My Mate is Married -Chapter 8

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Above is how I pictured Ace's body type ⬆️

Seneca's POV

I was only half listening to this conversation - I mean it was pretty hard to concentrate now that my kidnapper had removed his shirt.

I ogled at his buff chest, a tattoo running across his right peck and down his right bicep and another running down the length of his left arm. My gaze traveled downward to his sculpted six pack.

My eyes were beginning to travel even lower and dirty thoughts started to cloud my mind when suddenly it hit me that Ace had just explained that he's a werewolf...... he honestly wanted me to believe that he was a f*cking werewolf.

I laughed so hard when he first told me and from his expression I could tell that in his own mind he really thought that he was a werewolf too.

The last thing he was explaining to me was his take on werewolf mates. Apparently I'm his mate and he came up with all these reasons to try to convince me.

It wasn't long before I realized that he must have planned this all out long ago. He must have assumed that I was an easy target for brainwashing.

Plenty of people in high school used to call me the dumb blonde but it was usually an act I put on to attract boys. I actually was quite smart and Ace wasn't going to fool me.

Yes all the things he was saying did explain how I was feeling and how I had felt about him at the store.

I did smell an alluring smell when he came up to my register but he must have sprayed a bunch of different perfumes to pull that trick off.

Now the sparks thing I was a little less sure of. I'm assuming that he had some sort of electrical device up his sleeve that gave me that feeling when we would touch.

And lastly the feeling of being drawn to each other. Yes I felt a pull to Ace but what girl wouldn't feel a pull to that man and his good looks.

I now realized that I was dealing with a psycho - I had to make my escape and fast. I jumped off the bed and headed towards the door expecting him to stop me before I even got out the door.

Luckily I made it right through the bedroom door and turned to see a lock on the outside of it. I quickly pulled the latch and ran down the hallway listening to Ace pounding on the door as I took off.

I reached a flight of stairs that opened up to a two story tall lobby with a chandelier hanging at the top.

I suddenly noticed two men standing at the bottom. Oh no will they try to stop me - are they psychos too? Surprisingly they both bowed their heads at me and in unison said "Luna"

Well that was weird I thought to myself and sprinted for the front door. It was unlocked yes ! I ran straight out the door as I heard one of the men yell after me "you might want to run a little faster, he seems pretty mad!"

That scared me a little bit so I took off as fast as I could across what looked like a giant open field, or maybe a back yard, and decided it would be best to head for the tree line ahead.

Just as I was about to reach the first tree i could have sworn that I heard a growling noise. All of the sudden I felt myself fly forward as I was tackled to the ground by something or rather someone.

Just as my head was about to make contact with the ground a familiar hand cradled it from the fall.

Suddenly, I was on the ground with Ace on top of me. In a very risqué position I might add. Somehow we had landed just perfectly that my legs were spread open and Ace's body rested right in between.

I was scared to look up, not wanting to make eye contact with the psycho. "Look at me now Seneca!"
I heard in his deep growl voice

I finally lifted my eyes to meet his and realized that they were completely black. "Ace your eyes ...."

"I know Seneca!"
"Answer my question now -who were you trying to get home too?!" He shouted

"I .... I .......Ace please don't make me say it ...."
I pleaded with him hoping that somehow I could avoid telling him about Maybelle ....I couldn't risk her safety even if it meant staying with this loon forever.

"I know it's him's Miles isn't it." He growled
"Well he cant have what's mine - he'll never have my mate!" With that he leaned in and started trailing kisses down my neck.

I can't lie and say that the crazy man wasn't doing a good job but I was still scared of what was going on.
"Ace please don't" but I was cut short

"It will only hurt for a second" he whispered in my ear. Dread filled me - hurt what does he mean hurt.

My thoughts were cut off when I felt Ace stop kissing my neck and hover his mouth just above my collar bone. I felt his teeth graze my skin.

I felt pain tear through my neck and shoulder. Oh my gosh he's ....he's biting me - the pain grew worse and worse.

"Ace get off me now !" I said as I struggled to push him off of me. But it was no use it felt like his teeth actually sank in deeper sending another horrible wave of pain through me.

Finally after what felt like forever I felt him release his bite and suddenly a rush tore through me.

It was the most amazing sensation as this pleasurable feeling surged through my shoulder and then down my entire body.

All the feelings - all the emotions must have wore me out because not long after that I felt myself almost falling slowly away into a sort of high like feeling.

I felt myself being lifted up like a baby and cradled. I could tell I was being carried somewhere.

For some reason I felt my body snuggle into Ace's hold and I quickly fell asleep in his arms.

I fell into a deep sleep.

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