Chapter 32

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Seneca's POV

I walked through the lobby of the spa just waiting for Ace to come barging outand chase after me.

I knew he was right I'm not ready to commit to him yet - but my body was fighting me on this.

I had to force myself to hurry out to the car and drive away.

I headed down the long dark stretch of road, listening to the howl of a wolf in the distance. I knew right away that it was Ace.

I could feel the pain in his heart each time like he was calling out to me his mate.

For the first time I truly believed him about the bond we had. Everything within my soul told me to go to him and complete our bond. To let him cool this burning inside my soul.

I sped all the way home - hoping once I got home I could shake this feeling. I understand that Ace and I have some type of fates destiny with one another. But I'm just not sure now is the right time.

I don't know how May would deal with Miles and i separating. If I'm ready to have shared custody of my daughter.

And on top of all that I'm not even sure that I want May to be involved in this strange supernatural world. Maybe Ace can wait for me. In 15 years May will be 18 and if I have anything to do with it she'll be headed off to college like I always wanted. Could he wait that long for me?

All of these scrambled thoughts filled my head and started to overwhelm me as I pulled into my drive way.

I stared up at my house. The one me and Miles bought together a few years after we married. I remember we were so excited that we had finally saved enough money to buy it. He went out to the wildflower patch a few miles away and picked a bouquet to put in each of the rooms to surprise me on the first day we moved in.

The longer I stared at the house, I realized that all of the lights were out. I grabbed for the door handle and quickly jumped out knowing something was wrong.

Maybelle never ever let us turn out all the lights. She always had to have at least one on. I sprinted for the front porch only to be tackled to the ground my a black figure.

I tried to scream as I hit the ground but a hand was thrown over my mouth. I started to flail but then I heard a voice near my ear. "Seneca it's me Issac you have to be very quiet."

I looked up at Issac only to be met with glowing green eyes. I started to scream again under the force of his hand but it was no use.

"I'm not here to hurt you Seneca. There's bad wolves trailing around the property. I had May and miles moved to a different location and I assumed you would have left the spa with Ace."

My eyes widened at the realization that Issac- the police chief- knew about Ace all along. He knew I was kidnapped by a werewolf and on top of all of that - he IS a werewolf.

Should I trust him after all the lies? I looked back up into his eyes and it was like my soul told me I could trust him with anything.

He removed his hand and said we need to quietly get back into the van and leave. Right now. He helped me up and ran with me to the driver side of my van.

I scrambled to open the door but I was so worked up that it made such a simple task so difficult.
Issac tried to reach for the door handle instead but as he did we were suddenly both thrown sideways at great force.

Issac landed underneath me blocking my fall to the drive way. Then he lightly tossed me off of him so that he could make his way toward the threat.

I watched Issac stock into the darkness but I couldn't see anything or anyone.

I stared towards the direction He went trying to see or hear any indication of if he was ok. I looked to my right as I heard a growl only a few feet away but it was impossible to see it.

I crawled back towards the van hoping to get to safety. As I inched toward the car I was thrown once again for the third time tonight.

Shoved to the ground staring up at the starry sky. My vision of the sky was quickly blocked by the snarling face of another werewolf. I could tell even in the darkness that this was not Ace or Issac.

"Please don't kill me" I screamed out as I closed my eyes shut.

A laugh filled the air. "I'm not going to kill you. That wouldn't be enough to make that alpha of yours suffer. No I'm going to make you mine sweetheart."

I opened my eyes to peek and realized that the wolf that was on top of me was now changed to a very naked man.

I tried wiggling free from the iron grip that this man had on me. "It's useless I wouldn't waste your energy darling, you'll need it later in the bedroom." He winked

My mind wanted to kick him right in the goods at this moment. But my body betrayed me and his words actually excited my core.

He stopped and sniffed the air for a moment- "oh did you like that sweet Luna. - wait. He laughed for a moment - "oh this is even better you're in heat."

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