Better After

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Chapter 49: Better After.

It's been a year. Everyone's happy and cherished. I am done with my internship and finally got the certificate and now I am planning to open a clinic soon. Also Zain has been married and Zara is expecting a baby girl, I am so happy and excited as well. Yeah, obviously I will be her aunt.

But the best news is that Uzair fought with his situation so well that he's standing without any support now. Sometimes he feels fatigue but that's okay he'll be fine soon. On the other hand Danyal proposed Yumna and they got engaged a months ago. And I am so happy for her. Indeed after every trails there's ease. And I can sense the happiness in her eyes.

Meanwhile Uzair starts having a soft corner for Zoya but he does not wants to digest that fact. He says he don't want to betray Sofia and also is afraid to love anyone after that painful trauma. I feel so helpless that I cannot do anything with his matter because that's something very much personal to him and I want him to decide what we wants the best for himself. Indeed that would be difficult to start over again but he has too. He cannot live a life closing himself in his room permanently and I feel Zoya would be best for him.

Where as my dad have been sent into prison. His punishment have been changed because of his medical condition orelse he was been ordered to hang to death but later after seeing all the evidences regarding his mental health, the judge decides to punish him with life imprisonment with medical treatment as my dad is a disassociative indentity disorder patient, my uncle Nijat being a well known psychiatrist he is treating him. And that's something to relief. He visits him once in a month or so and we get the information regarding him whether he is doing good or so..
For now we know that he is good but sometimes shows very critical stage but he is under control. Whenever I have a glimpse of my past it feels terrible and now things become beautiful. I don't hate my dad now, not that I used too but at that time I was being treated missable and I always wondered why and now I knew why he was like that. Anyways I pray that he gets well soon.

"Groom has come" Yumna cheerfully came in my room. I startle. "Oh my God Yumna!! You can knock before you enter, you hella scared me." I gawk.

"Ohh keep your mouth shut and just know that your groom has come" she says. I turn over her "REALLY?" I asked yet shies. "Oh my dear sister, you look so beautiful, may Lord save you from evil eyes." She giggles.

"Okay thank you but this the 10th time you are saying this and that's enough please stop being an old lady and tell me where are they?" I ask excitedly obviously I have to see my prince after all.

"Hahaha.. no more words now because you has to stay in your room, you don't have to come downstairs till when me orelse Zoya didn't come to take you.. okay?" She instructs.

I pouts. "Not fair Yumna.."

"Aww.." She fake smiles. "You are a bride, this is your wedding and you cannot come out, so shut your mouth and sit here.." she demands and hugs me.

I stare at her without uttering a word obviously because I am mad at her. "Ok! Be right back.." she tells and walks out. "Yeah yeah you have to go downstairs because Danyal is waiting for you right!!" Meanwhile I teased. She stops and turns to me "well..." she utters.

Stops blushing Yumna. "Blah blah" she grimaces.

"Huh! Yeah!!! Whatever! I'll take revenge when you will be getting married." I shout while she's leaving the room.

"Okay we'll see" she shouts back.

I hear the cars coming closer and I ran in my balcony, I see them coming. The car stops and its my groom, Arhaan, steps out of the car. The first he is doing after stepping out is just looking up at my balcony which make me blush instantly.

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