My Mate is Married? - Chapter 31

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***** Sorry that it has been so long since my last update. I have honestly wrote and re wrote this chapter multiple times and I just can't seem to get into the rhythm of writing again.

I was going to just stop and chalk it up to writers block - but I hate when writers do that in the middle of a story I'm reading.

So I just decided to power write straight through this chapter and not think too much. It's not edited - it may not be great- but the story must go on 😊

****So please be kind with any comments

Seneca's POV

Shivers ran through me as his breath fanned along my neck.

As soon as he told me to flip over, I was done.
It was like my body took over and all logic went right out the window.

The heat that had been building all day exploded and i instantly knew what I needed to cool it down.

I gave him a slight nod to show him my approval.
A gasp escaped my lips as he flipped my body over on the table in one swift motion.

The fact that The mask still covered my eyes made my anticipation for his touch grow. Waiting- not knowing when or where he'd touch first.

I could sense his body close to me just before I felt his hands caress both my breasts. Slowly massaging them. He must have finally removed the gloves and my body was tingling from the sensation.

His fingers caressed over my nipples, and I could feel sparks ignite through me.

The heat and the tingles overwhelmed me, causing my hips to lift off the table as I let out a moan of satisfaction.

His fingers slid lower just past my navel and my hips bucked once again - dying to have his hands just a little lower.

I heard a small growl of appreciation leave his lips and it set something off inside my soul. I needed this man now. Right now.

I reached up and ripped the mask from my eyes and stared forward as my eyes adjusted to the light.


She stared right at me but it was like she hadn't registered who I was just yet.

Should I run. I mean she had to have known it was me- right. I literally said "my sweet Seneca." Did she not notice?

I took the gloves off so she could feel the sparks. I even growled - how many people has she heard growl.

Would she go this far with a random stranger?
Maybe she's not the girl I thought she was.
She was acting like a werewolf in heat.

Honestly I was just planning on giving her a normal massage and then.....


I was pulled from my thoughts as Seneca's hand made contact with my cheek.

Slap. Again.

I reached up to grab her hands gently to keep her from hitting me again. Honestly she'd
probably just hurt herself.

"You crazy son of a b*tch. How dare you touch me like that."

"Shhhhh" i lifted my finger to my lips
"I don't want the worker to come rushing in here."

"Of course you don't. You shouldn't be in here ! ..... Wait how did you get in here ?"
She whisper yelled to me

"Well I may have told that lady that I was your husband and wanted to surprise you with a massage." I rubbed the back of my neck waiting for her response.

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