The Nightmare.

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Chapter-2  The Nightmare.

"Stop! Stop!" I screamed breathing heavily.

"Where are you going, mom!"

"Please stop!" I sniffed.

"Don't leave me... please!" I pleaded.

I'm crying as if there's the hope of moving out of this dungeon, tears rolling down my cheeks. I am shouting my throat out..but nobody comes... except for a man wearing a balaclava. He is in full black clothing, holding a sword in his hand.

I scream and scream but no one else comes. The man comes near me, his footsteps echoing. I run out of breath, my chest heaving and look here and there but I cannot find anything.

I am terrified, it's like my heart might jump out any moment now. I am sure that the walls and the black-clad man can hear my thumping heartbeat.

I move back and he follows, I stumble and my back bumps against something hard and I realize that there's wall...

"Oh, shit" I curse.

I cannot move.
He is right in front of me pointing his sword towards me, pulling his hand back. Then his hand thrusts forward-

My scream died on my lips
"Ayaat! Ayaattt! ... up!'s wrong?"

"Get up Ayaat....ere's water? Go an...some, Zoya."

"Ayaat wake up." I can hear someone trying to wake me.

I can feel the water splash my face and I jerk my eyes open.

Everything was blurry

I blink repeatedly, trying to clear my vision.

Black flashes across my sight, the glint of metal-

I scream-"Getaway!"

I flinch back and move my hair out from my face and start crying.

"It was a bad dream, nothing's wrong. We are here, there's no one else, no one's going to harm you." Yumna assured.

I lift my head and look around, confirming that I'm safe.

"..breath easy, easy," Yumna speaks softly and gently brushes my back.

"Y-Yumna" I cried. "I-it's the same one... The same nightmare that I always get"

"Here, drink the water" I hadn't even noticed Zoya come in.

She places the glass to my lips and I take a few sips.

"Thanks." My crying slowly reduced to occasional hiccups.

"I-I am done with this" I blabbered. "Every n-night it haunts me."

"Every time, I wake up scared to death" I hiccup "Why did my father do that to me!?... Why didn't my mother save me?" I questioned like a foolish child.

"I lost my mother a year ago and what about my dad!? Why did he do that!? Why me? Why did he lock me in that dungeon!?" I wailed.

"What do I do?..." I sobbed.

Yumna and Zoya keep their silence, I know they don't have the answer to my questions.

"Please leave me alone for some time" I sniffed.

"But Ayaat..." Yumna begins but sighs "...are you sure? Is there something we can get for you?"

"No, thank you. Leave me alone, please. I'll be fine.." I plead.

They both hesitate at first, then they leave.

I drag my self to the balcony and wrap my arms around myself. My eyes fill up with tears again and I bite my lip to stop my sobs from escaping.

"Mom... why did you leave me?" I sniff, my eyes roaming the sky, searching for hope.

I lose the battle to control my emotions and my sobs escape in gasping breaths.
I cannot control my tears or the questions which plague my mind.

This nightmare has always made me feel as if someone took off the roof and snatched the floor underneath my feet. Like I'm a withered, fallen leaf. My destiny at the mercy of howling winds.

"I am done, mom! I don't have enough courage left" Anguish cloaks my voice in a blanket of misery.

"Can you hear me, mom?" I sobbed.
The cold air hits me as an answer dragged through a frozen ocean which only conveys hopelessness.

I continue to weep, slowly crouching down to lean my back against the railings and remember my mother's words.

"Ayaat, you are strong, you can make it, my dearest daughter. You need to have courage, there will be ups and downs but never give up, my love. Stand, be strong and fight for what's right. I love you, my dear Ayaat"

I sniffed.

"I miss you" My whisper was lost in the wind.

A hearty welcome to everyone. This is my first attempt and I'm really excited.
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Thank you

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