My Mate is Married - Chapter 22

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Miles POV

I walked slowly up the sidewalk to Seneca's moms house. It was time to finally face her mother after telling her what really happened between me and Seneca.

I stopped just at the bottom of the porch stairs and started thinking about all the good memories that I have with Seneca. I've walked up these porch stairs so many times in my life to pick her up and walk her to the car for a date.

I used to get those butterfly feelings, that girls always talk about, every time I'd ring the doorbell.
I'd sit sometimes on the old porch swing hanging off to the right just waiting for her to finish getting ready.

She used to always work so hard on her appearance. Maybe I've been to rough on her not trying as hard these last few years.

I walked up and onto the porch as the old wooden steps creaked behind me. I ran my hand along the worn bannister along the outside of the porch and stopped when I felt the familiar little grooves.

I looked down and stared at the mine and Seneca's initials that we carved into the wood so long ago.
Back when life was easy. When we only had to worry about being young and in love.

I felt warm tears spring to my eyes that I haven't let show in a very long time. I can't believe I hurt Seneca the way I did. And when May eventually finds out when she's older, well I don't think I could face her.

To think of some scum bag of a man treating my little girl that way makes me even more angry at myself. I tried holding back the tears so I could collect myself before Maybelle saw me.

But unfortunately those wooden stairs must have creaked a little to loud when I walked up because before I knew it the door flew open and my sweet little daughter leaped into my arms.

"Daddy! Why are you crying?" She said in a sad voice as she let her lower lip pout out.

"Well darling, I'm just so very happy to see you. I missed you."

"I missed you too daddy, but where's mommy ?"

And with that I lost the last shred of masculinity I had left and let the tears pour down my face.

Seneca's mom had just stepped out and took over the conversation for me.

"Well, Maybelle like I told you mommy's need some free time to relax too. Mommy is just taking a little break so she has even more energy to play with you when she gets back. Now why don't you head in and play with your baby dolls for just a few more minutes and I'll come get ya when your dad is ready."

"Okay grandma ! Pwease don't cry anymore daddy."
May whispered in my ear and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

I set her down and she ran off into the house.

I collected myself and wiped my face as Seneca's mom and I say down on the old porch swing.

It lightly swung back and forth as we sat in an uncomfortable silence.

"Well Diane, I really messed up big this time. I just can't believe I let everything get to this point."

"Oh Miles, if there's one thing I've learned from the hard life I've lived, it's that you can't focus on what's behind you- you need to think about how to change what's in front of you."

"It's going to be hard but you're going to have to make some really big changes if you want Seneca to forgive you. And I'm willing to help. You're a wonderful man Miles and I'd hate to see Seneca end up with someone like her father."

I sighed, it's going to take a lot to fix this- but there's no way in hell Im giving up my sweet Seneca.

I know most people don't get along with their mother in laws but honestly Diane has always been so kind to me. It was kind of nice to have a mother figure giving me guidance during mine and Seneca's young relationship.

I stood up from the swing and held my hand out to help Diane up as well. We walked towards the front door of the house ready to call out for May.

Diane spoke quietly, "I'm sure Seneca is just off trying to figure things out but I just let the police station know that we're concerned and they'd keep an eye out. Said this sort of thing isn't out of the ordinary."

"Thank you, I am starting to worry about her. But the look I saw in her eyes that night - well I really can't blame her for staying away."

A small frown formed on Diane's face and I know she was disappointed in me as well. She always held me to such high standards for her daughter, I'm going to have to work hard to earn it back.

"Maybelle come on out now, your father's ready to go."

I faced the front door waiting for May to come out.
After a few moments the door flew open and Mays eyes focused behind me as she shouted something that my mind couldn't quite process fast enough.

"Mommy, Mommy, you're back !!!"

May ran straight past me as I turned around to look down the stairs. Running towards the porch was a very distraught Seneca. Her hair was a mess, she was barefooted, muddy and in a nightgown?

Before I could say anything Seneca scooped up Maybelle and flew onto the front porch. She hugged Her tight and in a desperate cry she yelled "we have to get inside, I think I'm being chased by wolves."

I held onto my two girls and ushered them into the house and locked the door right behind me.

I turned to Seneca to ask her what the hell happened, but I was interrupted by a loud howl coming from just outside.

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