my eyes but I shove them back focusing on comforting my brittle broken brother who laid in my arms.

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