My Married Mate- Chapter 23

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I ran through the forest at full speed determined to get my mate back. My warriors had already mind linked me that they had found Seneca and were running along with her, out of sight to make sure she was protected.

I didn't want them stopping her because I knew they would scare her. I didn't want my mate to be any more scared then she already is, plus if she tries to run they would stop her. And no males are aloud to touch my mate unless they have a death wish.

Because of Seneca's mark I could feel her emotions right now. She was so afraid and torn apart inside. I could feel the hurt and betrayal in her heart like it was my own.

And it's all my fault. I finally had my mate warming up to me and I had to go and ruin it. Not just because she heard me say it but because I should have never gone against my mate like that.

I wanted her so badly that I was willing to make her feel such hurt and see it with her own eyes.

I need to get to her before she reaches home. I just need to explain myself and make her understand that this was for the best.

Hell, she might just think the whole thing was made up at this point. I mean if I tricked her into catching miles, maybe I planted the girl there in the first place.

And if she gets to him first he can give her all the answers she wants to hear. He can lie and tell her that that was the first and only time that he ever cheated on her.

I will not let my mate be disrespected like that by staying with that scum. Once she comes back with me and I explain if she still wants to leave my home then I'll let her, but no way in hell will I let her go back to him.

I pushed my wolf harder and harder forward through the dark woods. I could sense how close I was getting to my mate but I also knew that we were nearing very close to town.

I flew between trees and over the sticks and debris on the forest floor. Gosh, my mates feet must be hurting if she's running barefoot through all of this.

I finally reached the creek bed that runs just a few hundred feet from the border of town. And that's when it hit me. A soft summer breeze blew through and the sweet smell of honeysuckle hit my nose.

My Mate ! She has to be right here.

I ran toward the smell and was only about fifty feet from Seneca when she noticed me coming up from behind her.

"Stay away from me Ace! I don't want this - any of it"
She screamed, clearly out of breath as she continued to run ahead.

I hated doing this to her. I could feel her fear of being caught by me. And because we haven't mated yet I can't mind link her.

I could see lights up ahead and pushed myself harder to catch her before she made it out into plain sight.

"I mean it Ace! Leave me alone. Please."
The last word came out as more of a screechy cry and my heart broke for my mate.

I slowed for just a second as she made it out of the tree line. I was relieved when I saw that she was headed toward a house that wasn't Miles.

I stopped debating how to get her as she as she was out in the open.

Before I could process my thoughts I watched from behind he trees as a little girl leaped off the porch and into Seneca's arms.

"Mommy, mommy you're back!"

Mommy ? Mommy?
My mates not only married but she already has a child with him.

I fell to the forest floor and lay wondering why this was happening to me. I pulled myself back up and put all of  my hurt and anger into one last howl aimed directly at the moon goddess herself.

Why did fate have to be so cruel.

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