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**Some Basic Information to Start the Story** Enjoy**

Seneca was the popular girl in high school. She was the head cheerleader and therefore was destined to be with the Captain of the football team Miles Blake.

They started dating and were deemed the perfect couple. But for some reason deep down inside Seneca always felt like something was missing in her life.

Too bad none of that mattered anymore when she found out that she was pregnant right in the middle of her senior year of high-school.

She lived in a small town and in small towns when you find out you're pregnant its only reasonable that you get married right away.

Miles and Seneca had a perfect fairytale wedding, aside from the fact that Seneca's belly was a little larger than she had planned.

A few months later she gave birth to the most perfect little girl named Maybelle.

They stumbled through the first few years of marriage and tried their best to make a decent home and life for Maybelle.

However, the toll of being thrown into so much responsibility at such a young age started to wear on them and they felt themselves slipping away from one another.

Seneca felt that the events in her life, like becoming a teen mom and struggling to do so, had humbled her and that she finally realized what the real world was like. She had stopped worrying so much about keeping up a specific appearance.

Miles on the other hand still held a more immature stance on life and still carried the same cocky attitude that he had in high school.

The couple decided to try to work on their relationship and began attending couples therapy.

One night after their second session, Miles offered to take Seneca to dinner at a nice restaurant in town. She saw the gesture as his attempt at trying and agreed.

Let the story begin 😉

Miles and Seneca sat down to dinner at the most romantic restaurant in town. Now, the small town of Fairfield didn't have too much to offer in the entertainment world, but what it did have was one of the best little Italian bistros in the area.

Alexanders provided a candle lit, sit down dinner with the most amazing (and expensive!) food you could imagine.

Most men in Fairfield saved a trip to the bistro for only the very best of occasions. So, the fact that Miles chose to bring Seneca here tonight made her feel even more confident that the marriage counseling was working.

The couple ordered their food and sipped on wine as they enjoyed their first night out together in a long while.

Miles leaned across the table and hovered his lips just next to Seneca's ear and said "you look beautiful" and then kissed her cheek.

For a moment Seneca felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach that Miles used to make her feel back in high school.

However, those butterflies were quickly interrupted when what sounded like a growl erupted in the restaurant. Seneca's eyes searched around the room and landed on a man in the corner of the room who apparently had flipped his table.

Miles and Seneca jumped up at the sight, as two men dressed in all black suits grabbed onto the man and began dragging him out of the restaurant.

The restaurant was designed to be romantic so the low lighting made it nearly impossible to fully make out what the man being dragged out looked like.

Just before he was pulled through the exit Seneca caught a glimpse of him. He made perfect eye contact with her and for a moment she could have sworn his eyes were glowing green.


Unknown POV

"How could you drag me out of there !"
"I am your Alpha - you listen to me NOT the other way around !"

The man standing in front of him was dressed in an all black suit. He began speaking slowly choosing his words wisely as he went- "Sir, you know that I'm you're Beta and I accompany you to help you in any way that I can"

"Then why didn't you help me get her out of that restaurant ..... away from .....from that piece of sh*t

"You may be my Beta, Derek, but you're lucky I didn't rip you to shreds in that restaurant"

"Alpha, all due respect but you would have been jeopardizing the entire community, the entire pack for that matter — you've picked up plenty of women before what's so special about her" Derek said calmly

"She's my mate !" He spat back

"And of course she was enjoying a date with that pig. She may not realize it but I could definitely smell the strong scent of a another female on him"

Derek began to smirk "Ah so the big bad Alpha has finally found his mate ...... I thought you'd never be tied down"

"Neither did I but as soon as our eyes met I knew she had to be mine......she WILL be mine"

"Derek send out our best spies I want to find out as much as I can about her and that poor excuse of a man she was with."

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