My Mate is Married -Chapter 6

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Above : Where Miles and Seneca's wedding took place. (but her hair would have been blonde)

Miles POV

Well , she finally caught me. Seneca had walked in on me cheating. And to make it worse it was in our house, in our bedroom. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel like a complete a**hole. I never meant for us to get to this point in our life.

Back in high school I was the captain of the football team. That obviously made it pretty easy to have pretty girls at my side at all times. But that didn't mean that there wasn't one girl in particular that caught my eye more than any other. That girl was Seneca.

She was the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen in my life. She had long blonde curls that framed her face and blue eyes that sparkled. She had an amazing body and to top it off she was the head cheerleader of her squad.

From the moment we met I knew that I had to have her as my girlfriend. She wasn't exactly into the idea at first. In fact at first she put her nose up at the idea of dating me.

It took a little charm and some sweet gestures but I eventually won her over. When we finally started dating I felt like I was the luckiest guy in the entire world.

We dated through our junior and senior year. We had been deemed the 'perfect couple' by many people in our small little town. A 'Barbie and Ken' cliche couple.

We started out our senior year and everything seemed to be going our way. In September we were voted homecoming king and queen and by the beginning of December I had just ended the best year in football that I had ever had.

That New Year's Eve we had a big banger in the woods. It was a seniors only party and it was being held as sort of a final celebration together as a class.

By halfway through the party Seneca and I were pretty drunk and we sloppily headed towards my car. I led her into the back seat of my car and we uh 'did the deed'

We woke the next morning to realize that two drunk teenagers weren't the best at using protection. We decided it would be fine and ignored the idea of it for a few weeks.

Seneca hadn't mentioned anything for about a month so she probably figured we were in the clear.

I remember I picked her up on Valentine's Day for a wonderful evening I had planned for the two of us.
Dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town, and a romantic movie to follow. Too bad we never even made it to the restaurant.

Seneca and I were talking casually as I drove down Main Street in town. We were commenting on where I might go to college next year. I mentioned a university that was across the country and noticed her tense a little.

I changed the subject quickly and said

"well at least that will be our only worry next year and to think a month ago we were worried about having a baby!"

I heard nothing but silence from the seat beside me and turned to see tears now pouring down Seneca's cheeks. I didn't even have to ask what was wrong I already knew.

She spoke to me through her tears "I'm so scared Miles .... please .....please don't leave me....."

"What kind of monster do you think I am Seneca I would never leave you at a time like this." I cradled her face as I said this.

Even though this was going to be a tough year I knew that I had the most gorgeous, perfect girl by my side and now I'd have her by my side forever. No one else would ever be able to take her from me.

By the time April rolled around I had planned a proposal right outside her house in her front yard. Her mother cried in the front door way as I got down on one knee and placed a ring on Seneca's finger.

Candles and flower petals lay on the grass around us.
Her belly was just starting to poke out a little but she wore a flowy dresses to hide it.

Her mother was so excited to plan a wedding. I remember she would always refer to me as 'my daughters perfect boyfriend'.

She planned all of the details for Seneca and I. By the end of June we were not only high school graduates but also about to be husband and wife.

I was so excited to marry Seneca. I knew every guy out there would be jealous of the gorgeous girl on my arm.

Our wedding took place on top of a hill just outside of town. There was a giant tree at the top of that hill that her mother deemed "as the perfect spot to get married".

White chairs lined the aisle that Seneca would walk down and rose petals lay on the grass. Her mother planned to give her away. I hadn't really found out what happened to Seneca's father - she would never open up to me about it.

The day had finally arrived. I knew Seneca was nervous about her protruding baby belly and what our guests would think. I wasn't worried - all I could think about was that she was finally all mine.

I stood by the alter as our guests took their seats. White Barn Doors had been placed at the back of the aisle to hide Seneca until the ceremony started.

The music started and the doors opened to reveal my beautiful Seneca with a white flowing dress making it a little more difficult to spot to spot her growing baby bump.

When they finally reached me her mother leaned in and kissed my cheek and said "thank you for making sure my daughter married the perfect husband".

My eyes looked to Seneca who had tears in her eyes. Some would think that they were sad tears but I knew that she was just overwhelmed with so much joy at that moment.

We said our I do's and enjoyed the rest of the evening at our small outdoor reception.

September that year our little Maybelle had been born and I loved her so very much. She was beautiful just like her mother and I knew the three of us had an amazing future waiting for us.

As the years passed Seneca had begun to 'let herself go' in a way. She let her blonde hair grow out and it had now turned to a plain old brown color. I found out that her blue eyes were actually just colored contacts and there were average green ones underneath. She was still beautiful but I wished she would try a little harder for me.

I feel like that's where our problems stemmed from...her lack of trying for me. And on top of that she was always working or taking Maybelle somewhere and I felt like she never had time to uh ....satisfy me.

That's why I had to start to sneak off with that slut she saw in our bedroom. Seneca just thought I was staying late at work but really I needed to get my fix. I knew in the long run it would help me get through this rough patch in mine and Seneca's relationship.

I know some guys would just file for divorce but in all honestly Seneca was a prize to me. The woman that I had worked so hard to make mine. There was no way in hell that I was going to let her go off into some other mans arms.

I know she'll come back to the house anytime now. Her mother called this morning to say that Seneca had never picked Maybelle up last night.

I decided to tell her that Seneca just needed some girl time and that I set her up at the spa for the night.

Any minute Seneca would walk through the door and I could just explain why this happened and how she could start trying a little harder and everything would go back to the way it was before. Every fight we ever had she always came running back .....

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