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"Fear will swallow you up and spit you out.
You chose if you come out weak
Or strong"

You chose if you come out weak Or strong"

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       IT had been 6 weeks and no sign of the hellhound or his demon. I sat in the huge library I had spent all last night looking for a little peace and quiet. The perk was it was the farthest from the throne room and from Alec even if where on semi-good terms I wasn't taking any chances.
My laptop laid out in front of me as I answered emails from my business affairs and court cases I was representing. But in my lap sat Apollo Lopez's hunters bible flipped to the page about hell hounds which was only a chapter not much to go off of. Carlisle had shipped up a whole freezer of animal blood not as great as hunting but seeing as there is a Hound of hell in the woods killing anything with legs I had to settle.
So next to all my paper work and laptop was a wine glass of elk blood seeing as the Volturi were out of styrofoam cups. I was too engrossed in a section about how hell hounds where transformed or reproduced that I hadn't noticed the large oak doors begin slammed open and someone walking in until they sat down across from me.
I looked up my eyebrow raising half a centimeter as Jane was seated on a willow wood chair a large book in her hand and my glass of blood in her other. " How can you stand this it tastes revolting?" Her face scrunches up in disgust as she swirls the liquid around in the glass. " Years of tolerance." I say going back to my laptop as a new email comes in from an unknown user.
" Human blood is so much...flavorful." She says setting the cup down and going back to reading her book. " I'm sure it is." I hum back clicking on the email to read it at the same time picking up my glass of blood to take a sip. " You know my brother is as stubborn as Ox when trusting people." She says nonchalantly not even looking up from her book. I look up at her a slight glare in my eyes stating I didn't want to talk about it not now at least.
  " When he found out you where his mate it blew his mind that someone so gentle could be mated to something so destructive. He believes he doesn't deserve you and is begin a ass as a counter measure as not to fall in love...I've known my brother for 1000 years and I can see the way he looks at you he's fallen hard already. " My grip on my glass tightens the sound of the faint cracks of glass cause me to loosen my grip slightly.
" He's not the only one who's destructive...who's says I've fallen for him?" I growl glaring at her trying to sound tough but the small smirk that tugged at the end of her lips says otherwise " I see the way you look at him and if it's not like a love sick puppy then I don't know what is." I glare harshly at her about to protest when my computer pings again singling a new email looking down I quickly open it and my eyebrows forward in confusion.
" What the hell.." I click on a link connected to it and I immediately regret it as an auto starts to play. " It shall hunt for its bride
Never begin satisfied until its found its match
Forever hunting
Killing those unworthy
A single red rose in a bush of white roses"
A soft spoken women says and then stops abruptly before a shrill banshee scream rips through the computer speakers. I gasp in pain slapping my hands over my ears and  falling to my knees as my vision swirls in and out of darkness.
" ANASTASIA!!" Jane is shaking my shoulders trying to get my attention but I can't hear her all I hear is a deep raspy voice whispering in my ear " I'm coming for you my bride you shall be the queen of hell....my little knight" i reach my hand up onto the table and slam my computer closed stopping the sounds from coming out anymore. I gasp for air as Jane looks just as shaken up as me
  " what the fuck.." I pant as the oak doors are slammed open Alec and three other guards storming in looking ready to fight down anything. Alec immediately runs to his sister but she waves him off standing with ease " what is the meaning of this?" Aro steps into the library looking down at my scattered papers and blood stained floors.
" Your going to tell me what banshee you fucked with in the past century because she's back and I'm pretty sure she's not fucking around!!" I growl not mentioning the poem or voice to them. I try to stand but my knees knock together almost causing me to fall to the floor but luckily someone wrapped their arm around my waist stopping me.
I look up to see Alec looking down at me worriedly his grip on me is tight and protective causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I don't have the strength to pull away so I lean against him looking back at Aro who looks deep in thought. " Are you certain it is a banshee?" He asks looking deeply concerned and even a little scared.
" from the ringing in my ears and the shattered glass yes I'm sure it's a banshee." I say trying to keep my cool even though I'm stressing out banshees where the hardest to get rid of seeing as they're already dead. " We must put a constant watch on the castle ground no one leaves unless approved by us understood." Aro turns sharply to the lower guards who nod in understanding before taking off the relay the message. " Anastasia I want you stationed in the throne with us if she has let her scream here someone is to die tonight." Aro says gripping his hands together and looking at me with a pleading look.
" I'm not a bodyguard" I state simply pulling away from Alec and crossing my arms over my chest. " No your not but as a hunter this is your hunt." He says to which I close my eyes and sigh through my nose. " Fine but I must meditate if I need to us my powers tonight I want to be energized." I say grabbing all my stuff including my book that was still set on the desk no damage done to it. I fallow the guards out of the door and into the throne room were I sit at the steps by the masters.
My gun is placed by my side along with my knives just in case the banshee brings her furry friend. " Everything is in ordered masters" a guard bows to the kings before begin dismissed Alec and his sister stood on either side of Aro on high alert. I cross my legs and slowly levitate myself up knowing I would be more comfortable then on the cold marble floor. I feel my hair swirling around me as my eyes slide close and I focus on a close by stream in the forest the soft chirps of birds and bugs soothing my mind. ( play song)

Eternal love, Princess of Ashes  ( Alec Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now