its better to go

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Chapter-5 it's better to go.

"Wha-Aaah!" I yell as I tumble off my bed and down to the floor. Right on top of Zoya.

"Owww! Ayaat! Get off of me!" Zoya whines out. I lie there, blinking until Zoya shoves me off her.

"Oww", I rub my shoulder where it hit the floor. "Sorry Zoya, you know sometimes I'm a really messy sleeper", I give her a sheepish grin while she glares at me from inside her cocoon of blankets.

The three of us share a bedroom. Yumna and I sleep on single beds on opposing sides of the room, while Zoya sleeps in between us on a traditional futon mattress.

"Guys, it's not even sunrise yet. Go back to sleep". Yumna murmurs drowsily.

"Sorry I woke you Yumna. Zoya, you're not hurt, are you?"

"No, of course, I'm not hurt. How could I get hurt when an elephant falls on me!?" Zoya rolls her eyes while massaging her waist and her arm.

I stick my tongue out at her and climb back into bed.

"Ayaat, here." Yumna throws an extra pillow to me "Keep this on your side so that you won't fall again."

"Thanks" I smiled.

"I'm really sorry Zoya, I didn't do it on purpose." I apologise again.

"It's okay, I'm fine. Go back to sleep, you dummy." She says while yawning.


"Am I the only one who's awake?" I ask moving my warm covers away from my face.

"No, even I can't sleep", Zoya says sounding irritated but sleepy.

"Ugh!! I want to sleep but I can't fall asleep." Yumna says, annoyed.

I drag my legs down from my bed and walk to the balcony and sit at a table, they both follow me.

"I'm sleepy but I can't sleep", Zoya mumbles and slumps down on the table.

"I want to do something", I say staring at the purple and dark blue hues splashed across the sky.

"Like what?" Yumna ask.

"Today is a weekend and I want to sleep more..." Zoya whines out.

"Come on you sloth", Yumna says and kicks Zoya's chair which almost makes her fall.

"What the hell! Are you crazy!?" Zoya yells now fully awake.

I let out a chuckle.

"But what are we going to do? It's barely five in the morning, no shops or malls will be open", Zoya claims and again slams her head on the table.

"Well, we can go to the beach. It's quite near to our home and I always wanted to go to the beach early morning to listening to the waves" I look back at the sky which was slowly turning lighter.

"I mean, we never really get a proper view of the Sunset at our beach because of the direction it faces, we might as well check if we can see the Sunrise. You know, feeling the sun rays coming from the middle of the water and the fresh air" I say imagining the view.

"That's a good idea," Yumna says.

"Fine, let's go then" Zoya replies.

"Haaah!!" I inhaled deeply. "This is so refreshing right!" I say smiling and taking in the fresh, salty air from the sea.

"Yeah! it looks so beautiful... Subhanallah" Yumna says, staring at the Sunrise on the horizon.

"Indeed, God's creations!" Zoya exclaims.

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